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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ajustice

  1. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Oh Dori..u aren't whiny at all! I'd be hurt by that too. I'd prob try to mention it too and just kinda throw it out there. I'm sure your nephew loves being with u. I'd be hurt she didn't come to the grad party ESP since she did the other plans. I wish u lived closer so we could visit. I understand getting it all out there to get it off your chest..u guys are my best support system too! I think I need my depression meds upped too but I am not sure I'm depressed, just feel very anxious with changes. When is the appt with your surgeon for your back? Thought about u and hockey mom with a commercial I saw on tv today about the laser back surgery. I can't imagine living through that daily. U guys are tough!!
  2. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I swallow pills. I have since probably week 3 or 4 I even take flax seed. I did find my vitamins etc at Walgreens in pearl form. They are easy to swallow. Hope that helps.
  3. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Yay!! What are u wanting to get?
  4. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    X your fingers ladies..hopefully some of the stress will be relieved today. Waiting to see what these cuts will have in effect to me job wise. Hoping for the best. Then it's waiting to hear where we may be moving to! Gotta love military life!! Fixed my hair a bit different. Hair still looks a bit brittle but I bought some argon (sp?) to try to help it look less Straw like. Looks less thin fixed this way so I will take that for now. On a good note I did see a friend in Lowes's parking lot and she was screaming like crazy she couldn't believe it was me. So even if I'm up 2lbs it still reaffirmed I made a good decision and to keep working forward. I might not have made it very far on the road in the journey but I'm further than where I started. Hope I can keep positive and kick some anxiety and stress.
  5. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I hope for us all its just something that will pass. Frustrating
  6. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    They are beautiful!! They look happy. What a bunch of blessings they are!
  7. In the same boat. Feel like people are looking at it with no makeup and afraid to make it worse with wearing makeup. It's painful too actually. I have some scarring started and I hate it! I have that beautiful unblemished skin as a teen and now I'm 33 and hating the acne!
  8. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I'm don't know if this is related to after surgery or not. I'm making myself eat. Yesterday and today I have forced down everything. I had went on a kick of extra protein and I have actually gained weight!! I am not happy. I also am having just massive amounts of anxiety! I feel so irritable and feel bad at how I'm responding to it. My hair is falling out at such a wild extreme measure I'm almost convinced I will be bald before its over. I worry nonstop about lay offs at work. I'm so tired of dealing with that stress. I just hate feeling this stressed and I hate I'm not seeing any real progress. I feel lagging behind. For the 1st time since surg I really feel like giving up and saying the hell with everything. I hate the thought of gaining weight! That makes me so upset.
  9. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I can't wait to hear how they reacted!! I'm sure they are gonna be blown away when they see u!!
  10. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Great job Dori! Have fun and glad the weather is looking good!!
  11. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Day 2 of choking protein down. I've got to say I hate it but have to say if it works I'm gonna keep pressing on. Seeing the PA who is filling in for my surgeon tomm. Nervous.
  12. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I'm gonna say some prayers for u. I'm sorry u are having to go thru all that. Please take care of u tho. I'd hate for u to get sick. He totally isn't worth that. We love u here!
  13. ajustice

    Food Logs Discussion

    Mine has called me rude I've actually looked up things he was eating and started Telling him about it. He does NOT like that
  14. ajustice

    Things I will not miss...

    Well u know what I noticed?!? I am opening the bathroom door in public bathrooms and not try to do some weird dance squeezing in and trying not to brush all up on the toilet trying to get into the stall cause the area inside the stall is too small. I hate public toilets anyways and totally get grossed out. Feel so much better when I'm able to just open the door and walk in.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
