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Everything posted by ajustice

  1. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    So my turn for the er. My dr office finally called me back and sent me to the er. Waiting on labs and a us. Just in a lot of pain and having a lot of pressure. No bleeding so that's somewhat more positive but I'm extremely scared.
  2. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    My mama swears there are twins. She just saw me this weekend and I sent here the pic last night and she was dying laughing. Just doesn't seem like reality! Killing it in the gym..ball gown time lol I have a military ball in 2 weeks. Want my arms to look better than little sausages. At this point I hope I can fit in my dang dress!!! I feel like I woke up even bigger today and I'm thinking I must be crazy. It's too soon!!!! Today's adventure in bloat land
  3. ajustice

    Preggo and post op

    Your right..everything in its own timing I think. I didn't think this was my perfect timing but apparently some one has better ideas than me never give up. Everyday your body is getting healthier & stronger! With that renewed wellness and strength u never know what will happen! I wish for u to have nothing but wonderful baby news!
  4. My cpap has a seperate button to open and clean the humidifier. There are so many on the market now. If u can find ur model number google may help. They send me extra filters so I try to change it and rinse the hose with vinegar Water to help the funky smell it gets sometimes. The whistling could be cracked plastic perhaps and the noise of the forced air leaking. A new Hose might help
  5. Thank u! As of today I am down 55lb
  6. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Ok so the bloat is on!!! I've lost 2 more lbs just overnight. I work up kid u not weighing less but bigger! At least it feels that way to me. Will attach some pics and y'all can decide. Anyways..I feel better and am keeping food down. Severe back pain tonight but I may have killed myself today at the gym. I'm actually thinking I'm further preggo that I thought. My periods are always whacky and while I did have one in July it wasn't what it usually is. Just a thought. Ok so y'all tell me if I'm just crazy( I mean crazier than usual) or u can tell this awesome..bloat?? Idk what the heck it is. Last week after I knew I was preggo Today
  7. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    So..relocating to Colorado in 3months. Extremely stressed with an across country move & preggo. Still struggling with intake from morning sickness and the added stress makes me want to eat even less. I feel truly over my head! On a positive note..I've now made 7 weeks. I feel better this pregnancy is gonna be ok. Praying we are able to sell our house in this timeframe. Praying I start to tolerate more food.
  8. ajustice

    Pre-natal vitamins

    I'm able to take my prenatals whole . They are huge but capsule form. Haven't had any feel like they were caught and...I'm 7 weeks preg tomm if nothing terrible happens I chewed up until now. I'd swallowed pills tho since maybe 3 weeks post op not prob.
  9. ajustice

    Preggo and post op

    Your story is alot like me. I have 1 son who is 10. He was a scary problematic preggo. Had him the day I turned 31 weeks. This is my 5th preg. I've had 3 miscarriages the last being 3 years ago aug 2010 shortly after marrying my husband. It's been 3 years no bc no prevention and even clomid..nothing!! Had surg apr 30th. Have pcos and still not really regular. One slip up with unprotected since that time and bam.. Preggo! Don't give up! I'd preferred to have waited longer. It isn't totally easy right now and I'm struggling but I'm proud I was given another chance. I'd have loved to have waited til next year but apparently something diff was in my cards. Now it's a fight daily to keep hydrated and I've had to just realize my Protein goals may not happen alot anymore. My weight goals either for that matter. Don't give up. I call this my Murphy's law baby! I had started to get really really fit, start my pursuit for a higher career, putting myself up towards the top..starting college again and all basically needs to be rescheduled. There is always hope. Pray u get your sweet little one. Have u saw a hematologist? Turns out I have a clotting mutation so Lovenox injections daily to try to prevent a loss now. My body was clotting my placentas off causing me to lose 3 pregnancies and have one early. Good luck and god bless!
  10. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Give it time. The 1st few days I felt like that. Once everything started clearing out & I was pooping I felt so much better. Maybe take every other day if its too much. I now am taking every other day but I've been pretty religious for awhile now about them. Hope that helps
  11. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Makes me sad u feel so bad. I hope the time flies and u can hurry and see the doc. Pain sucks!!! Try a warm bath. Feel better friend!
  12. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    idk maybe is a girl. Would be cute to have a girl finally! Thank u for your kind words
  13. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Praying u are right! It's been 11years almost since I went thru this with my last one. I don't remember it being like this
  14. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Thanks Krystal! As much as I'm scared about gaining I kinda do want the cute bump!
  15. ajustice

    Preggo and post op

    Thank u! I'm trying to adjust. I really am having a harder time than I could have imagined. I hope as with everything..this too shall pass and soon I will be feeling better. Getting super excited as it seems more of reality it's just making all the pieces fit together in place smoothly that's the challenge.
  16. Here is my little collage on life changing through weight! Hope I can keep it off with all the craziness ahead...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
