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Everything posted by ajustice

  1. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Well..I honestly have talked to my sister in law about my husbands step mother and how she treats people and has managed to alienate other members. As we were leaving today I told her that regardless due to my raising I would have never disrespected her in my home not would my "ignorant" family cause that's not how we were raised. I think it hurts my husband to know I have always been polite and tolerated her mouth and kept a smile on my face even with her little digs and now there is no going back for me. He knows no one would dream on doing anything like that to him to make him even remotely uncomfortable. I literally wash my hands of all Of her negative ways. I thank u guys for all the love
  2. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I really appreciate all of y'all. It has honestly been good to talk with my husband today. He actually told them that my family nor anyone I know of would have ever ever treated him in anyway like I was and that he knew for sure nobody ever would have received that kinda treatment in our Home either. I just hope one day I can get to where I can tolerate them again. I don't want to alienate him from him family but I truly don't feel like they are MY family. Thanks for all the support. It's truly amazing and why I totally call y'all my friends
  3. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    My husbands mom died when he was 7. This is step mom #2. She has no kids and she is obnoxious. I've just tried to stay out of her way and be pleasant for the 1-3x a yr we see them. She has always been vocal and rude. I never really thought my father in law would join in on it tho. We are leaving shortly. I had no sleep and my head is killing me. I am so glad to go home.
  4. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Thank u! That means the world to me.
  5. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Til in the morn. I hope I never have to darken the door here again
  6. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    No. He said they feel awful and have told him that but I won't go near them. Fortunately a large house to where I can totally separate myself from them.
  7. ajustice

    Hi...Pensacola, FL

    Friedman. Loved him.
  8. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I feel so helpless and hurt. I told him he didn't stand up for me but he was the one who finally told them that's enough. He came back here 3x apologizing and saying I have to forgive cause they are family. They are HIS family not mine. Mine would never mistreat someone..ESP about their culture and while they were guest in their home. I have no outlet but to cry. Feel like I can't forgive them right now..after all I'm ignorant and how can I understand things like that? Idk. I was looking for hotels but nothing close by and that upset my hubby. I just wanna leave. I'm so hurt I have a massive headache from crying. I just don't understand. How does the way I speak truly matter to them enough to cause such a issue? I can't blame this on pms. I'm truly an emotional wreck. I've never mistreated anyone like that.
  9. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Having a really hard time. I truly was hurt by my Inlaws. They basically teamed up on me arguing about my southern grammar and how certain things I say make me sound ignorant and why did I continue to Say things and raise my child like the pattern to use southern words and even if I knew it was wrong. Why didnt I want my child to speak better. I will never go to their house again. I am basically done with them and wanna take my little ignorant southern ass home. I have spent the last hour crying my eyes out. My husband admits it was awful of them. I just wanna go gorge myself in cake or ice cream or something. This truly has been the worst I've felt since surgery and I have no outlet. I'm stuck crying my eyes out alone. I'm so hurt I can barely stand it. Nothing much I can do but I feel like I could eat to the point of making myself sick. I hate this. I hate feeling this way.
  10. ajustice


    Had insomnia before but it's truly worse now. Have been taking Benadryl since surgery. Have been trying melatonin and not really any relief. The last few nights have been up til 2 am and struggling to make it thru the day. Guess going back to Benadryl
  11. ajustice

    What ya eating tonight?

    Pan seared salmon and a forkful of salad
  12. ajustice

    No turkey No chicken

    I may never eat chicken again. Every single one has been a disaster. My nutritionist told me to wait awhile and try again with dark meat..idk tho cause I have developed this serious aversion now.
  13. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I do hope things get better. I can't imagine the extra stress of that. Time to get your groove back. Best of luck for u tho. Glad u are back!!
  14. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    We are out of town so I'm scared what mine will say when I get home!!
  15. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Thank goodness!! Hey tomorrow morning weigh in? Lol I love to weigh on afterwards Honestly tho that is a miserable feeling to have. I hate it!!
  16. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I have my share of nursing home poop stories And is on now girls!!! Only another person who has been there done that understands hahahaha I have never been regular myself and after surg I've went as long as 9 days!! Nothing medicine wise seems to help me. Only thing I've got working for me now is flax seed..I take the pearl which are easier to swallow. I also eat flax rounds or flax cookies a few times a day. I also eat about 2 prunes daily. I pretty much go every other day and so much more relief!! Just what works for me.
  17. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    My goal is 135..as far as my personal. My dr says he thinks I could get between 120-130. I sometimes think of I get between 140-150 I'd be ecstatic. It's been many many years since I've been smaller.
  18. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    We were about the same size. I'm 5'3" tho. Nice to see u on here.
  19. ajustice


    The dill relish is what I would spoon down glad to hear I wasn't the only want with the weird pickle cravings. I would just eat it from the jar which disgusted my hubby
  20. I have wondered myself if it was just me. I have good days where I feel awesome and can get things done and moving like normal at work up and down the hall with patients and then days where I can barely get off the couch. My sleep is sporadic and I struggle with insomnia. I keep waiting for that energy too. Thought losing weight would help that along. I struggle sometimes getting work and home all done.
  21. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    So I raided my Inlaws fridge. We got here really too late to head to any store and she ordered pizza for dinner so I scrapped some toppings off and tonight I truly felt hungry and found some ham and a wedge of laughing cow cheese. Needless to say they were shocked by me as they haven't saw me in a yr. my mother in law asked me when did I get so skinny lol great feeling cause I have never gotten a compliment from her!!! Planning out a list and hoping all goes well on this trip. Up wide awake again tonight..insomnia already plagues me and I rarely sleep when I'm not home..guess gonna try to buy Benadryl while our tomorrow as well.
  22. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    My nutritionist last week told me it was normal about the start to freak out cause eating a bit more. I noticed it too but as long as it not copious amounts to expect the appetite to pick up a bit. I just also got the sensation back where I feel like I could eat. Pms time..last week..I could have ate the paint off the wall!!

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