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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ajustice

  1. ajustice

    Weight loss and BMs

    Idk that it would keep the malabsorption from working but it does make you mighty uncomfortable....the longer it goes on you can risk being impacted or perhaps other complications. I know I pretty much rely on flax seed oil caps( started about 4 months out when I could swallow one that big) daily that helps me keep going as well as senna at times. I also bought the whole flax seeds and sprinkle in my yogurt and salads. Just a part of my natural kick. Dulcolax and Milk of mag are helpful when you need to really get things up and moving. I think constipation is A pretty common thing post rny with all of the protein etc. Hope you get something that works and gets you moving and feeling better
  2. I'm horrified they sent u home to take Tylenol. This is a massive surgery and even tho I've never been the type for pain meds I had to have some afterwards. I urge u not to suffer in silence. Your surgeon has an obligation to you and I would definitely let it be known. There should be an on call physician for the practice or at the very least go to the ER where they can help you or contact him. Pain is not helpful in the healing process. I urge you to be a advocate for yourself. Hope u get some relief soon. Let us know how u are doing.
  3. ajustice

    Intake log app?

    My fitness pal has been my lifeline. Not only can I log food I can recalculate around my needs depending on my goals. It also allows me to calculate any exercise I do. I do like having friends that I can connect with, see their food diaries, and just generally get and give encouragement and support.
  4. Thought I'd throw my pic into the thread! Rny has made my life so much more amazing. Sleep apnea..high blood pressure..insulin resistance..gone!
  5. ajustice

    Acid Reflux

    I take Pepcid 2x a day as a preventative. I'm the rare person who is on aspirin therapy post rny. I was on aspirin therapy before surgery and my surgeon consulted with my hematologist and aspirin was my best course of treatment right now for a clotting disorder. I take it and am over 6mo post op and haven't had any problem. I am aware per my surgeon I will have to take this or another preventative med for the rest of my life..or as long as I am on aspirin therapy. I think generally some surgeons do like to keep patients on a acid blocker etc for the 1st 6 months..as is my understanding.
  6. ajustice

    by RHY, is a go, NOV 21's

    Hate to hear you are having to go through this. As a nurse I could think of 2 other patients with sleeve to bypass for kinda similar reason in the medical facility I worked at. It's got to be scary and I wish you nothing but the best. Let us know how you are doing. If I can help in any way..advise, listening ear etc please feel free to message me.
  7. ajustice

    What ya eating tonight?

    Steak,asparagus, and sautéed mushrooms. Pretty awesome
  8. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Hubby is sending me to buy clothes!! Apparently the saggy butt and 3 sizes too big tops aren't cutting it much anymore. I've literally bought nothing so this is so thrilling to me. I had said no clothes til I hit goal but at this rate im barely keeping my panties up! Feels like Christmas. Kinda excited to see what size I can truly fit into.
  9. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Kick that man in gear!!! Make him go take u and show u off We had the military ball which I was nervous about in Oct but I'm honestly excited about his Christmas party this year. Hope u get to go! It's nice to have something to look forward to
  10. ajustice

    my story

    Sending prayers your way. You have been through a lot and I'm so sorry u had to go through all of that. Hopefully the rest of your journey will be eventful only in the success and weigh loss u have! Speedy recovery!
  11. ajustice

    Horror stories?!?

    Center of excellence are what I've researched to be the best places with highest results. While there is always a risk with any major surgery with something going wrong the facilities that have generally been designated as "Center of Excellence" do a high volume of patients and usually less complications. I had a cousin die back in the late 80s from "stomach stapling" but I think it was more complications from other things months afterwards. People will have plenty of horror stories and I was scared myself. Even going as far as writing my kiddo a note and telling everyone I loved them...just in case. As many horror stories as u may hear...there are so many success stories too.. Just simply browse this forum a while. Good luck on your journey and overall it's something you have to weigh the personal risks of. The real horror story to me was being so young and so unhealthy and knowing I was cheating myself and my family with a healthy normal life.
  12. ajustice

    Did anybody else use gas-x

    I used them while recovering but not really sure it helped. More of it was walking that helped the most.... I use em now tho! While I am proud of my post op weight loss the gas after surgery is nothing pretty ..as u will find plenty of us talking about noticing post op :/
  13. ajustice

    Body wraps

    Pass them along please
  14. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Have I told u guys just how much I love y'all? We got the best group of folks for April!!
  15. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Do they think could be related to any meds?
  16. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Hope they can find out what's up with all of that. Glad u got a positive spin tho.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
