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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ajustice

  1. ajustice


    My friend seems stuck in the rut also about the men and all the character flaws....it hurts me to see such a wonderful person go thru that My 1st husband was basically a shit head (indeed I just went there!) but I have a wonderful amazing little boy I couldn't live without. My 2nd husband is about 85% the answer to my dreams..can't be 100% cause nobody is perfect & even he makes me wanna pinch his head off sometimes and he can be a ass too. I hope y'all find someone who truly loves u for u and u get to the spot where u truly get the confidence to demand more. U are amazing ladies and deserve no less! I accept my 85% dream man cause I believe he truly loves me and I hope y'all find that too
  2. Aww I'm hoping your time flies by soon. Sorry it has taken so long but you are worth the wait and the benefits are gonna be worth it
  3. ajustice

    Protein popcicles

    Made some unjury ones. I love Popsicles so I think this would be great too.
  4. ajustice

    My fitness pal

    Yay!!! Added y'all!!! Don't freak when u see my food diary hahahahah
  5. ajustice

    My fitness pal

    Mine is akmjustice Idk if I'm just really dense but it keeps wanting the full email address on mine to add folks
  6. ajustice


    My best friend is nearly 400lb and she is back to dating and thinks she is fabulous. I love her and she is one of the best peeps I know..we go to lunch and she tells me I make her feel hungry. I've nearly begged her to get rny and she was the one who had started talking about it casually with me. She says why do it when she can't pay to have the skin removed!!! Idk if I totally understand that thinking. I find myself looking at severely obese people and just say..why aren't u doing this like I am? I've begged my mom..54,has diabetes and on insulin daily and a train wreck of other health issues..she swears it goes against God's will for our lives/body..I totally argue about that..God I'm pretty sure wants what's best for me..I've messed up and gained so much so I think this is HIs blessing! Just my thoughts
  7. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Saw some coworkers I haven't been around in months and they were stunned. It took me aback a bit cause u forgot seeing yourself daily and knowing its only such and such lbs lost..but as down in the dumps as I felt the last week or so about the scales not moving..they were able to see it in SCRUBS!!! It was nice of course with some of their kind words. Hoping for my Fri weigh in I see that psychological reenforcement in some number changes
  8. Had to buy new scrubs and pulled out the usual size to have the sales lady bring me a smaller size...and they worked! Feeling less humpy dumpty in my scrubs.
  9. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    That's sad cause he has a entire family looking at him and 7 little faces he needs to nurture. I do t know much about options but I would think if it totally hit the fan there would be some kind of assistance u could probably qualify for. It would suck in the meantime and getting it all set up but the sheer fact of having life back would maybe be worth it.
  10. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Would he seek any treatment? Just take care of yourself and kiddos. I don't want anything to happen to u guys
  11. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I'm sorry girl. I stopped and said a prayer For u. I can totally get how difficult it is I only had My one kiddo and I was miserable and scared to go. Hope things look up for u
  12. ajustice

    What ya eating tonight?

    It's coming soon girlie! I grew it in my garden so that made if more special.
  13. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Hi my peeps! Well I am glad to get some updates. Today was alot better day..I managed to now my entire yard without dropping even in the nasty heat. Tomorrow I'm ready to get over and ready for the weekend. I had a bit of a victory today..I had to buy some new scrubs and I was able to get into size medium. I've been in xlarge and large for so long I had pulled all large and ended up in medium. The top was a bit tight but the large swallowed me. I was really starting to look like I was wearing tents instead of scrubs. A friend of a friend I have been talking to locally recently has now dropped 100lbs post rny 10mo ago. She really doesn't try much or worry about her diet or vitamins so..that kinda gave me hope it will work for me..im doing what I was told to do by the dr. I'm really hoping the funky moody part of me is starting to recede..I'm ready to get back to myself and stop the brooding. Still crossing my fingers the stall will end and I'm sure that will help alot to brighten my mood.
  14. ajustice

    What ya eating tonight?

    Mahi mahi with quinoa and cucumbers and tomatoes.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
