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Everything posted by Baconville

  1. Baconville

    I am FREEZING!

    I am ALWAYS cold! I am 10 months out and have lost 185 pounds. I tell people it was a bad winter to decide to shed a 185 blanket! The only time I get warm is during an intense workout. I actually look forward to them for that alone. Of course, if it would warm up outside that would help a lot. Both yesterday and today I drove to work in the snow!
  2. YES! I had my surgery with Health East Bariatric at St. Joe's Hospital. Dr. Koeplin was my surgeon - I LOVED him! I am normally at the support group meetings, so we may just meet up sometime. If you have questions, please feel free to look me up. Carol
  3. Baconville

    June Post Ops!

    BEAUTIFUL!! I hope it warms up soon so we can get out on the water. Right now, they ate predicting snow, but at least most of the lakes are 'ice out'!
  4. Hi, I am from the Twin Cities and had RNY on June 25, 2013 at St. Joe's in St. Paul. I have had a wonderful, complication free experience. I just celebrated 10 months and am down 186 pounds (40 was lost pre-surgery), The lead up to surgery takes time and patience, but can be done. The life that is waiting for you on the other side of surgery is SO worth it! If you have questions, please feel free to ask. I am on this site frequently. I have recieved so much support for the people on this site and would love to pay it forward. Congratulations on taking the first step! Carol
  5. RJ did a great job of answering your question, so I won't repeat the information, but I will second everything that was said. I will add that eggs are a soft protein, like Greek Yogurt, cheese, even fish. Often we can eat more of these types of protein. More dense proteins, like poultry, beef, and pork may fill you up better with smaller amounts. Stay away from restaurants in general, but especially fast food. If you do need to eat out research what the best choice will be at the restaurant you will be eating at. A small cup of chili is one of my go to items when I have to eat out. Keep tracking on MFP, I really believe this is the key to long term success. Good Luck!
  6. Baconville

    June Post Ops!

    Today I purchased and wore a pair of size 6 jeans! One year ago I was wearing a size 26 or 28. AMAZING what a year can do! I never thought I would wear a SIZE 6!
  7. Baconville

    Just 8 days post RNY

    Hi Lisa, I am 10 months post RNY. I have lost 185 pounds and feel terrific! I have never dumped, and have found that I can eat at least one or two bites of all of my favorite foods, even Easter candy! Right now your body needs to heal, give it time, stick to your plan. Believe me the life on the other side is SO worth it! Carol
  8. Baconville

    Not sure where to start. Please help!

    Bigikzgrl is correct, insurance is critical. If you have good insurance, look for a Bariatric Clinic. I did a Google Search in my area to see what was available to me. There is normally a lot to WLS. Even if your insurance does not have specific requirements, and most do, good clinics will require meetings with a nutritionist and psychologist. Most of these clinics also have a doctor on staff that specialize in helping bariatric patients both before and after surgery. After care is especially important to long term success. Good luck to you! It has been a wonderful journey for me.
  9. Baconville

    June Post Ops!

    I am not that brave - yet! I am thinking of giving it a try before the end of summer though. I love 'wogging'. A new word for my vocabulary!!
  10. So I am nearly 10 months post RNY. I have lost over 180 pounds and feel terrific. I am only 5'2". When I began this journey, my BMI was over 60, I am now under 30, but still in the 'overweight' category. My goal is to try to lose another 15-20 pounds, which will put my BMI in the 'normal' range. Over the weekend a family friend told me I need to watch out for anorexia! When I explained my BMI, she said that I am a large boned woman, and that I should not try to reach a normal BMI. I am not really sure I am larger boned. I have had so much fat on my body that I don't know how anybody could see the size of my bones! So, here's my question. Has anybody else had push back from family or friends as you approach your goal? How have you handled those comments? Carol
  11. Baconville

    Anorexia?! REALLY!

    Thanks for the support. When I look in the mirror I don't see fat, I see slim. I want to be at a healthy weight and I think I have a good chance of getting there. I have gotten so used to the compliments, I find it hard to know what to do with the criticisms. All part of the journey I suppose.
  12. Baconville

    June Post Ops!

    WAY TO GO!!!! You are such an inspiration!! Believe me, you have a big part in my success too and I know I am not the only one. Celebrate your achievement! YOU ROCK!
  13. Baconville

    Just out of curiosity...

    I believe at five weeks I was only at about 300 calories a day, and was normally in the negative with exercise. I am now at nearly 8 months and am between 700 - 800 calories each day. My clinic emphasized counting protein not calories, but I track everything I eat, and was amazed how little I needed!
  14. Baconville

    Costco Premier Protein

    I have been using Premier Protein Shakes - chocolate flavor - since before my surgery. It was the brand my NUT recommended. Love them! I drink half in the morning and half in the evening.
  15. Baconville

    I can't calorie count...

    Phil, One more thought, I know that DL said that he is able to accurately eye ball portions. However, studies have shown that most people are extremely bad at this. That doesn't mean that you can't learn the skill (most people are also extremely bad at golf, but a few still become pros!). I would caution you against eye balling portions whenever possible. The only way to learn portions is to measure. To get to where DL is takes a lot of patience, and probably a good deal of success and failure. As I approach the maintenance part of my journey I think that tracking what I eat and MFP is going to be critical to my long term success. You hear so many stories of people who keep the weight off for a few years, but eventually it begins to creap back on. Tracking and monitoring portion sizes is the only way I know that will ensure that I remain at the weight I want to be. Oh, and one more thing, I think all of us have had second thoughts about what we have done to ourselves! WLS is a major physical change to our anatomy, but the biggest changes have to be to how we live with food for the rest of our lives. For me, my obesity would have eventually killed me. WLS has not only changed my life, I believe that it has saved my life. It is just one tool, but a powerful one. I wish you only the best with your journey. It is different for everyone of us. Find what will work for you, I promise you its worth it! Carol
  16. Baconville

    I can't calorie count...

    I second everything DL said. I also would be lost without MFP. Today I went several hundred calories over my daily normal. I made Easter dinner, and enjoyed the fruits of my labor. Tomorrow I will get back on track. With entertaining I was hardly off my feet all day and my Fit Bit confirmed I got my 10,000 steps. With tracking food the most important part is to just acknowledge that you have eaten something. If you don't have the serving size perfect or all the ingredients listed, it's not as important as taking ownership of eating the item. I think it really comes down to how much do you want success? Sure, tracking takes a bit of time, but the success I have achieved as a result is worth every minute.
  17. Baconville

    June Post Ops!

    Glad you had a great time, that's what vacations should be!
  18. Baconville

    Back & joint pain relief

    Hi, I am 9 months post op. I am 49 years old. Prior to surgery I weighed 330 pounds and had horrible low back and knee pain. I saw a chiropractor every week and had injections in my knees. I lost 40 pounds prior to surgery, and with every pound I lost, my pain was less. I have lost a total of 185 pounds and I am still shocked to wake every morning without any pain. I still come to the top of the stairs and grab the railing waiting for that sharp stabbing pain with the first step down, only the pain doesn't come!! I would advise you to find some form of exercise that works for you. I found a recumbent elliptical. The more weight I lost, the less pain I had. Today I took a 90 minute Zumba class, and even with all that jumping around I sit here pain free. I don't have words for how liberating it is! I know you asked how much you would need to soar, and I don't have a number for you. I will tell you that every pound makes a difference. Congratulations on taking this step! You are going to love your pain free life!
  19. Baconville

    June Post Ops!

    WOW!!! That is my goal and I still have about 15 pounds to get there. If you can do it, I can do it! You are such an inspiration!! Jelly beans are slowing me down, damn them! Happily Easter! Carol
  20. I took the mini pill. I didn't take it very long, but if I remember correctly it is a progesterone only pill and it is the estrogen that causes problems. I did not have to stop using it at all. I have since had an IUD placed.
  21. Baconville

    June Post Ops!

    A French can give you the illusion of longer nails. This is the first time I am getting a French, but they last so long and a French matches anything you are wearing. I last had one from the holidays through Valentine's Day (actually two). I had red then because it was the color I was wearing a lot that time of the year. Now the color I wear changes a lot, so I want something more neutral.
  22. Baconville

    June Post Ops!

    I have several. They are GREAT. I am also getting one this weekend, I am going to try a French. Mine last a good three weeks. The only down side is that they are really hard on your nails, so once you take it off you will have very fragile nails. The polish itself is also very difficult to remove when the time comes, takes patience.
  23. Baconville

    June Post Ops!

    WAY TO GO!!!! I have been thinking about you and wondering, so thanks for letting us know. I feel exactly the same way about the confidence. It's nice to know if somebody is looking at you it's not because your the largest person in the room!
  24. Hi Nick, Congratulations! You are on your way to a new life! Don't get discouraged, you need to find your patience. You were pumped full of IV fluids during surgery and it takes a good week to just get rid of those. If you are feeling well enough, start walking. Just a five minute walk three times a day will help. Sounds like you are doing great with your Water and Vitamins, but you didn't mention your Protein. Make sure you are getting that in as well. Trust in the system, IT WILL WORK! Keep in mind that you didn't get here overnight. It takes time, hard work and perseverance. But it is SO worth it on the other side! Carol
  25. Baconville

    Returning To Work

    I had my RNY laproscopicly on June 25, 2013. I had absolutely no complications and a very easy recovery. I had two weeks off and went back week three half days. I work in the District Office of a school district. I could have easily returned full days that third week. I have a desk job. I think the two weeks are important. You are really learning to eat again. This is also major surgery and you do have to recover. My clinic told us that those that take two full weeks have better results long term. A few more days for long term success is really worth it. Carol

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
