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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ajustice

  1. ajustice

    Slowly but surely

    Hang In there!! It's so hard when it feels its outta reach and u want it so bad! It's so worth it in the long run. Positive thoughts on things u would like to do afterwards is a great idea. Any movement u move and any exercise u can do..just remember it brings u closer to the prize. This whole journey pre and post op both isn't easy but it's pretty darn well worth it. I'm so glad u are here and we am offer u a little bit of what u can't get in your day to day life..acceptance and encouragement!! Who wouldn't flourish with that?? Good luck!! You are on your way so keep your head up!!!
  2. ajustice

    Food Logs Discussion

    I'm pretty obsessive about my food log. My husband asks can we completely finish a meal without me pulling my phone out immediately. I need the accountability and it keeps me on track.
  3. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I went and got a few diff ones before I bought. I turned out not liking some. Quest are a bit more pricy than some but good. Glad I didn't buy a box of them before tried.
  4. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I feel like the stuffed thanksgiving turkey. Sure hope this crap works cause I don't think I can put another thing in my mouth. I'm at 92grams today now and I'd throw up if I tried any more. Will let ya know how it goes. Today I bought some more stuff like tofu and soy nuts. I'm gonna try the tofu and see what I can I do with it. Pinned a few things on Pinterest.
  5. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Making a conscious effort to up my protein to way over my 60grams. I have read where some of the smaller people on this forum were the ones getting 80-100 grams. It's hard! Today I've felt like I was almost miserably stuffing myself. I put a scoop of protein in my coffee and also had a shake. I hate shakes. I hate being fat more so I will drink the stinking shake if it will help just my little experiment. We are suppose to have a formal military ball in Oct so I wanna be a hot mama in a hot dress!!
  6. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Wow 5hrs is crazy. Well hope the MRI worked with getting u the results u need. have a good one.
  7. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Hey that's awesome tho!!! It's gonna catch up!!
  8. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Holy moly..been taking flax seed caps and also occasional flax cookies. I started adding flax to my Greek yogurt..I found the whole flax seeds which were 1.99 at Publix for a pint and tmi alert... No more constipation!!! I am so shocked how much it worked! They honestly aren't bad either.
  9. ajustice


    The only reason I took so much lovenox was because of a clotting disorder. Wasn't fun but I'm grateful for my surgeon taking such measures to keep me from getting a clot. Honestly my biggest fear was throwing a clot and dying after surg. Not bad tho and worth the preventative measure.
  10. ajustice


    Did it 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after surgery. Really not painful maybe a tiny tiny sting at times. Don't rub the site after you give it to prevent bruising. It's just a minor speed bump on the road to a wonderful new life! Congrats on your date!!
  11. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I wish I could stay at home and do this as a living! I'm too slow tho and still learning but I love it. This and my garden are about my greatest ways to let it all go and escape.
  12. ajustice

    Hi...Pensacola, FL

    Had mine Apr 30th. Shy of 4 months right now. People here are amazing. I've learned so much. Just this last maybe month have I finally felt like I've got my food intake down when I'm managing well. I'm down 46lb. I'm pretty happy so far with my progress. I'm prob a bit slower a loser but I also not as heavy as some. Idk. I'm happy tho. I meet the pa who is covering for our dr with dr lord on fri.
  13. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    So I was busy and cleaned house and worked in my garden getting ready for fall planting and cleaned out my front flower bed. I'm severely already feeling like my back is gonna fall apart. I did however sit awhile after supper and finished another quilt. Not really my favorite one but its for my neighbor and is a sweet gesture I suppose.
  14. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I'd love for u to come!!
  15. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Woohoo for 53lbs!!! That totally rocks!!! I hope your foot gets better and I'm so glad it's not broken!! Sounds like a busy week! I love hosting parties and showers. I'm trying to talk my husband into having a huge opening day of college Football party
  16. ajustice

    Another sex issue. *sigh*

    So glad u had such a wonderful time. Sounds amazing.
  17. ajustice

    Another sex issue. *sigh*

    Have fun!!! So exciting!!!
  18. ajustice

    Hi...Pensacola, FL

    small world. How are u doing afterwards? I'm doing great. Feeling a bit lost with him out now but I'm keeping on the keeping on
  19. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    So..you guys have any big plans for this week? I just enrolled online for the local college and decided gonna take some more classes to start trying towards the next step. That is if I can get all my financial aid worked out! Any good weight loss? I haven't weighed prob a week? Can't remember. Hope I didn't put any on with being out from home a bit. You are so right too about confidence..I have suffered from terrible low self esteem For a long time and even to the point where I didn't like myself enough to even think I was worth it. That is truly one of the biggest thins I'm liking..that shred of confidence I feel myself gaining.

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