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Everything posted by ajustice

  1. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I kinda feel like a hypocrite and kinda like I don't belong as much now. My path has branched off so drastically. No weight change in over a week or more now. I'm still technically obese at 160lbs so I get upset I may never get to goal even after this baby. God has his plans and reasons and as happy and just in awe of this baby i am..I can't help but kinda wish it could have waited a few more months! One oops! I can't wait to see this baby on my us appt but I can scarcely believe this has happened. I'm not sure where I go now. I'm down 53lb since surg. Felt stronger and better than I have in probably almost all of my entire adult life..and now..I'm struggling to keep fluids and foods down even with Zofran. I keep trying to make the gym work and it does help in the mornings.. It's the evenings I seem to get the most unwell. I want to eat anything and nothing! Pregnancy cravings but can't indulge in them. Life sure has taken a weird turn for me. I just wish I felt as human as I felt a few Weeks ago. Thanks for letting me vent..I know this all is my fault..just still kinda hard.
  2. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    You look wonderful!!!!!
  3. ajustice

    RNY P.C.O.S, & Pregnacy

    Yep! Rny apparently cured my PCOS. Years of nothing and after feeling the best I've felt in years..pcos is apparently gone and I'm preggo. Happy!
  4. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Thanks Dori. So excited to tell my family
  5. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Did my announcement pics today. Not officially putting it out to everyone until a few more weeks pass but this weekend gonna give the pics to my family in cards as a way of telling my immediate family like dad and siblings. Thought I would share!
  6. ajustice

    Birth Control suggestions?

    Dorm forget your bc! I'm living proof after years of infertility one little oops and all of a sudden here comes baby! I'm 6weeks now. Super important if not ready. Apparently I had a lost my mind moment..but all is ok..I'm happy..just wasn't expecting this just yet..just one oops is all it takes!
  7. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Wonderful news!! So glad there is that light at the end of the tunnel. I can't even imagine the joy you have thinking about a life with alot less pain! The way time seems to be flying it will be here before we know it!!
  8. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I'm sure it's prob a stall. I hated them but I was when I suddenly seemed to start losing sizes. I hope that's all. You are doing great so hang in there!!!
  9. ajustice

    Preggo and post op

    Thanks! Yes I am looking forward to hearing stories and how things have went during the preg and afterwards.
  10. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Ok so I have a bit of news..shocking news. I'm 6 weeks pregnant!! We haven't told our family and friends really as pregnancy is not easy with me. I've had 3 prev miscarriages. I'm on lovenox shots to my belly daily and optimistically hopeful this "change of plans" Is going to be healthy and happy ! It was such a shock..infertility for years and one oops and I'm preggo!!! Still gonna hit the gym and follow this path as healthily as I can. I've asked about what I can and can't do..so I wanna continue on this plan as close as I can..just have to nourish a baby with a bit more intake. I'm so excited and afraid!! I didn't expect 4mo post op to be be preggo! I feel blessed and I hope tho after this baby is born I am able to get back to this lifestyle of health and fitness I've been working so hard for..gonna continue what I can between now and then tho. I'm struggling with getting my protein in fighting morning sickness. Right now the most important part is staying hydrated so I'm trying to focus and ensure I can at least stay that! I call this Murphy's law!!! I was round and preggo looking before and I finally lose weight and get a somewhat flat belly..and here comes baby! Yep Murphy's law
  11. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    You look amazing!!!! U look toned and fit!!!! I'm blown away!!! Awesome job
  12. ajustice

    MULTI vitamin STUCK

    Also have bought some vitamins & supplements in "pearl" form. Those do melt and really aren't too big. At least should prevent the stuck feeling. I've found them at Walgreens also.
  13. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    It would be so fun!!!! I would love at 1 year for us to be able to combine all the weight total we dropped as a group! Can u imagine how incredible that would be?!? I'm pretty sure it would be an amazing experience for all of us to see!!!
  14. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Here is my getting ready to sweat pic. Finally seeing I have changed so much. That's day of surgery Friday

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
