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Everything posted by ajustice

  1. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    So I had some news from one of my dear friends...she is expecting. I am happy for her but I won't lie and say a part of me is envious and I even got teary. My last miscarriage was 3yrs ago which is what pushed my weight gain way over the edge. I know I have to wait awhile before even allowing myself to think about pregnancy and I will be 33 in a few days so...I know the risks will only get higher. I'm trying to think of how I'm using this yr to work on me and then can go from there. I went fabric shopping today after work and picked out some cute cheerful fabric to start working on a baby quilt. Trying to count my blessings. My sweet only child will be 10 on Sunday and he is truly my blessing. Every year i think how blessed I am to have that tiny preemie baby healthy & happy with me. So...goals for July...(1) lose 10lb (2) start running again (3) rock my 33rd bday Thanks for letting me vent!
  2. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Yeah that totally sucks. My main complaint is I don't want to keep having to go back and forth to a sleep lab to have my pressure titrated multiple times. My husband leaves alot and we are military so I can't just go spend nights at their sleep center. They refused to lower the pressure down without a new study
  3. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I last saw my pulm in January so it's getting closer to time. I'd be thrilled to get off the cumbersome thing. Idk if it will ever happen as honestly I wasn't as heavy as some and I still had severe sleep apnea. My pressure is set of 15 and my RDI on my testing was at 60!! I think it's probably gotten as better cause like u I've heard my snoring is alot better. That and sometimes now I am thinking it's waking me up. My surgeon said that could be a possible sign it indeed is improving. Glad u get me about it. I wanna be at my best and use it but geez it's becoming a bigger pain now
  4. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I have insomnia too and rely on Tylenol pm which does occasionally work. My cpap is a pain in the butt now but I think the pressure may be too high I just don't wanna have to go back into the sleep center again and test again until I'm hoping...sleep apnea may just be gone! I also log on here to see what everyone is up to. My day to day life is usually pretty boring and also I can't really talk to just anyone about this whole process. Nobody really understands this and I love hearing what u guys are experiencing also..sometimes it's great to see I'm not the only one out there going thru some of this stuff. Who else can I talk to about constipation and shoveling prunes down my throat cause no other lax seems to be working!?!? That's special lol
  5. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Aww happy birthday Krystal!!! Hope u have an amazing day today!!!!
  6. ajustice

    Hair Loss?

    I'm thinning out more up front right now. I had nice lux hair for years and now it's more like straw and getting thin but as much as I don't like it I can deal with it. I'm trying to remember the greater goal and I can always get a wig.
  7. ajustice

    Surgery TOMORROW!

    Congrats and good luck! U will do great!!! Speedy recovery.
  8. ajustice

    Constipation :(

    Call me the poo queen cause I have constant constipation since surgery which is a shock since I had ibs. Miralax,milk of mag, and dulcolax hasn't seemed to phase me. I take colace daily but still no real help. I've found some lower sugar prunes that don't taste hideous and I've started eating at least 2 of those a day. It's helped some.
  9. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Well today makes my 2 month mark and I have such great thoughts of hope concerning where I've came from and where I plan on going. The scales finally moved a bit to where lost 2lb more bringing my total to 35lb since surgery. My hair is starting to come out. I didn't expect it this soon but I knew it would be a possibility and I'm ok with that. I had luxurious fat nourished hair before that's gotten quiet dry since surgery. I'm happy regardless..if it gets too bad I guess it's time for extensions or a wrap of some kind. I don't regret what path I chose cause I feel so much better now that I did a few months ago. Here's hoping the best is yet to come.
  10. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Hubby leaves in the morning for a few days and my kiddo is still gone..I have a feeling I'm gonna be totally lost!! I've about decided to finally go through the closets while they are both gone and start getting rid of clothes. I'm excited for that but also a part of me still hangs on to fear..what if I don't lose enough?!? What if I gain it back and I've given my clothes away? I have the fear but I keep telling myself to not let it hamper moving forward that I have taken control and must keep control. Wonder if anyone else has been feeling this way?
  11. ajustice

    Over the shoulder boulder holder

    I do have a birthday coming up lol....maybe should tell the hubby to buy me something new
  12. ajustice

    hip hop abs?

    I bought it on amazon. Love it. Sweat alot and its fun
  13. ajustice

    Over the shoulder boulder holder

    Still wearing the same bras they just fit alot better now. Mine were spilling out and I just hated buying more and I got to wearing sports bras that were more like regular bras just had compression. I haven't bought anything new except scrubs. I can't wait til I can walk into VS and pick out something super cute.
  14. Congrats! U look wonderful!!!
  15. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Ok I had to share this. Apparently this woman I know kind of by family association decided I needed a lecture today and it really pissed me off. She was sending me her phone number asking me to call her and lecturing me. She knows my mom and friended me on fb. Mind u I haven't update the world I had surgery. She saw a pic and I think I had posted something about being sleepy after lunch yesterday and she decided to start lecturing me on anorexia and also on how pale I am! Kept begging me to call her that she's been in the medical field for 26yr and her daughter had anorexia. I'm a nurse too I should add and have had nutrition in college as well. Needless to say after hours of her fb messaging me and me trying to be polite I had enough and told her no that I would not call her and I didn't need her advice as nothing she could say to me was worth anything that I've had surgery and I am on the special plan by my surgeon and see a nutritionist and I was not facing anorexia I was facing losing weight which is what the heck I wanted since i had surgery!!! I don't really know this woman and what a set of gonads she must have to be so presumptuous. I guess my day to day is usually so boring and I just was shocked my this small town small minded woman back home. Reminds me why I moved away for a reason. That's my 1st really weird experience post surgery.
  16. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I've been waiting for this for awhile..my leave it all behind day!
  17. ajustice

    Friday Weigh-In!

    HW:230 SW:213 CW:179.6 Goal:135 Surgery date: 4/30

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
