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Posts posted by LillyRose76

  1. Hi I am 3 weeks out. I have lower left abdo pain that feels like a stabbing pain. It's been there since the op, but now it's getting worse..was on and off.. But now if a stand up its always there..it's driving me nuts. Anyone else experience this???

    Yes...it wasn't a pain that was always there. It was usually aggrivated when I twisted to my left or stood up after sitting for while. Getting in and out of a car was the worst. Its a sharp stabbing pain, but I couldn't really pinpoint where it stemed from. It's was in between two of my left side incisions. It started going away about a week ago. I'm 20 days post op. The pain is not as pronounced now. It feels like something that is healing.

  2. Totally agree with you on this. A radio station in my area' date=' about three years ago, had a contest on how much Water someone could drink. Forgot what the prize was, but one of the contestants actually went home and died because of Water loading. It can and does happen. The sad part to the story, the children were left without one parent and if memory serves me right it was a woman.[/quote']

    I remember that...it was a contest to win a Wii. Sooo sad.

  3. There's two may surgery posts so I'm not sure which one to post in:

    Had my surgery may 19th. Just now starting to feel okay' date=' all the stomach feelings are bothering me and at times I can't believe what I did to myself. I hope ill change my mind here in a few months.[/quote']

    Hang in there....I had surgery on the 15th. On the 16th I questioning my decision as well. It gets better. I suffered through a pain med given every 4 hours, that only lasts for 1.5 and gas pains that had me up all night walking the halls....you're in the worst of it now...it will pass and maybe you'll feel different...I know I did.

  4. I get to go home this morning. I will be able to rest a lot better. My surgeon says I will have to be sipping all day to get the adequate hydration in order to not dehydrated. It's tough for me to get the liquids down. Which is why I was here 3 night's. I guess my best friend will be my cup for a while. He says it will get easier. Is it tough for everyone else to get liquids in?

    Surgery date: May 14, 2013

    I'm having the same issue...It really is an effort. I had a few teaspoons of Protein Jello this morning...felt like I was going to burst.

  5. What type of Protein are ypu guys getting in? Like if yoyr do a shake whats in it? I have been sippinh on water' date=' apple juice and a tiny bit of Protein clear liquid which has like 8 g per 2 ounces.. im a little afraid to add stuff..[/quote']

    I'm mixing 2 scoops of unjury Protein powder (unflavored) with 16 oz of crystal light and sipping on that throughout the day. I also have SF Jello with added protein. It is not easy to take all of that in in one day. I'm only 3 days post op so I'm too afraid to test the limits of my pouch. Not hungry at all though.

  6. For me it was a bad roller coster ride light a night mare but thank god it only last a day after its been good

    Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk

    Gas pains! Omg the first 48 hrs were the worst. If anyone out there is in the hospital tonight going through this, the best thing you can do to get rid of the gas is to walk. The first wind is divine relief, lol.

    The gas pain really had me second guessing my decision, but almost 72 hours post-op, I can say it ain't so bad. I don't feel hungry. In fact, I couldn't finish a Jello cup in half an hour.

  7. Yay I am here I made it the losers bench

    Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk

    Congratulations! Girrrlll, I don't know how it was for you, but that was a hard row to hoe. Whomever says this is the easy way, don't know what they're talking about! The view from this bench is awesome though :-)

  8. Yay I am so happy just the call to be at the hospital at 9:15 am now I am really excited its like its unreal wow what feeling

    Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk

    Time flew didn't it! I have to go in at 5:30a. Good luck to you. See you on the losers bench!

  9. Just wanted to give an update. It was a pretty rough morning' date=' however; I'm feeling a little better this evening. The surgeon said he had to fix a hernia during the operation. I've walked and its ice chips, sips of Water & pain meds every 2 hours. Thanks for all the prayers. I'm on the losers bench!!!!

    Surgery date: May 14, 2013[/quote']

    Yay Debbie!! :-)

  10. Yay we have the same date and yes I did I have a deep frizzer so I stocked up on sf pops a lot of that and broth of all kinds sf Jello sf syrups for my Protein and protein of all kinds that are very low in sugar I also bought miso Soups PB2 and just today I order some p28 and a load of sf drinks

    I going to give that p28 Peanut Butter a go as well. I'm getting all sorts of good ideas here. So happy that someone suggested to bring a chapstik. Little things like that are gems.

  11. My surgery is in 5 days (May 15th Yay!). I'm curious to know how the rest of you May'ers are preparing for your return from the hospital. Do you plan to make Protein boosted SF Jello beforehand? Did you stock up on SF ice pops? Are you hooked up with a local support group? Do you know what you're packing for your hospital stay??

  12. I can't believe how fast this is happening! I am still a bit scared. I pray I am doing the right thing!

    I can't believe it's May already! I'm in the same boat as you, just a bit scared. I've jumped through a lot of hoops to get this far and the alternative to not having this surgery is the continuation of my health and lifestyle on a downward trajectory. Weigh the pros against the cons and you'll see that you're doing the right thing :)

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