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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ajustice

  1. ajustice

    What ya eating tonight?

    Pork loin chops, lentils, and broccoli with cheese. I enjoyed dinner tonight
  2. ajustice

    Depression & Anti-Depressants

    I was so scared of the psych consult! I was so freaked out and honestly it was worse in my own head that it could have ever have been in reality. It's more for ensuring you have a realistic outlook and are not rushing into such a serious surgery without the proper mentality to be ready to manage it and all of the changes as well as maintenance you will need to care for yourself for a healthy new life. Meds were honestly no problem for me. After a few weeks post op I was a bit kooky and hormonal. That's where you are honest and open with your surgeon or PCM. Because of absorption meds may have to be tweaked a bit. The key I think is to be honest during your psych eval. Many people struggle with depression just like hypertension or diabetes. Now days it's very common for people to be treated with anti depressants. A good surgeon will know how to help with your treatment.
  3. It's Alaina Yep the best part is when u really have it in your mind it's enough. It's the biggest push to go forward. I chose rny cause I knew is cheat. I'm a weak girl. Rny keeps me pretty in check which is what I needed. Good luck!!
  4. ajustice

    Solid foods

    Discomfort could be from chewing and not having the food grounded down small enough. It takes awhile when u start back to whole foods to find a groove and what works. I know I also do not tolerate certain foods. I generally tried to watch what my reactions and discomforts to certain foods were. Chicken is a killer for me that I still can't tolerate for some reason. Sometimes it still takes awhile to heal and is helpful to reintroduce certain foods back at an even later date. With me where I got into a problem was I thought I was chewing well.. Or at least better than I use to but I found by just chewing a bit more even still my discomfort was drastically reduced. Denser foods fill the pouch faster causing greater discomfort also. It's a fine balance and takes a bit of time. It does get better tho
  5. I agree with Turn the page..any damage done is pretty much done as for as your previous heart crisis. The good news is by getting A more definite handle of your health by having RNY..you reduce the chances of repeat heart attacks and other health conditions. Any steps you make forward to a healthier lifestyle and reduction in weight is positive steps to a longer happier life. Good luck!!
  6. ajustice

    This is getting old!

    I have to lay down. I learned i actually have gotten worse about my chewing the further out I've gotten. Mainly because it's life as usual now and I tend to talk and laugh and entertain while I'm eating not always a great idea if you get carried away enough to be distracted to not chew as good.
  7. ajustice


    This is I think normal. It's all a process. Somedays I would get so upset wondering how on earth could I ever function with my normal life when I was struggling just trying to do fluids and work out vitamins etc. The good news is...This too shall pass! It's all a process that comes. It won't be 100% perfect at 1st. You have to adapt and learn what works and finally some things will just click and fall into place. Fluids was a hard one for me. I found sugar free Popsicles helped me tons. My nutritionist suggested them and it did help. Don't worry if it doesn't come immediately cause it's something we all pretty much have been though. If u ever need to talk or any help please feel free to message me. I'm almost 8 months out and not totally perfect but I remember all too well how frustrated I felt. Also be kind to yourself. A lot of hormonal changes and issues happen the weeks after surgery and things can be a bit kooky for awhile. That too gets better. We are here to help!
  8. ajustice

    Christmas Cookies

    I'm interested in sugar free baking! Would love any of you sweet ladies to share any recipes. I use Splenda for some things but not very creative putting stuff together. I am gonna have to break down and bake some cookies for my son. He doesn't get it that mama has to be careful with goodies and honestly it's not his place to have to or do without because of my food addiction. He's very use to every year we do cookies and we also take them to base for the airmen in the dorms that can't go home. Guess that's gonna be the extent of my baking this year. He's 10 so I'm trying to keep his traditions alive cause I know not A lot longer he's gonna wanna hang with mama in the kitchen.
  9. ajustice

    14 Weeks Post Op

    Sounds like things are going well! Congrats!!
  10. ajustice

    Grieving food?

    Yep pretty normal. A lot of folks tell also (I'm guilty as well) about the "last supper" before the liquid diet. Life does change but you would be surprised how you learn to adapt. I can now eat some of the old things I use to but I usually don't want too. The few things I can tho and just feel like I would love I simply take a bite enough to satisfy my brain and I'm good. Before there would never have been a way of ever being able to stop. Your tastes do change a lot. The intense cravings aren't there for me anymore which is very helpful.
  11. I don't think I feel deprived really. After surgery and the adapting to the liquids and learning to eat I was in my own zone about week 4 when I was starting to eat again I had a bit of prob with others eating..such as family meals etc or going out to eat but it truly was something I had to learn to handle. They didn't go through the surgery and I did. I remembered why I had the surgery and the very foods I was kinda upset over not being able to eat...well that was kinda what helped get me to where I needed surgery. Being almost 8 months out now I am pretty content. I eat my own food according to my diet and if I've ever wanted to try anything I may take a tiny bite. Just usually that tiny bite is enough to make me feel content. That's something that came with time tho. I do dump and I know I'm a very weak girl. I can't go there. Hopefully there will come the time soon enough it's the same for you and not the feeling of deprivation. This truly is a blessing for me.
  12. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    OMG that sounds heavenly. Bought a new bag of the cranberries and I know if I made this I'd make myself sick! I'm so weak!!! So far the cranberries are my snack fave now that blueberries are out of season. Haven't done any real baking for the season as we are in a tiny rental condo between locations but may give in soon as my son keeps asking why no Christmas cookies. Mama will just have to be strong!!
  13. ajustice

    Update with Photos!

    Congrats! Looking wonderful
  14. ajustice

    Food and Nutrition reorg?

    I like the idea. I personally think adding the 2 sections might provide more data and that makes me excited!
  15. ajustice

    Found my way back here..

    Sounds like things are looking up. Welcome back!
  16. ajustice

    Female issues with RNY?

    I'm with Music. Even now the periods are rough and I'm about 8 mon post. I'm def more regular as I had pcos. Hormonal is a awesome word to describe it. My acne went insane.
  17. ajustice

    Getting closer for my surgery

    What an awesome Christmas gift to yourself! Good luck and congrats!!
  18. The best thing I've learned...our journey is our own. Don't be so hard on yourself cause you are doing great!! I do see where some people post about certain surgeons having expectations. Thankfully I've never been pressured with that. My facility told me they don't become concerned until 6 months post as people lose differently. We all lose and respond differently. I gained coming home from the hospital and my 1st month loss was prob 20lbs. I noticed there were a lot of slow weeks and months but it does add up. Pictures are a great way of reminding yourself of progress. Often I had to look back on my progress pics to show myself I had moved forward. I think you are doing great. Follow the program and it will work. We are here for u anytime u get discouraged.
  19. ajustice

    My Story

    So sorry for all you have had to go through. It shows the "risks" of this surgery that can occasionally happen. Wishing you a full return to health. I've had a pretty easy recovery and wish It was as so for u.
  20. Aww that's wonderful! It's these type of things that are awesome and also when I stall along the way...help kept my head focused. Thanks for sharing!
  21. So sorry. Hope they can figure things out and find a solution.
  22. ajustice


    What kind of trouble? How can we help?
  23. ajustice


    Yay!! Welcome to the losers bench. So glad things went well.
  24. The liquid diet is definitely the least of my favorite part about this surgery. As for the rude person...... Honey people say some awful things. Some say some thoughtless things. Overall you are making a decision about your health and well being. The fact you were approved for this surgery says enough about you qualify for it. I started on a bit of a lower spectrum than some who have had the surgery weight wise and there have been some things said to me. It hurt my feelings and at times made me fighting mad. Overall the sleep apnea being gone, high bp gone, insulin resistance, pcos, and all the other good that's happened since surgery have made it worth it. I deserve good health as we all do. We deserve happiness and sometimes the chances we get for it are what makes us truly appreciate it more. Delete from your life the toxic folks as it's just not worth having them bog you down again as you continue along your journey. Hold on tight it's a wild ride...but worth it!!
  25. ajustice

    This is getting old!

    I've gave up on chicken. Pretty much it has to be thinly shredded for me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
