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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    melhealthy reacted to jamilyne 102668 in Finished first 10k!   
    Amazing! You also look great!
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    melhealthy reacted to B-52 in Finished first 10k!   
    Outstanding...anyone who can loose 100lbs + and then run 10K's are right up at the top of my list...that's for sure...
    Keep up the new you....
    Keep "Using It" or you'll start "Loosing It"
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    melhealthy got a reaction from jamilyne 102668 in Finished first 10k!   
    So excited! I finished my first 10k race today! Today I am 10 months post op and never dreamed I'd be able to finish a 10k! I'm down 108 pounds and feeling amazing! [

  4. Like
    melhealthy got a reaction from jamilyne 102668 in Finished first 10k!   
    So excited! I finished my first 10k race today! Today I am 10 months post op and never dreamed I'd be able to finish a 10k! I'm down 108 pounds and feeling amazing! [

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    melhealthy got a reaction from Fredda in Hooked on the scale   
    I made a chart from the day of surgery to one year. I track my weight on this chart every week from the day of surgery so my weigh in day is on Mondays as I had my surgery on a Monday. It keeps me on track and I can track my one year post op journey. I do sometimes weigh during the week but I only record my weight on my designated weigh in day. I'm 9 1/2 months post op and I've lost 105 pounds. The scale can be a friend or foe just try to follow the doctors plan and I would say weigh once a week. Good luck!
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    melhealthy got a reaction from naenaern777 in Color Run   
    So true Catfish! I NEVER thought I would be a runner. I signed up for a couch to 5k program 3 months after I had surgery and ran my fist 5k at 5 months post op! I will be 10 months post op tomorrow and have my first 10k Saturday! It will be my 9th race since my first one in September 2013! Who'd would have known I could run!! I'm still in shock! I've lost 108 pounds and the things I'm am now able to do physically amaze me every day!!
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    melhealthy got a reaction from naenaern777 in Color Run   
    So true Catfish! I NEVER thought I would be a runner. I signed up for a couch to 5k program 3 months after I had surgery and ran my fist 5k at 5 months post op! I will be 10 months post op tomorrow and have my first 10k Saturday! It will be my 9th race since my first one in September 2013! Who'd would have known I could run!! I'm still in shock! I've lost 108 pounds and the things I'm am now able to do physically amaze me every day!!
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    melhealthy reacted to enjoyinglife in Color Run   
    Good for you!!! I ran my first 5k a few weeks back, it was awesome. I have a bunch of 5k races lined up for this year. I would have never thought in a million years that I would enjoy running, now it has become a part of my weekly fitness routine. Good luck, hope you have a great time.
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    melhealthy got a reaction from kata13 in Hit the 100+ pounds lost today   
    Am so excited! I've lost 101 pounds! I'm 8 months post op and can't believe how wonderful this feels! Had to share my exciting news with people who would understand my excitement! I've attached some before and after pics!

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    melhealthy reacted to DLCoggin in Stalls   
    The 5:2 diet originated in the U.K. and gained popularity around 2012 following a BBC broadcast. It involves eating a normal diet five days a week and a very low calorie diet two days a week - 500 calories for gals and 600 for guys. It is often referred to as "intermittent fasting". There are virtually no long-term clinical studies that have been done regarding safety and effectiveness. This is a link to information originally published by the National Health Service in the U.K. in Jan 2013 and updated in May of 2013 - http://www.nhs.uk/news/2013/01January/Pages/Does-the-5-2-intermittent-fasting-diet-work.aspx .
    The bottom line appears to be that there are more questions than answers. It would likely be a very good idea to discuss it with your surgeon before adopting the diet. It may not be suitable for folks with diabetes and possibly other pre-existing conditions.
    What I call the "Prime Directive" of weight loss surgery is the all important lifestyle changes. I believe that to qualify as a lifestyle change, any potential course of action must meet three criteria - it must be healthy, realistic and sustainable. It's about control, not denial. Adopting a lifestyle that focuses on proper nutrition and a calorie intake appropriate for where you are at in your journey, from rapid weight loss to maintenance of your goal weight, is perhaps a healthier, more realistic and more sustainable goal than any "diet".
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    melhealthy reacted to pumpkin73 in African American RNY Sisters   
    I was 243 the day of my revision. After reading your reply, I am not drinking enough Water and getting all my Protein in on a daily basis. I will need to incorporate those two things as best as I can. Thank you so much for your input.
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    melhealthy got a reaction from gourmetone in African American RNY Sisters   
    sounds like you are losing at a good rate. What was your starting weight? In regards to your question I have a Protein Shake for Breakfast and eat fruits for Snacks twice a day and baked chicken or fish with veges the remaining two meals or I will have another Protein shake and one meal a day. I get minimum 48 oz of Water but aim for 64oz and no less than 60 grams of protein but typically get 70-100 a day. I work out minimum 4 days a week. I eat around 1200 calories a day.
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    melhealthy got a reaction from lnelson796 in 100 pounds so far....   
    Congrats! You look amazing!
  14. Like
    melhealthy got a reaction from kata13 in Hit the 100+ pounds lost today   
    Am so excited! I've lost 101 pounds! I'm 8 months post op and can't believe how wonderful this feels! Had to share my exciting news with people who would understand my excitement! I've attached some before and after pics!

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    melhealthy got a reaction from YoColeFleet in African American RNY Sisters   
    Good luck today Beautyincurls! This is the beginning of an amazing life changing journey! Excited for you!
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    melhealthy reacted to HealthyNewMe in I'm starting to give up on searching just need some answers   
    Support is definitely out here, Sweetie. The problem is every person who responds can only respond based on what they know. I personally know nine people who have had WLS. Three chose gastric bypass. All three weighed well over 350 pounds, thus having the most weight to loose. They chose what I would consider the most invasive surgery for what they hoped would give them the most weight loss. Forward to today.... One lost all the excess weight. The other two list over one hundred pounds, but stalled or gave up or were satisfied there. None of the three became exercisers. One guy I know had the sleeve. He is in his twenties. Lost about 125 pounds..... Very physically fit. Became an every day at the gym guy. Five people, Including myself, had the lap band. One of those lost about 50 pounds, became complacent, gained it back, and has had the band removed. Three others have lost 100 pounds, and have kept it off. I don't believe any of them became exercisers. I personally had the lap band surgery 5 1/2 months ago, I am at the gym six days a week. I have lost over 100 pounds, 50 of those pounds before the surgery. I chose the lap band because to me it was the least invasive. There probably comes a time when you have to go with what your heart tells you.... You've done all your research so you're very well-informed. You can and will be successful If you follow the guidelines that your doctor sets for you. I'm 53 years old, I have a husband and four children. I have a lot of support and my family. You are 21. Do you have family that can support you through your decision? Ultimately of course it is your decision. I have no Doubt that once you make up your mind you will be happy with whatever you choose.
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    melhealthy got a reaction from DebbieG in Size 8 !   
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    melhealthy reacted to B-52 in "You should lose weight for your health"....fast forward to now..."Are you crazy getting WLS?"   
    I was attracted by the Title of your Post...Loose weight Fast!
    My health problems were severe, my family history bleak...loosing both my Brother and sister to problems directly related to obesity....
    I was told by my PCP to loose weight Fast...or else! And that was not an exaggeration on his part...I actually sat in his office and talked about whether I had made arrangements, was my Wife taken care of financially, etc...etc....
    So in the end...I don't give a Rat's you know what, people can think whatever they want......I'm alive, and have never been better in over 35 years....it saved my life....
    And yes...once I got through that initial first few months of adjustments...both for me and the band...it did become easy...and still is....
    I don't need to make excuses or apologies to anyone for going through this...the proof speaks for itself....
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    melhealthy reacted to DebbieG in Size 8 !   
    I can't believe I'm now a size 8. 8 months ago I was a size 22!! Keep the faith, its possible!!

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    melhealthy reacted to DLCoggin in Does it ever go away   
    Well, keeping in mind that I'm a guy so I see it from a guy perspective, the first thought that came to my mind when I read your question is "Who cares?" Seriously, who cares? If you like your new job, enjoy the work, enjoy the people you work with and for, find it satisfying and look forward to going to work every day - then you're in the right place at the right time! The old you is history. The new you is right here, right now and right on! You know you worked hard for it. We know you worked hard for it. You earned it. Celebrate every delicious moment of your success and never look back! Congratulations!!
    Lol - that felt really good. You guys have a great day!!
  21. Like
    melhealthy reacted to jacileggs in Wonderful Onederland!   
    I have entered Onederland. 199.9. Barely, but I'll take it. Thats 50lbs total loss.
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    melhealthy reacted to mollyb0108 in Almost 13 months out   
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    melhealthy reacted to Sally Johnston in A successful journey? It’s up to you.   
    Surgery itself is just one part of the picture of weight management. Surgery alone does not guarantee you will lose weight; it is a tool that can assist you to lose weight when teamed with lifestyle change.

    Both professionals in the field and those who have had or are considering having surgery themselves seem to be involved in an ongoing debate over what is the best type of weight loss surgery. The three most common forms of surgery in Australia at present, gastric band, gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy all have loyal fans and big opponents. In my Nutrition for Weight Loss Surgery Support Group the pros and cons of the different surgery types are regularly discussed by those who have been through the various procedures.
    Whilst technically different, what is common to all forms of weight loss surgery is that the surgery itself is just one part of the picture of weight management. Surgery alone does not guarantee you will lose weight; it is a tool that can assist you to lose weight when teamed with lifestyle change.
    Colleen Cook is a successful weight loss surgery patient from 1995 and is the author of the best selling weight loss surgery book, The Success Habits of Weight Loss Surgery Patients. It is based on her research of the most successful long-term patients and the habits they have in common as they maintain their weight over time. Colleen is also the President of Bariatric Support Centers International, a company that specialises in providing education and support services for those who have had weight loss surgery and the professionals who work with them. Following is a comment from Colleen that stood out to me when reading her work recently:
    “Successful patients took personal responsibility for staying in control. They were found to have a general feeling that maintaining their weight was indeed their own responsibility and that surgery was a tool that they used to reach and maintain a healthy weight.”
    Colleen’s words illustrate perfectly that weight loss surgery itself does not cause weight loss. Those undergoing weight loss surgery will need to take responsibility for their lifestyle choices. To achieve the best weight loss results and maintain that weight loss in the long term, you will need to choose healthy and nutritious foods, increase physical activity and maintain regular follow up with your support team.
    Are you maximizing the support available to you? Do you regularly follow up with your surgeon or bariatric GP to check your progress? For those with a gastric band, have you worked with them to find the green zone? Have you had the blood tests recommended to you to monitor any medical conditions or detect nutrient deficiencies? Have you seen an exercise physiologist or physiotherapist regarding an activity program tailored to you? Did you see your dietitian for the pre and post surgery info but never returned for ongoing support? Are you comfortable with the support team at your clinic? If not, you need to seek out a new support network. Ultimately it is up to you to utilise the support and resources available to you for a successful journey,
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    melhealthy reacted to gldnhoney523 in African American RNY Sisters   
    Hello All,
    I finished my last appointment on yesterday and all of my paperwork will be submitted to my insurance company on next week. When I first started my research on the various types of bariatric surgery, I chose the VSG, but during my consultation with my surgeon, he advised me the best surgery for me would be the RNY due to the severity of GERD, so I changed my decision to the RNY. After speaking with my surgery coordinator on yesterday, I found out my insurance will only cover the VSG, therefore I am now having the VSG. I still would like to remain a part of this forum, everyone has been so nice and supportive.
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    melhealthy reacted to gurliepunk12543 in Gastric Bypass Surgery Progress Pictures   
    July 2012 vs today

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
