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Everything posted by ajustice

  1. ajustice

    What ya eating tonight?

    Pan seared pork center chop and sweet potatoes. Didn't take a lot of it to fill me up
  2. ajustice

    Bummed Out Day Yesterday

    I'm with DL on this..the wait and uncertainty suck but fast forward and look back a year from now and all will be worth it. There will come many speed bumps along your journey and the best thing I learned during it all is to always remind myself...This too shall pass! Good luck! Hope u get your answer soon
  3. ajustice

    Rny And Arthritis

    One of the NSAIDs that's somewhat questionable in the bariatric community ( I'm repeating this from my surgeon not on my personal opinion or advice) is Celebrex. It's a benefits outweigh the risks kinda investigation in his practice before he would place anyone on it. Idk but RNY is wonderful there are just a few drawbacks. No NSAIDs unfortunately is the biggest. Always discuss options with your surgeon. He's there to help make the best decisions through the circumstance for your care. Good luck
  4. ajustice

    What Is....

    Would love some new ideas. I'm burned out with the old classics. I still can't handle chicken so that's out.
  5. ajustice


    It was a shock to me how cold KY was I am from FL and headed to CO soon so I'm gonna have to adapt
  6. ajustice


    Thanks. That's sounds like a good idea! We were in KY this last week and I was pretty much a continuous ice block
  7. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Lol!! Prob would be ok if it was like 20 ya know!!
  8. ajustice

    Telling Friends And Family...

    I've been very open with a select few. I've shared my story with people close to me and have been candid when asked by some folks and if I felt they would benefit from hearing my story. I am pretty much an open person but I do like to keep certain things private. I was a lot more open with people until I had a few not so nice and negative comments from "friends" and then I decided it was a need to know basis. I don't regret my journey and I'm not ashamed. I just don't wanna open myself up to more hurtful opinions and comments anytime soon.
  9. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Y'all are the toughest group of ladies I know and I just want y'all all to know how awesome y'all are and are doing. Challenges have came and no matter what are staying on course! That has to tell so much about commitment and strength. Never forget that!!
  10. ajustice

    Is dumping forever

    I need to dump! I am so so weak with sweets. I fell victim fri night to leftover pumpkin cheesecake and anything I thought I had experience prior as being dumping...couldnt hold a candle to the 2 hours of rolling on the cool tile bathroom floor, vomiting, hot flashes, racing heart, nausea, and spinning room. Needless to say will keep me honest and be a icky reminder for a good while. I need the dumping cause I'd end up obese all over again due to my wavering will power at times.
  11. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Slow and steady wins the race my friend! I have no doubt u will make goal. We will be cheering u on right along the way. Also...123lbs is absolutely amazing and nothing to take lightly. That's losing 12 supermodels!!
  12. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I actually had tiny bite of a lot of things. I was kinda shocked how I felt just as content and not as miserable thinking I couldnt be just as gluttonous as the others around me. I tried new things and actually made some new discoveries in cheeses etc I love! Today was the easiest day I've had since we moved out of our house getting protein in by food alone. Hope all you guys had a wonderful thanksgiving and a happy day!
  13. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Happy Thanksgiving y'all!!! Hope everyone has a wonderful day. May we all have a wonderful and glutton free day
  14. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    We are in KY with his family today. When we head back sun we will be staying in a short term condo til after New Years then onward to CO!
  15. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Hopefully they can give u some answers. I know it will have to be a relief to get the staples out. Let us know how u are. Hope they can get u fixed and feeling brand new!
  16. ajustice

    Advice For A Youngin

    Yep! My husband was against it but finally realized I wasn't going to give up. My mama was another story. It's taken almost 7 months from my surgery to get her to half acknowledge anything. Of course there are risks and there are always gonna be people with opinions. The real opinion that matters however is yours. Research your heart out and decide for yourself if it's right for you. Family and friends have gradually acknowledged it was a wonderful choice. There will always be one or 2 who may not agree but that's ok too. The wonderful part of being an adult is being able to make your own choices. I can only tell you the good choice it was for me but I do encourage you to decide for yourself. Benefits versus risks should be a huge factor. I'm sure when you make up your mind and feel confident with your decision others around you will be supportive.
  17. ajustice


    My nut told me it was fine for 2 cups of coffee a day just make sure I get plenty of my noncaffeinated fluids in. I mix my Protein in my coffee sometimes as well.
  18. ajustice

    Greek Cream Cheese?

    I also found it at Walmart in another name brand pretty cheap and I mixed it with tuna and creole seasoning. Used it both as a veggie dip and rolled it up in a wrap. Pretty yummy. I froze some of the blocks and it froze well.
  19. ajustice

    Hair Loss

    Thanks u guys. It hasn't really made it stop falling out but doesn't look as unhealthy now I suppose. Guess this the joys we all get to share along with our successes...
  20. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Love that name Lola! Glad u got to see the fam. Hopefully tues can give more insight on your back and what as going on. Extra prayers that u heal up and get ready to kick butt soon!! Mucho love!
  21. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I love all u guys! Y'all always are so helpful. I told my mama I didn't need feeding. I come from a very severely obese family and they think I look way to thin now and she doesn't get the concept of how the small sizes keep my body going. I told her that's why I eat smaller frequent meals. I had a talk with her as we were making food boxes for some families about how concerned I was for her health and her diabetes being so severe and wish she would consider rny. I don't think it really sank in tho. She later checked her blood sugar then started eating some candy. I ran to Walmart and grabbed a few safe foods. Yest I was weak and had some bad bad stuff. Today...trying hard to avoid the breakdown. I do think I was having a easier time today cause I had some yest. Happy Sunday y'all!
  22. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Thanks! You can be my accountability partner! They cancelled my 6mo check up cause a new surgeon came in so I'm glad u told me about the extra protein. I too find the late night hunger coming up.
  23. Looking at some of the other boards on here I saw some interesting convos. I had kinda of gotten bummed about some of my fav holiday traditions & foods not fitting into my new healthier lifestyle. I've resigned myself to maybe having a bite of some things possibly but some having none while sweets are out. I started thinking about things I was looking forward to and had some great things not food related. I can't wait to see my in laws and step kids...they are going to be shocked when they see me. My husbands ex wife...so very looking forward to seeing her too!!!!! She never has been pleasant to me. I think the satisfaction of shocking a few folks out weights the feeling of missing out. These folks have never saw me thinner or healthier. My question is this....what are some of the things non food related you are looking forward to for the holidays?
  24. ajustice

    Holiday Aspirations?

    Apparently...my daddy's 4570 rifle and it's monster recoil and my own dumb moment.. While sighting the scope in on it.. I got a little too close and the recoil popped the scope back into my eye/face. Here's a pic from earlier Eye is a bit more bloodshot now and I'm pretty sure is gonna look beautiful in the morning.
  25. ajustice

    Holiday Aspirations?

    Apparently...my daddy's 4570 rifle and it's monster recoil and my own dumb moment.. While sighting the scope in on it.. I got a little too close and the recoil popped the scope back into my eye/face. Here's a pic from earlier Eye is a bit more bloodshot now and I'm pretty sure is gonna look beautiful in the morning.

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