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Everything posted by ajustice

  1. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I will look for this next time I go to Walmart. I'd gotten some flax "bread" at Publix but this actually looks better.
  2. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Thanks! We are home and so for he is good. They actually think they found what more was causing the problem so hopefully this is the last time. They went further in and finished removing the nerve but they found a growth that was pretty large but got it all out. Hopefully daddy o will be back weight bearing and helping this mama now the yard etc soon!
  3. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Congrats!!! Doing great!!! Can't wait til I get there!!
  4. ajustice

    Sleep Apnea?

    The nasal pillow is what I use now and honestly not that bad. Started out with the full face mask and it was hurting my neck but I had to learn to breathe with the nasal pillows as I'm a mouth breather. They can try different masks to see what works best for your comfort. Once you get into a good pattern of using it u can't believe how amazing u feel
  5. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I'm sure your kiddo will be glad to have u there. If this surgery doesn't work we might just have to look into a foot transplant haha my rny I was literally on my feet going in days and didn't require alot but men..and crutches.. Well I will be busy
  6. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Y'all..pray for this girl!! Taking the hubby for foot surgery x2 tomorrow at 6am. Got the preliminary report my car is totaled so just waiting on the insurance company to make it official. Will be having the hubby on crutches again, prob car shopping, working, and yard work all over again. I hope it keeps me busy enough it gives me a good weight loss..there's my being positive
  7. U look wonderful congrats!!!!
  8. ajustice

    Sleep Apnea?

    I am hoping and praying mine goes away. I want to wait til I am further down in weight before I so another sleep study. I would love to tuck that cpap away for good.
  9. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I hope all goes well for u. Will say a prayer for u. I can imagine that's scary.
  10. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    It's after 8 am and I'm still up too. Feeling like a zombie. It's a double edge sword too cause I sleep much now and I'm done for again tonight. Yep..this crap is getting old
  11. ajustice

    Sleep Apnea?

    Are u guys pre op? I'm thinking my pressure needs to be turned down now that im starting to lose. My pressure is at 15 and its actually waking me up at times now. I think it's needing to be turned down. It will take another sleep study do I'm trying up wait til I'm even further along to see if I lose enough maybe can one day get rid of it.
  12. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I know before on different threads there was the topic of insomnia. It's getting really bad with me. I had been using Tylenol pm with some good relief. Melatonin didn't phase me. Ran out and have been house bound without my car so forgot to go out when my hubby got home. It's wide awake all night now. Anyone else struggle with insomnia after rny?? I didn't have it this bad before.
  13. ajustice

    What ya eating tonight?

    Here's the nutritional info.
  14. ajustice

    How much

    I got very upset and totally put myself in angst I probably never needed to have when I was getting caught up about how much others were losing more than me. We all start out different shapes and sizes. Even when my weight stalled I was losing inches and changing sizes. I'm learning to measure my success..not by the number on the scales all the time but the strength I'm gaining and the measurements I can see! It truly varies. I've had big losses in weeks and none in others.
  15. ajustice

    What ya eating tonight?

    I found a flax and fiber flat bread by a company named Arnold's. 5grams protein and 100 calories. I can make mini pizzas, a "sandwich" or just melt cheese on it. They are good and havent got stuck
  16. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Heck yeah!! I am also lactose intolerant. No milk for me since week 2 and feeling great.
  17. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Tomorrow hoping I hear something about my car. Thankfully I'm off til Thurs but is annoying not hearing anything plus just makes me anxious as heck about my car. Today was over all a good day. Hubby having foot surgery again on Fri. It's like restarting all this crap all over again. Still don't know alot about the future and where we may be living after the next few months. I am however taking this time to enjoy being home with my boy and doggies.
  18. I lost a friend about 2 weeks ago. Can't remain friends with someone who called me a cheater and had the easy way out. I feel sad for it but that's NOT a real friend. If we had open heart surgery to correct a heart issue would that be cheating? Obesity is just as serious usually and is just as real of a problem. You do have us here and I think it's the one thing about people come along for a season or a reason. Good luck!
  19. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I'm sorry to hear about your TIA's I truly hope it gets better for u.

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