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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by maima

  1. maima

    Banded 7/20/07

    Hi! I'm a new poster. I was banded on July 20th by Dr Spivak in Houston. I'm not losing as much as you guys (8.5 lbs so far). I'm a little disappointed. I'm not having any problems and I'm able to eat just fine. I don't have the restriction I felt the first week. I hope that will change after the first fill (I don't know when that will be since I haven't contacted the doctor's office yet). I'll appreciate any advice any one has.
  2. maima

    I'm New :)

    Hi, I've been reading the posts a few times. I was banded 7/20/07, I'm doing ok. I've lost only 6 lbs. I'm supposed to be in a soft food diet for 4 weeks but I don't understand why because I can eat anything with no trouble. I've only eaten a plum that was not very ripe & it stayed in the top of my stomach (I guess I didn't chew it enough), I had to drink Water to wash it down. Does anyone know the reason for the soft diet? Thanks!! My surgeon was Dr Spivak in Houston.

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