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Everything posted by ajustice

  1. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I need to vent. I am so sorry I haven't been upbeat lately. I'm overwhelmed. My husband just had his foot surgery a month ago and now is back mobile having tons of pain. His f/u the biopsy said they removed only half the nerve and part of a cyst. They need to go back in and remove the rest of the nerve. I have a torn meniscus in my rt knee previously but it had enough scar tissue I didn't have surgery 5yrs ago now I've hurt it all over again. I can't bear alot of weight on it. He is also having to go to retrain as he can no longer continue with the flying his job requires. That leaves us up in the air just knowing we are gonna be forced to pcs(relocate) to another base. We have no idea where it remotely can be or even when other than it can be as short as possibly 3 months from now. I've just started this job with hospice and am quiet content with it. I'm so overwhelmed with it all. We now are talking about getting our house we just had built on the market and ready to sell. I've had to pull most of the weight around here physically and the idea of him immobile cause severe pain leaves me dreading the fact the military will make him have to get his foot fixed ASAP. I have little chance to worry about my own injury. I'm feeling selfish and just worn out. I've spent most of the day in tears trying to be positive when everything feels so outta control. I haven't broke it to my family yet we are moving cause why set them up to be all upset when I don't have concrete details to tell them? My baby sister is 24 and is brain damaged from a blood clot to her brain 2 years ago from BC pills..she is the one I wrote about here in my get to know me bit..she has thrown another clot. I hate the idea any day could be her last and I may not get there if something happens. Sorry so long and sorry to just unload..I just felt it all welling up inside. Apparently my friends are too busy with lives of their own now to talk much. I just feel weary.
  2. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Thanks. I hurt this one before several years back and have just dealt with it. I think it's done for now.
  3. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Glad u got a bit of rest. Pain and lack of sleep can make everything in life suck. Hope today continues well for u!
  4. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I have totally jacked my knee up. I had irritated it and it was sore with my return to running. Yesterday I decided to run across a parking lot to my car as a monsoon of rain was falling and I ended up sliding and not sure what happened. Trying to do the ice/rest method on it but the pulling feeling sucks. I can barely bear weight so exercise is totally out. Totally discouraging to me as I haven't had any great loss even exercising. Now I'm unable to do much of anything. My PCM is quitting his practice so I'm in process of finding a new dr. Sucks.
  5. Yep..totally there. Not wanting to really eat..just do it cause I have to. It's about along the same lines as brushing my teeth of shaving my legs...cause I have to there's nothing really enjoyable about eating anymore.
  6. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    That sounds terrible. Hope u are feeling better soon.
  7. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I'm lucky if I lose a lb every week or 2. I wanted to lose 10 this month before my bday..not happening. I'm down barely 2 this month. Trying to look at the measurements but its hard to stay focused with the scales not moving.
  8. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Well glad to know its not just me. I've told my husband this and he I'm sure doesn't quiet believe me.
  9. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Cool my anniversary is tomorrow! Hoping to find something sexy to wear!!
  10. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    When I was 1st post op I wasn't hungry and would even forget to eat. Now it's not so much I feel hungry but feel a weird almost hollow feeling. I really don't want anything tho. Nothing really at all seems to sound good or appealing to me. Wondered if it was just me. I eat..but it's only cause its more or less what I have to do. I don't want to slow my metabolism down by not eating but no matter the diff things I keep trying to feed my body I just don't care for anything. Am I the only one? Eating has no pleasure anymore..suppose that's good but it sucks I don't like anything.
  11. ajustice

    Problems with poultry...

    I'm past done with chicken. Have had some awful experiences with chicken. Makes me sad but now the thought of it makes me queasy.
  12. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Happy dance!!! Way to go!!!
  13. ajustice

    I'm new here!:)

    I come from a huge southern family..we always are eating. My coworkers..we were always eating too to socialize. Sometimes it took me eating my Little bit of Protein in my car til I was heading down the path of eating better within my diet. My friends and family may pretty much all have good intentions but they don't know. Another thing I noticed is the sheer amount of food they put away..I was like that and worse. It changes your perspective. Surgery doesn't help he head hunger or the emotions you are forced to deal with when u can't self soothe by eating. It's a journey but its worth it to me.
  14. ajustice

    TMI - Constipation

    I bought them at my local commissary but my mom is in MS and she got them at Walmart.
  15. ajustice

    I'm new here!:)

    Honestly..other people that haven't gone thru this don't know. I get my biggest support here.
  16. I got them at my commissary but my mom in MS says she finds them in Walmart.
  17. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Yes ma'am. Thought my mom was nuts and even the concentrated milk of mag doesn't work for me. I am pleasantly pleased!!
  18. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I thought I'd share..since I posted this on another post too lol my "poop" cookies...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
