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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ajustice

  1. Colace is good for a daily stool softener or senna if u are in the US. Some swear by miralax which is similar to what she describes as a powder. For faster relief of it is constipation milk of magnesia might help and then perhaps a daily colace. If the pain is still unbearable Now I totally advise against waiting it out and would seek medical attention. Hope u feel better soon.
  2. ajustice

    Keeping Skin Moisturized?

    I use coconut oil also. U can find it in the baking aisle at grocery stores. Also sometimes the vitamin and supplement aisle. Love it!
  3. Imagine the visual of carrying a elephant penis around! I'd prob pee my pants! Lol
  4. ajustice

    Preggo and post op

    Hi..unfortunately I lost the twins. It's been rough and just heartbreaking. Right now I don't know what the future holds..if even another chance will exist. I'm trying to heal emotionally and focus of the positive steps I'm making forward.
  5. ajustice

    Say Good Bye To The Girls :(

    Lol me too! Thankfully with the right amount of cash...I can help bring em back to life!
  6. I've swapped to soy milk and almond also. Good calcium and let tummy discomfort.
  7. ajustice

    It's Oh So Quiet ...

    Hmm I tried making so new threads to get folks talking...just didn't get a lot. Idk what else to do.
  8. ajustice


    Curious about this also..almost 7 months out and my hair loss is shocking!
  9. ajustice

    Say Good Bye To The Girls :(

    Sadly...my girls had to sacrifice themselves on my journey. It's push up bras until I can buy me some more.
  10. ajustice


    I've had a tiny bit of wine..I say tiny because the 2x I've tried it I was pretty much tipsy after the smallest of sips. I think my surgeons program called for at least 1 year out for alcohol..naughty me I tried it. It hit me super fast. I'm nearly 7mo and just now in the last month or so trying it.
  11. Doesn't seem normal to have such extreme pain. Your surgeon has an obligation to support you during this post operative process so please don't hesitate to contact him/her and ask about your concerns. While I did have left side pain up to about 10 days out it wasn't nothing like you described. Please contact your surgeons office to ensure you get the help you need. Let us know how you are doing. Good luck and speedy recovery! Hope you feel better soon.
  12. I had folks tell me I wasn't "fat enough" to have wls. I'm so thankful I didn't listen..obviously as I've lost some have changed tune and it's like all of a sudden realize just how "fat" I really was. Obviously I wouldn't have qualified if I didn't meet the requirements. Sleep apnea, hypertension, insulin resistance, pcos, high cholesterol and a few others..gone. I stopped trying to defend my actions to people who obviously didn't know what was best for me. Thankful every single day now I sought the help I needed out and had such a wonderful life changing experience.
  13. ajustice

    It's Oh So Quiet ...

    I think we need to put out amber alerts for the crew from the rny talk site. Missing everyone!! Trying to get folks back motivated to talk but it's soooooo eerily quiet on the forum nowadays.
  14. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    It's really dead around here! Miss all y'all! What's going in in life with u guys nowadays? Just bored..missing u guy
  15. ajustice

    It's Oh So Quiet ...

    I'm glad things are somewhat going back to normal. Can't wait til is hopping around here again
  16. ajustice


    I can tell u...I'm loving me too..cold..butt pain and all good issues to have I think # victories!!
  17. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    U are gonna be home and out running everyone soon! U are gonna do great!!!
  18. ajustice


    I'm right at 9lbs left to goal. It's crazy how much things have changed. Even my husband said my nickname of," Big booty Judy" doesn't fit anymore. Butt pain..I sure hopes gets better.
  19. ajustice

    What ya eating tonight?

    Some beef & barely soup. Yummy!
  20. ajustice

    Holiday Aspirations?

    Pictures are a must! I realized I have no family pics with my husband and son and my step kids with all of us together! Saddens me I was ashamed so badly of myself I lived on the outskirts so long! Also my step daughter has a band concert.... This girl is gonna be on her game and looking brand new when we meet up with his ex!!! Might as well make her hate me a bit more
  21. How are you doing? Everything go well Monday?
  22. Unfortunately stalls happen. You aren't doing anything wrong I'm sure it's just the journey has lots of peaks and valleys. I would say u are doing phenomenal. The amount u have lost isn't anything to frown about for sure! Whenever u feel discouraged just start thinking about percentage excess weight loss compared to where u were. Sometimes that's made me feel a lot better. Even with wls our bodies tend to get complacent. Shake it up a bit and see if that helps. If u aren't eating as many calories maybe add in a few extra calories for a few days. Logging your food helps knowing where u stand and what might be going on where u can tweak it if needed. Change in routine sometimes helps...if u have a normal exercise routine...Shake that up a bit too may help. Regardless please don't be so hard on yourself. You are doing awesome! This too shall pass!

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