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Everything posted by ajustice

  1. ajustice

    Confessions Of A Chocoholic

    I cheat occasionally but I do at times dump. Sometimes it's just worse than others. I love chocolate and know it's a slippery slope as I'm weak. I do try some sugar free chocolate to try to cut the cravings. I also log every single day.
  2. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Looking awesome! Glad it's helped u find happiness. That's the most wonderful part of it.
  3. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I'm anywhere from 800-1200. My fitness pal has my goal at 1200 a day. It varies a lot. The last few days with being sick and then also PMS I got a lot more calories in wanting comfort food. It really varies with me. I've also been curious with how many calories y'all get and also how much y'all are consuming at a time.
  4. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    What's crazy is I love the tart the crunch is pretty awesome.
  5. ajustice


    Awesome move in the quitting! New life and good health is definitely on the way. Congrats on your surgery! Hold on tight it's a wild ride but so worth it!
  6. ajustice

    No Support From Family

    The joy of being an adult is u get to make your own choices I gotta say my hubby wasn't as thrilled but he was supportive and now he realizes how great it was for me. My mom had me crying the day I was going into surgery. She still doesn't acknowledge much about my surgery. People will always have opinions. The main thing is researching what's best for your life and feeling confident in your decisions. I tell some about my rny and others I don't feel the need to. It turned out it was the best thing I've ever done for myself. It's hard with having the natural nervousness with the surgery and not feeling u are fully supported in your decisions. You do have support here tho. I like to think we can be your greatest cheerleaders sometimes. Ultimately it your life and up to u to evaluate what's best. Only u can make the honest soul searching decision for what is right in your life. In the end that's all that matters. Sometimes I've learned the biggest critics were the ones needing the most help themselves. Good luck!
  7. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    We just came back from seeing my god child and it was 69 and nasty sticky out. I see all the coverage on the news and know it's just a matter of time and I'm gonna be dealing with it up there. On a side note...have I told y'all my new "addiction"? Raw cranberries. It's a sweet and sour kinda crunch that is truly helping me get past my urge to snack. Good fiber and limited sugars so..I'm loving it.
  8. I am a fellow clotter! I did the Lovenox 2 Weeks pre and 2 weeks post. It's not always easy after RNY but I hope u can get to where one day u can say the same thing I do...It's so worth it! Sometimes I think it takes awhile to get it all to fall into place. Having a illness that rough so shortly after RNY must have been hard. You are tough tho and made it and hopefully now everything is on the upward swing. Don't be hard on yourself. Take this time to take care of u and get your strength back. It takes awhile to recover and adding the illness in may just be a bit more challenging. I did about a week after go through a funk wondering why I did that to myself. I also had the tears and emotional episodes. I gotta say that taught me my new motto that I try to remember..."This too shall pass..." Hopefully u will see this happen soon and all will get better. Good luck! We are here for u anytime U need to talk and vent.
  9. ajustice

    Any Regrets?

    I think it's the best gift I ever gave myself. No regrets! It's really natural to have some nerves. It's a major surgery and life changer! They will take such great are of u tho. It's not always easy but it's so worth it!!
  10. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    It's 71 this morn. Not sure what the high will be today. It's actually humid. Enjoying this for the last month before I face the realities u guys are talking about. Hope all y'all are doing well. Happy Monday.
  11. ajustice

    Scared! Here's My Story...

    I have to agree. You are your own best advocate and your health depends on it. Please seek medical treatment. Sometimes a problem doesn't need to go too long as some complications/issues can be extremely dangerous. Please update us in how you are doing and hoping things get better for u soon.
  12. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Thought of u when I heard he had passed. What a wonderful man! Well hope the psych can work through something to help you. I totally understand the whole dealing and coping. I know I deal hard with the loss of some of my emotional eating. I have to really be careful. Holiday times seem to not help with the smorgasbord of food. Glad u are back.
  13. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Yay!! Welcome back! How is everything?
  14. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Hope all goes well. Hope he is able to get ya fixed. Shopping almost done. Since we have limited space I'm doing a "shoebox" Christmas. I bought a bunch of little tins and filled them with goodies. That's about the extent of my shopping this year. Hope everyone is doing great!!
  15. ajustice

    Bummed Out Day Yesterday

    Hopefully u will hear soon. The hoop jumping and waiting is prob the worst part. Once you get to the post op it's so busy adjusting and making everything work. Gonna be great! Just wait and see!!
  16. ajustice

    What ya eating tonight?

    I'm loving cherry tomatoes, broccoli, zucchini, butternut squash, sweet potatoes. I've grown fonder of veggies and have to make sure I still get my protein in or I would do straight veggies.
  17. ajustice


    I have been back in shorts and flip flops again. :/ enjoying it for now as soon I will be away from mild winters
  18. My child's daycare director didn't recognize me today. I haven't actually seen her since May shortly after surgery. I knew she was acting weird when I was waving at her but as she got closer she started waving and told me she didn't know who I was! That was prob truly the 1st person who told me they didn't recognize me! It was a awesome moment. I won't ever forget it.
  19. I have the same issue. Worse when standing. My last bp at the dr sitting was 96/54. Often when I stand I get the fuzzy vision and swimming feeling . I've added salt to my diet and I've noticed when I push the fluids it's a lot better. It's called orthostatic hypotension.
  20. ajustice


    Congrats! My biggest advice is your journey is your own. When you stall..and you will..just remember this too shall pass. Don't compare yourself and your losses to anyone else because everyone is different and that was often frustrating at 1st. You can do this and never doubt it! You have a whole board of cheerleaders here for you whenever you need it. Good luck!
  21. ajustice

    Sugar Free Pudding Mixins

    My fav dessert for awhile was sugar free choc pudding with sugar free cool whip. Yummy treat
  22. ajustice


    Ashland. If anything KY let me know I am missing my insulation badly. I froze the entire time and the wind was a killer. Got my 1st winter coat. We had to stop in Lexington for coats for my son and myself. I'm def gonna have to learn to layer
  23. ajustice

    Ive Finally Found You!

    You look beautiful!! Good luck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
