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Everything posted by ajustice

  1. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Yep chicken is my number one no no food now. It hasn't settled good since surgery nor do I like the texture. It just tastes bland and dry no matter what I've done with it and it seems to hurt after eating it.
  2. ajustice


    Yep I am now lactose intolerant. No milk for me I'm living off almond and soy milk
  3. ajustice

    Soooo Exhausted

    I'm only 8 wks out but I've struggles with the same thing plus fainting. I was told I was being too strict with my low carb and to allow a bit more balance with getting a few carbs in. It's helped with my energy some. I still get tired but nowhere like it was before.
  4. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    It's contagious lol yes maybe it's the phase we are hitting now in our ability to start in taking more/different foods. Idk but indeed I'm struggling too
  5. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I'm so sorry for your loss of your uncle. The crying does help tho..I was almost embarrassed to tell you guys on here how I was feeling cause I didn't want anyone to think I'm crazy and my husband would just worry and honestly I think he's half puzzled about me nowadays after surgery. I just want u to know I'm here if u need a ear. I'm thankful for the support all you guys have given me. Girl..I think if u just hand a bit of the popcorn u are gonna be totally fine..tomorrow is another day we all get to start anew. It is difficult on so many levels to follow the guide of our new food lifestyle with so many things around us. Commercials, signs, daily interactions with people around us that centered around meals in the past, emotional comfort seeking in our food,and convenience. I feel u on the stall and how it's hard to remain positive. Just know u aren't alone in it. Hope counseling helps I'm gonna start back myself.
  6. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I love u guys. I don't know what I would so without this outlet
  7. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I have to tell y'all..I fought a major head hunger issue tonight. I did my 1st inpatient shift on a hospice floor. I had 2 pts die within 35 min from each other and was super stressed cause the 2nd died 58 min after he was admitted on my floor. I know I'm a food addict!! I can't hide my hurt and any stress in something to taste so good it relieves me anymore. I never admitted I'm a addict. I seriously wanted to run by sonic or somewhere and have a milkshake. I wanted chocolate! It almost got me but I had to allow myself to just mourn that part of me that's gone. That's it or I end back where I started. Trying to stay focused and kick the blues away and hope to see the scale move again soon. Thanks for listening
  8. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Mama make sure u get some rest too. Glad your baby is doing well.
  9. ajustice

    To Day is the day!

    Good luck!!
  10. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Thank u! If I come to pcola lowes I will let u know so we can say hi! I've been in there a few times. Hubby use to live at hope depot it seemed.
  11. ajustice

    chicken stuffed with spinach and mushroons

    Come on! Jan works for me!
  12. ajustice

    To Day is the day!

    Congrats and good luck today!!
  13. ajustice

    Hopes and dreams

    This post made me think..my hopes..to get back where I'm comfortable in my skin again. To not follow the path that was looking inevitable with diabetes and heart disease and just so much more like the rest of my family. To kick to the curb my sleep apnea and never have to use that unsexy cpap machine again!! To make my son proud of me as his mom and also show him how to take better control of his life when there are chances to improve upon something. I want this to work with all my heart! I'm stalled right now but don't think I can just throw in the towel. Good luck! Hope all your hopes and dreams do come true.
  14. ajustice

    Friday Weigh-In!

    8 wks post op tomorrow and I've lost 32lb. Have stalled at week 5 and this last week. Doesn't feel weight is ever gonna come off. I'm following to a T now the plan..before I think I wasn't having enough carbs and calorie intake. This time idk tho..I'm doing it all the way I should.
  15. ajustice

    hip hop abs?

    I wish sincerely she would go away. She's wearing me down this time. Ugh..after surgery it's like it's coming with a vengeance.
  16. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Thanks for all the encouragement. I do think its cause I have a moment to look up with my kiddo gone. I'm still working alot between my 1 day with peds and working hospice. I just feel off kilter a bit. Tomorrow makes 8 weeks and I feel I should have done a bit better than I have.

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