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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LindsJ83

  1. LindsJ83

    November surgeries?

    Moxy we could be twins!! I cried a few hours ago for about a half hour uncontrollably. Like, sobbed into my crappy hospital tissues and hyperventilated kind of sobbed. Like you, I was already in a delicate state because of the pain (a migraine AND trapped gas in one hour is not fun) and I just wanted my damn Dilaudid pill!! It helps with the pain a little but mostly I wanted it to help me sleep because I haven't been! I finally got my dose and nodded off for a bit. Now that they don't have to check my vitals every couple of hours tonight, I'm hoping I will be able to sleep more. I am a hardcore side sleeper (occasionally stomach) so that doubles to my mood. I'm just glad to know I'm not alone! I keep thinking about how the people at my support group said chili seems to go down very well. And, it's the only thing I can think about food wise. Lol - everything else seems to turn my stomach. I hated chili for 20 years and now it's all I want. *sigh*
  2. LindsJ83

    November surgeries?

    I feel like I'm having a mental breakdown in the hospital. It's hard when everyone has left for the night and all I have is me and my fluids. Makes me question why I ever did this to myself. I didn't think it would be this painful nor did I ever think I'd be sitting here having a mental breakdown over Crystal Light.
  3. LindsJ83

    Got My Nut Appt On Dec. 23

    Everything went great according to the surgeon - today I'm incredibly sore, wouldn't be so bad if the trapped gas by my shoulders went away!! I'm still very tired. They are giving me painkillers which help me sleep and semi take the pain away. I hope I get to go home tomorrow. I want to see my daughter and take a shower!!!
  4. LindsJ83

    I Just Cant Stop Smoking!

    For my surgeon, it was everything - it's because of the hormone levels.
  5. LindsJ83

    November surgeries?

    Feeling it today!!! I'm at a Stage 2 already which is good but my stomach is SO sore. It aches, it burns, it's tight - it's a little of everything. Had some pretty bad trapped gas up by my shoulders. I am struggling to get my liquids in because I feel so full as it is! I'm just praying that I get to take a shower tomorrow and go home!!! I'd love the comfort of my own bed and to see my little girl!!
  6. LindsJ83

    I Just Cant Stop Smoking!

    I hate to burst the bubble even more but someone mentioned birth control: my hospital requires you to be completely off of it for at least 2 cycles. So, to recap: No birth control, no carbonation or caffeine, no cigarettes or e-cigarettes, no drugs, no alcohol. Nada!!! I know one of you girls asked about smoking and having tubes tied, etc. With gastric bypass, you are under general anesthesia which means you aren't breathing by yourself - you are intubated and a tube is down your throat. Anesthesia slows breathing and heart rate, lowers your blood pressure and basically depresses your body, even your brain. When you smoke, everything from your lung capacity and the chances of getting pneumonia, to blood vessels constricting and oxygen not circulating in the blood, are compromised. I know how hard quitting smoking can be - I was there too. But, just try to take one thing at a time instead of shocking the body and forcing it to go into a serious withdrawal. I quit caffeine and carbonation 2 months prior to my surgery because I knew that my body wouldn't be able to handle that PLUS my pre-op diet. In the final two weeks before my surgery, I walked 1 mile every day because I knew I wanted to heal quickly and be successful in the long term. So my advice to both of you is pretty simple: take each day at a time, quit one bad habit at a time and remind yourself every day why you are doing this. It will get easier!!!
  7. LindsJ83

    November surgeries?

    Yes Kat! Please stay The more the merrier. We RNY-ers don't discriminate!! Thanks for the birthday wishes yesterday guys! And the get well wishes!! Surgery was almost 24 hours ago. They had me so drugged up that I slept my way through recovery (about 2 1/2 hrs) into my room upstairs and dozed on and off until about 7pm. I was so tired!! Got in one lap last night around the unit and since 5am this morning I have walked 1.5 miles! Started my water breakfast this morning - a little thirsty but certainly not hungry (that's a first!!!). Out of bed in the recliner, morphine is gone. Thank goodness because I was starting to get itchy!! Still a little dizzy but it has been improving. I hope all of you are doing well on your journey!! Keep us updated!!
  8. LindsJ83

    November surgeries?

    TY TY TY!!! Today is the day! I am the big 3-0 AND I have surgery this morning. I can't believe I'm here. And I hope to be over there *points to the loser bench* by tonight. TY for all the support and encouraging words guys. Talk soon...
  9. Anyone in Connecticut? If so, where are you having your surgery? I haven't met anyone on here in CT or anywhere close to me!!
  10. LindsJ83

    Anyone In Ct?

    Crissy it depends on what your insurance company and surgeon require you to do. Because I had to do the 6 month diet, I had to wait until after to submit. During that time I had a psych eval, barium swallow, upper endoscopy, 2 nutritional visits and 6 dr weigh-ins. I also had multiple blood panels, 2 ekg's and had to attend at least 2 support group meetings. After my last dr weigh in, my surgeon's secretary faxed over all my ppw to insurance.
  11. LindsJ83

    November surgeries?

    Thank you! Good luck to you too!!
  12. LindsJ83

    November surgeries?

    So glad to hear everything went well Moxy! Keep us posted! I guess I'm next - less than 24 hours!!
  13. LindsJ83

    Got My Nut Appt On Dec. 23

    Thank you! I will let you know! I've got 25 hours left!!
  14. LindsJ83

    Got My Nut Appt On Dec. 23

    I have been waiting 6 months and I am getting my surgery on Friday. I know it feels like at times things are moving slow but then you will be a day away and go holy crap!!! I promise you will get there.
  15. LindsJ83

    Back To Work

    I stay at home with my daughter however, my husband has taken 2 weeks off. My hospital stay is supposed to be 2 nights, home on 3rd day.
  16. LindsJ83

    November surgeries?

    Glad to hear you are doing well!!
  17. That sounds familiar! Please don't give up - first 3 days are the worst. After Day 4, it becomes a way of life almost. Today is my 14th day and I have surgery on Friday. What kept me going was thinking about how healthy I want to be after, my daughter and my husband. You CAN do this. It will not be forever and remember, it's the gold at the end of a very long rainbow!!
  18. LindsJ83

    November surgeries?

    Good luck today Moxy! Let us know how it went! Alimarie, how are you doing with your post-op stuff? Sunshyn - good luck! I'm headed in the day after tomorrow. I see my surgeon this afternoon one more time before surgery. It's starting to become real. In fact, I get antsy every time I think about it!
  19. LindsJ83

    November surgeries?

    Okay Novembers! How are ya'll doing?! I know we have a whole other group coming through in a couple days!! I go on Friday - what are you guys feeling?! Updates on your diets?? And...GO!!!
  20. LindsJ83

    Less Than 22 Hours Away..

    Awesome!!! I'm in your boat too...I have surgery Friday. I get serious white coat syndrome in the hospital with blood pressure and heart rate. You aren't alone. Good luck to you on this wonderful journey. Waiting on my pre-admit call now!!
  21. Yes! Pear is right. Definitely don't get the protein made for body builders! I've been told to stick with ones that are specifically for bariatric patients. Also on the list were Syntrax and Designer Whey.
  22. I've been petrified of the SAME thing now that I'm only a couple days away from my surgery. I've been trying to drink as much water as I can, REST as much as I can and am constantly washing my hands and using Wet Ones! Take some sugar free Vitamin C drops and keep drinking lots of water. I think you will be okay!
  23. LindsJ83

    Anyone In Ct?

    I have United Health Oxford. Does Aetna cover your surgery as well?
  24. LindsJ83

    Co-workers can funny

    People are incredibly rude. I have surgery on the 22nd but my mom had hers done about 7 years ago. She gets asked all the time if she didn't like her food because of how much is left over and several times, has been refused to be served a plain chicken breast (I ordered a chicken Caesar then gave her the chicken - go figure!) It's nobody's business what you eat or how much. I'd tell her to shove it!
  25. Thank you for your response!! I appreciate it!

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