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Everything posted by ajustice

  1. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Went home to see my family. Dietary...not doing so great. They feel the need apparently to "feed me" and all the southern comfort type food is breaking my will power. I'm weak and have had some. At least with my pouch I can't hold a lot but it still doesn't help I feel so guilty for my indulgence. Movers packed my scales so I don't even have that and my parents scales are circa 1980 I swear and I'm not sure are correct. Holidays coming makes me terrified I'm gonna be weak. I never expected to totally abstain from everything for the rest of my life and wanted to gradually get to where I could somewhat eat "normally" at times but I'm scared this weak this soon is setting me up for losing that thin line of control rny has given me for my food addiction & emotional eating.
  2. ajustice

    Holiday Aspirations?

    I'm positive u looked wonderful! I was scheduled for pics this week with my step kids when we drive up to see them but after a little accident with a gun scope I have a black eye! There goes my holiday pics! Maybe after Christmas.
  3. ajustice

    Holiday Aspirations?

    I'm hoping I won't be so fixated on the food myself. The pics..I'm excited! Finally won't be ashamed.
  4. ajustice

    Holiday Aspirations?

    I'm hoping I won't be so fixated on the food myself. The pics..I'm excited! Finally won't be ashamed.
  5. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I would be lost without u guys! Love y'all!!
  6. So after 4months post op and years of infertility and loss, one little "oops", and apparently plans different than mine..I'm pregnant! I'm 6 weeks and in shock still. I'm still trying to hit the gym as much as I can . My intake is suffering with morning sickness but I'm trying to keep hydrated. Any advice from post rny mamas? As happy and excited as I am I also am afraid my plan is going to be totally derailed. I want to have a healthy baby and still try to remain in course. I have like 25lbs left to my goal. I don't see me making that now. I'm not sure how this will be for me post baby. Scared my pouch will stretch, can I support a healthy pregnancy?? So many things floating around in my head. I have been in care with my ob but now I'm going to have to break down and call my surgeon and nutritionist. I feel bad cause I'm afraid they will be so disappointed in me! This little miracle came at a difficult time. My husband is already concerned I will lose more weight. I've tried to assure I've read some folks still continue to lose. In your experiences did u continue to lose or did a gain occur? I know I will gain a bit back just not sure how much. Any advice is helpful right now :/
  7. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Awesome about the loss...hope all the other gets better soon
  8. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Awesome about the loss...hope all the other gets better soon
  9. ajustice

    What ya eating tonight?

    Steamed mussels,shrimp, and snow crab leg. The best dinner I've enjoyed since surgery many months ago. Truly enjoyed this one.
  10. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Me too..burned out. I'm over yogurt & cheese for awhile! You are doing great! Congrats on the amazing loss!
  11. ajustice

    Hair Loss

    Thank u!
  12. ajustice

    Hair Loss

    Here is my new cut. It's not exactly what I wanted but it's layered to look fuller. Over all I'm good as long as t look healthier
  13. Ok the general rule is no. However there are some incidences where it is ok in certain medical incidences approved by a bariatric surgeon. I happen to be the weird person in who has not stopped taking aspirin. I have a clotting disorder and my hematologist does not want to put me on Coumadin until I have an active clot. He wants aspiring therapy. I have moved down from 325mg a day to 81mg a day. This was my regimen before rny. My surgeon consulted with my hematologist and they together concluded it would be possible for me to remain on my aspirin therapy as long as I was taking something to kinda prevent ulcers. I take 2 pepcids daily since surgery. I will continue to probably take this the rest of my life and I'm ok with it. I've had no problems and I just kinda keep check on what my pouch is feeling like and make sure I take my meds. Will there be a day I might not be able to take aspirin? Idk possibly but I'm the exception to that general rule of no aspirin. I trust my surgeon. I did a year of research and he is one of the top surgeons in the area, trained at Columbia university and leads the Center for excellence for the bariatric program. I'd not ever tell someone oh sure take some aspirin while the general rule is no and you def consult with their surgeon but I'd share what's happened in my life and how it is working out.
  14. The joys of the journey! I was a slow loser when other folks were posting about losing so much in a weeks time I would want to cry. I had stalls. I was only seeing 8lb a month loss at times but idk it's like the last 2 months it's started back in over drive and I'm losing faster and more. I actually lost 4lb in a 2 day time frame last week! Goal is in sight! Trust in the process and it will happen. It's so frustrating and sometimes it's hard a bit when it feels you aren't going as fast as some of the others. I am 7 months almost now and I remember just wanting time to fly by so it would mean more loss. Now I'm so proud of how well things worked out...even when I almost couldn't believe it would. I don't want y'all to feel bad or that you are doing something wrong, or that it isn't possible because it totally is! We just all have our different bodies that react in different ways. I can't wait to watch your journeys more along the way and hear the excitement when you get there!!! Good luck!
  15. ajustice

    Hair Loss

    Rogaine has actually crossed my mind.
  16. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Fl for over 4 years. Love it here. It's became home. I'm getting more excited for CO I think. I'm just nervous. Will miss being able to hop in my car and drive 4hrs to my parents. That's the change I'm must uneasy about.
  17. ajustice

    What's Your Favorite Store Now?

    I bought some cute jeans at Maurice's. I'm still not certain how to dress myself now. Totally doesn't help I'm a terrible Tom boy. I had a blubbering breakdown in the dressing room when having to ask for a 5/6 and they fit. I had to explain it to the sales lady and I'm sure she thought I was nuts.
  18. ajustice


    it's still so surreal to be called skinny! I'm starting in ways to almost feel it! I wish my head would shrink a bit tho so I look a little less like a bobble head doll
  19. ajustice


    When I started thinking of wls it was the band I had in mind. It took a year of researching and finding a dr and getting comfy with the idea. Once I met with the surgeon rny was mentioned and the sleeve. I just felt it would be better to go with the," gold standard" for obesity treatment. Felt much more comfortable with that. While rny and the sleeve are considered irreversible I did feel comforted I had my "fat girl tummy" off to the side and if I needed it at least it was there. I knew I would cheat the band. After speaking with the dr I just knew getting the band would probably truly not fix my problem with obesity. It would take something stronger to truly force me to change my life. I'm an emotional eater and also a food addict. I knew with the band I'd probably find myself trying to slide in milkshakes and ice cream when I had my "melt down" moments. I did it too frequently after bad days at work so why would I stop after getting a band? I knew my emotional eating and addiction would probably cripple me. Too many times after work I'd stop and grab ice cream or milkshakes cause I justified it to myself I had taken care of a mass load of patients and the stress and strain of it..and I deserved it. I needed to risk the fact that my treatment would cause me to"dump" if I did the wrong thing. Kinda like it would keep me honest and accountable. The sleeve was too new and I was afraid. I had a few patients who in our clinic had the sleeve and later ended up with rny. Just made the most sense to me. I applaud anyone who decides to take their well being and health in their hands and go forward with a hard decision that truly could make it better. We all choose what we feel is best. I like my decision and I don't totally think rny is the best decision for everyone else but for me it was. I am glad to be the cheerleader and watch anyone who chose wls succeed no matter the procedure.
  20. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Thank u! I have the hubby almost standing on his head stressed and I'm just trying to make sure at least the most important stuff is done. My son asked me if we were going to be hobos! I've had to laugh and explain things will be ok. It will soon..just gotta make it through this week!
  21. ajustice

    Tomrw Is My Day

    When u are feeling up to it let us know how u are doing good luck!
  22. ajustice

    Tomrw Is My Day

    When u are feeling up to it let us know how u are doing good luck!
  23. ajustice

    How To Avoid Ulcers?

    My dr has me on Pepcid 2x a day. So far so good.
  24. ajustice

    Tomrw Is My Day

    Will say a prayer for you in the morn as u are going in! It will be over before u know it and on to the losers bench

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
