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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Baconville

  1. I am meticulous about tracking on MFP. But, I have never tracked the supplements. My clinic does not require me to track calories (even though I do). I am required to track my protein grams. I like to know the nutrition that I am getting from the food I am actually eating. Listing the supplements would through that off. I don't believe that if I begin to gain weight or my weight loss stalls it will be due to my Flinstones Complete vitamins.
  2. Hi Stacy, My name is Carol and I had my RNY on June 25, 2013, which puts me just over 8 months out. I lost 40 pounds prior to surgery (I have lost a total of 170 pounds as of this weekend!). If you have not found and started using MyFitnessPal.com I suggest you check this out. This app has been my salvation and was how I lost the 40 pounds pre surgery. Still it is hard when you have food around you that you love, but can't or shouldn't eat. I have allowed myself one or two bites of these foods. Having a taste allows me to not feel deprived of a food that is a favorite and want it all the more. I have to stress that I really do keep it to one or two small bites. Losing the 40 pounds prior to surgery was a very good thing for me. It made me start to put in place new habits and strategies that have been mandatory following surgery. This is a great time to begin working on skills like counting Protein grams, separating drinking and eating, and increasing your Water intake. Make an effort to increase your activity. It's very hard at the beginning, but it really helps on so many levels. I can tell you from the other side that this is a journey worth taking! I have my life back!! IT IS NOT EASY!! So many think that surgery is the easy way, it is not. But if you stay focused and do the work, you will have success. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  3. I am Catholic. Every year I have given up something for Lent. I have done French fries, chocolate, and pop over the years. Well, this year I don't eat fried food at all, never eat candy and have not had a sip of pop or caffeine since May. I am exercising five days a week. I don't know what I should do for Lent. Anybody have some creative ideas? It has to be something that is not FOOD related.
  4. Baconville

    Lent. What are you giving up?

    After much sole searching I have decided to give up nothing. Instead I am going to dedicate 15 minutes each day in the evening to quiet, prayerful reflection on my day. 15 minutes with no TV, electronics or other distractions. This is only day three, 15 minutes is a really long time!
  5. Baconville

    Shopping list

    You will need protein shakes, whichever one you have decided you like. Applesauce, soup, plain or vanilla Greek Yogurt. You do not need much, you will be shocked by how little you will be eating! Oh, and a protein powder, get some samples if you can. That way you can try several and see what you like. Your vitamins are also important, so make sure you have those on hand. Good luck!!
  6. Baconville

    A Couple of questions.

    Molly, so you eat it cold, right? I have found recipes and ideas for cold. I normally have cherry or blueberry Greek Yogurt with a tablespoon of ground flax seed. I miss hot cereal. With cold foods you can always add Protein powder, to bump up the protein if you need to. I have yet to find a powder that works in hot foods. I live in Minnesota and this winter I have really missed starting my day with a hot breakfast! My NUT told me that Egg Beaters would be my best option for a hot breakfast. I just can't get excited about eggs in the morning, although I do have them for either lunch or dinner at least a couple days a week. Thank you so much for the ideas! I am definitely going to check out that site. Always looking for new ideas!! Carol
  7. Baconville

    A Couple of questions.

    I will give you the opposite side since I see my clinic as more conservative than most I see here. We are told that we should ALWAYS follow the 30/30/30 rule. That rule is no drinking 30 minutes before eating, chew every bite 30 times, and no drinking for 30 minutes after finishing eating. Drinking while eating allows you to eat more since it pushes the food through your pouch. Stopping drinking and waiting to drink is making use of the tool that RNY is. Not following his rule most believe will lead to weight gain over time. As for eating carbs... We should always eat our Protein first. We must also make our protein goal. Once those are met adding in some carbs is fine. I have had potatoes, rice, crackers, and bread. The one thing that my NUT told me I should not go back to is Cereal for Breakfast. I always enjoyed oatmeal for breakfast. There is simply not enough protein in any of the cereals to make the daily protein goal. It's different for each of us, but I hope this helps. Good luck!!
  8. Baconville

    June Post Ops!

    I found a swimsuit today!!! Under $50 at JCPenney. It's not as slimming as some that cost upwards of $100, but it covers what I need it too and I won't feel bad if I have to toss it by the end of summer. For others that are looking, JCP had a good sale.
  9. Baconville

    Stages of gastricbypass

    Yes. I have been on MFP for nearly a year. I sincerely believe that this will be the tool that will be the secret to my long term success. It doesn't stop the fear that I will wake up one day over 300 pounds again. I am determined that that nightmare NOT become reality! I think in some ways the fear is a good thing, it keeps me determined.
  10. Baconville

    June Post Ops!

    Congratulations on all your successes! You look fantastic and I bet you feel even better! This a journey where we need to learn to make permanent changes. The home gym is great! Food will always be our challenge, it will take more that a few months to eliminate a lifetime of bad habits. I know that I wake up every day afraid this will be the day everything goes off track and determined to make the choices that will keep me progressing toward my goal. Celebrate!! You deserve it!
  11. Baconville

    June Post Ops!

  12. Baconville

    June Post Ops!

    Thanks Dbanks! I would have not gotten here without the support of you and the great folks on this site. We inspire each other!
  13. Baconville

    June Post Ops!

    I so agree! The Sam's Club suit was under $30, but is not the most flattering. I have found suits that are more flattering, but have to spend upwards of $100. Just don't know what I want to do!
  14. Baconville

    Stages of gastricbypass

    I will not repeat what was excellent information already provided. But I will add one more 'stage', and that is worry that I can keep it off. I am 8 months out. I have been VERY careful about following the rules and have never had any of the physical symptoms that so many experience. I have not found a single food that I have not been able to tolerate at least a couple of bites of. I have lost 165 pounds. I can not imagine how devastating it would be to go back...
  15. Yes. They count toward both. I normally don't count them as fluids either. I only count my water.
  16. Baconville

    June Post Ops!

    WAY TO GO!!! Your friend is exactly right, petites are smaller all the way around - you will wear an 8 in regular misses. You are where I am trying to get. I have about 15 - 20 more pounds to go.
  17. Baconville

    Protein bars

    I started the Pure Protein Bars around six months. That was when the grams of protein I need to get each day increased and I wanted to use as few calories as possible to meet the goal. I normally have one for lunch. Prior to that I had one fat free mozzarella string cheese stick. Convince is also a consideration. I have them at work, and this is a very easy lunch.
  18. My NUT told me no cereals, ever. I loved oatmeal pre surgery. She said there is really no good way to go back. There is just not enough protein. She told me that it is just not a smart choice. I am currently 8 months out. I had this conversation with her at my six month follow up.
  19. Baconville

    June Post Ops!

    I do, but I am not a member. I am a member of Sam's Club. I found one cheap there, but I don't really like it. I hate swimsuit shopping!
  20. Baconville

    June Post Ops!

    GREAT JOB!!! I am looking for a swimsuit. I currently don't have one that fits. Don't want to spend a lot because I hope to not be in this size by summer. I can't wait to get back in the pool though! Great exercise and refreshing at the same time.
  21. Baconville

    June Post Ops!

    I am no longer obese! My goal was to drop my BMI into the overweight category by March 1. I stepped on the scale this morning, and I am there!!! When I began this journey my BMI was over 60. I am now under 30. My weight goal does not take me to a normal BMI, I want to be at a weight I feel I can maintain. I am nearly there. I am flying high this morning!!
  22. Baconville

    I Ate 2400 Calories

    Are you getting all your water in? Often times I feel hungry when really I am thirsty. Take one day and really plan what you will eat and how much you will drink. Tell yourself you are just going to do your best to get through ONE day. It takes planning. Often times when we don't plan is when we really have a bad day. You are on MFP and that is a fantastic tool. Keep using that. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  23. Baconville

    June Post Ops!

    What wonderful life lessons you have learned in the past two weeks! I am glad you are home and that your Mom's condition has stabilized so that she can be home. Could it be that some of the emotional baggage was lost and that is what broke the stall? I have been thinking about you and sending my prayers. Here is to living a long healthy life at a healthy weight!! Carol
  24. Baconville

    Protein bars

    I like Premier Protein bars. I have found them at Target. They have only 180 calories, 20 grams of protein, 2 grams of sugar, and 4.5 grams of fat. The only flavor I have been able to find is chocolate deluxe. Fortunately, I really like them. I have one nearly every day for lunch. I especially like that I can get 20 grams of protein and only have to spend 180 calories.
  25. Hi Kathleen. Happy surgery day! I hope all went well for you and that you are recovering well. Remember that the very best thing you can do for yourself is walk. The more you walk the better you will feel. By the way, what a night to be in the hospital! The weather couldn't be much worse. Stay safe, heal fast. Carol

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