This is my first posting. I'm sorry you are struggling. I've had to lose some weight before surgery and I was frightened. About 8 years ago I gave up on dieting and went from 160 lbs. to 236 lbs. But I decided I want to be healthy enough to care for grandchildren, one of my greatest desires! I've always said I can't lose weight because I have no discipline (as dreaded word to me). But I've lost my pre-op weight and have a tentative date for my lap band surgery of August 8th. Here's how I lost my weight--(1) asked for God's grace, bought a 1-month supply of Nutrisystem food, and bought and followed the 28-day exercise regiment in Jorge Cruise's book 8 Minutes a Day ( it helps so much--I don't exercise, but this is absolutely manageable), and I'm reframing how I think (Cruise's book helps here also). I know your pain; I'll pray for your success. I do have fears that I won't be successful, so I have to keep telling myself I can do it.