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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by pmmegm

  1. Lindsay.....don't beat yourself up over that ice cream sundae! At some point in your life you ARE going to have a treat and it's OK! Continue to make good choices and you'll be fine. I don't believe any one of us would ever be succesfull if we can't have one treat.....once in awhile. Perhaps not quite so soon...but I hardly think your sundae choice is irreversable!Our goals are to make better choices and smaller portions. Primarily to change our BAD habits, so unless you are eating a sundae everyday, twice a day, I think you'll be fine! Try increasing your protein to decrease your hunger. Good Luck to You..... remember we're all in similar boats!!
  2. Janice....you CAN absolutely do this! We ALL CAN absolutely do this! We just have to remember that it is a marathon not a sprint. Unlike bypass patients we will lose our weight slowly over time. And ladies, I'm hoping that my skin then has a chance to catch up to my weight loss and I won't look like a saggy elephant (I'm in my 40's so I need all the help I can get!) Want2beme.....have you tried increasing your proteins? That helped me tremendously with hunger! If I am at the low end (60-80) I'll just squeeze in another protein drink. Slim Fast High Protein drinks or a Carnation Sugar Free Instant Breakfast works. If I'm real low, I throw a scoop of Unjury (worth 20 grams protein) into the Carnation Instant Breakfast (5 grams protein). With the 8 oz of skim milk (8 grams protein) I've just added 33 grams of protein! Something I use as a "treat" is sugar free pudding with a scoop of protein in it......adding 20 grams in one litte desert! Vanilla pudding with very ripe bananas is my favorite! I feel like I'm cheating!
  3. Rumar, Congrats on the pureed food! I love beans as well, but haven't mixed them into my diet yet. My doctor also likes to see between 60-80 grams of protein each day. He is somewhat more aggressive with the fills much to my delight because I, like want2beme, have little restriction. As of now I am doing everything on will power. I don't seem to be struggling however, I realize it's a mind set. Lap band is a tool.....not a magic wand. I went back to work Thursday.....our 3 wk anniversary. That was fun! I have a physical job (I'm a server at a busy steak & rib joint) so I was somewhat aware of having had surgery that night but the rest of the weekend was so busy I hardly noticed. Whew! I'll be sure and let you know how my fill goes......I'm a little nervous because I know things will change again and I just got into a routine of sorts!
  4. The Today Show had the calorie contents of a small Lite Mocha Frap and they claimed it only had 100 calories. I ordered one, it is made with splenda, and added unflavored unjury to it. It was VERY doable!
  5. Rumar.....we'll have to compare notes! I love to read about where people are in their journey that have similar surgery dates. It's a bonus if they are close in age! I get my first fill on 9/21. What stage of food are you in? I'm somewhere into the blended foods however yesterday I ate a small piece of chicken until it became the consistency of mush with steamed brocoli and creamed corn. It was nice to sit and have a "normal" dinner with my family. I'll be honest though, I was a bit worried that I'd "PB"!! I did not have any problems. I have a feeling after my fill I won't be so daring!
  6. pmmegm

    First Fill

    Thanks for sharing Mare.....it's nice to know what you MAY experience!
  7. pmmegm

    First Fill

    Lessnless, I also get my first fill on 9/21. We'll have to compare war stories. I'm looking forward to it since at the moment I feel no restrictions. I am sticking to my "plan".......only making healthy choice of mushy foods. Woo! At the moment I am maintaining my weight at 25 lbs lost. Guess it's time to get back on that treadmill!!!
  8. Salsa, Did your doc explain why he didn't want you on protein drinks? I'm only curious. I will get my first fill on 9/21. Right now I am surviving on yogurt, cottage cheese and Unjury. I have dappled in mushy foods and blended foods. A big part of my protein comes from the shakes.
  9. pmmegm

    Banding set for August 27!!

    I think you'll feel full after your first fill. Kinda like you did the first couple of days after surgery? I'm only going by what I've read here. I just went to the docs today for my 2 week follow-up and I'll get my first fill in 2 wks. My diet is similar to yours.....except for the oatmeal cuz that gags me! Reminds me of chewing cardboard. In between my meals, I do a snack. For the most part it has been sf pudding. I made banana pudding with very ripe bananas and I felt like I was cheating....it was delicious! I do keep my Proteins for the day from anywhere of about 60-80 grams. I believe this is what saves me from feeling too hungry. At the moment I know I could eat more than 1/2 cup of food regardless of what it might be. I have moved on to "blended" foods which includes tuna and chicken. I know there is a thread that has all kinds of recipes.....I check that periodically......not that I have made any as of yet, but I hope to since I'm getting bored with cottage cheese.
  10. pmmegm

    Big Con

    Crap! I've been conned too! 25 lbs in a month! What am I gonna do with all those clothes that don't fit? __________________ Dr. George Kerlakian Cinci OH 8/23/07 surgery date
  11. pmmegm

    Post Op Update

    Jody.... What are you eating? The first couple days I did best with sugar free Jello. Tried broth but the smell bothered me. A sugar free popsicle actually made me throw up. It was only about 4 bites and I'm not sure exactly what it was that made me sick so I skipped those. On the 4th day my husband prodded me to try to get some Proteins down. He was right, as soon as I did I felt better. My choice was sugar free Carnation Instant Breakfast. I drank 4 oz over the course of 30 mins.
  12. pmmegm

    Out patient?

    Has anyone experienced their insurance to approve them but as an out patient? I was and am one week post surgery. I would love to hear others experiences.
  13. pmmegm

    DQ cheat -- dang it! Help!

    Well said Musical Momma! I share the love of ice cream myself. That decadent dessert got me where I am today! Finding better choices is my goal! Commending New Girl on her effort to come on here and post her weakness was wise. It isn't easy to admit your faults. Well done New Girl! Continue to take your journey ONE day at a time!
  14. Marieze, I would be happy to share my experiences....but it will be that of a "newbie" as I am 8 days post-op. I considered my self as a semi-active person. I play sand volleyball once a week for 7 months out of the year and the other 5, I bowl every other week. I am a mother of 4 (however my oldest will be beginning her first year at college in 2 wks). Needless to say my youngest starts preschool next week. The other 2 are in elementary and middle school. You can say I spaced them! Bottom line....I'm busy. Two weeks before my surgery I started on the 'ol treadmill at our YMCA (worked wonders for my motivation!) As far as your concerns go, I wll relate them to my own: *some people say they left the hospital and went shopping I did leave the hospital the same day as my surgery. I wasn't excited about it, but the insurance co. is the boss so I complied. That day, thanks to a lovely prescription from my doc, was a blur. *some people say they were in pain, groggy and slept for a week I did experience some pain.......mostly trying to get out of bed. That took a bit to get my routine down, but again that prescription was a help. I did not ever feel groggy and have decreased my meds within 2 days and continue to do so. *some people felt great and were walking all over the place By day 3 I was walking more. I do live in a two-story house so I did try to climb the stairs each day from the beginning to work out some of the bloating I was feeling (almost completely gone 3-4 days) *some people went back to work 2 days later If I were to work at a desk, I could have gone back on the fourth day. I would probably have moved a bit slower that everyone else....but it would be possible. On my seventh day (yesterday), I went grocery shopping. I would not have qualified for speed shopping, but I accomplished the task and frankly it felt good to be out! That night I went and cheered on my volleyball team. My toes were wiggling to get back in that sand! *some people needed 2-3 weeks off Frankly I was feeling puiny on my fourth day thinking about all the people that said they went back to work in 2 days. What was wrong with me? My doctor told me I could resume volleyball in 2 wks and I'm thinkin.....no way! I'd rip a stich for sure! Try to remember that we are all going to have different experiences. And not to set your experiences off of others. It can be fantastic reading all the threads people post on this site! It has helped me ten fold. It's even more fun when you do share someone else's experience. Makes you feel normal! But remember if you don't, you're still ok. Good luck to you on your journey!
  15. pmmegm

    I need some encouragement guys!

    P.S.....keep in tough Lindsay, we're about on the same time line!
  16. pmmegm

    I need some encouragement guys!

    My dietician also mentioned Flinstones Complete as an alternative. Being 7 days post-op I purchased them out of convinience. I haven't done a side by side check to see how they vary. I agree that the protein shakes can be a bore......I incorporated yogurt, cottage cheese and sf pudding mixed with an unflavored protein as well as the protien drinks. It seems with the unflavored protein you have by far more options for recipes. I do know one thing though.......I miss chewing. Hooray for sugar free gum!!
  17. pmmegm

    Out patient?

    I feel your pain jennigan! For me two days after surgery was the worst. By the fourth day I was getting Protein down and felt a bizillion times better. From there it has been easier each day. I am at my eighth day out I and I am feeling human again. I am experiencing very little pain only a couple of twinges here and there. Yesterday I went grocery shopping and it wasn't bad, I only moved a bit slower than everyone else. I hope you continue to feel better each day as well. :car::waytogo::car::eek::car::car::car::car:
  18. pmmegm

    how soon after surgery can i exercise???

    Hi, I just wanted to put this out there after reading everyone's posts. I play sand volleyball once a week and bowl every other. When asking my doc when I could return to volleyball ...he said "couple of weeks ought to do it" I was surprised when I heard that and now being one week out of surgery I am actully shocked! My 2 week follow-up is next Friday so I plan on checking again.....did any one experience a short term recovery?
  19. pmmegm

    Liquid Stage Recipes

    :bounce:Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! I'm just begining my ease into the full liquid and mushie stage and I am bored to tears! Reading these recipes has given me hope!
  20. pmmegm

    Aug/Sept Exercise Challenge

    I am joining all of you in this challenge however my surgery will be at a week tomorrow so my efforts will be a tad whimpy to start. I will have to count my climbing the stairs each day as my starter program. I was proud today that I was able to water my garden.....although I still have to squat to pick anything up and those weeds are looking ferocious! Congrats to all of us! We will always lose when trying! :clap2:
  21. pmmegm

    Anyone in "bandster hell" yet?

    Brandottie....... Is there a YMCA near you? They usually have fantastic programs for all types and desires. They are complete geared for family based programs giving you and even your little ones lots of choices. Our YMCA has programs that would even interest 1-2 yr olds!
  22. Wow!..........I wish I could say that nothing could be better, but that's just not the case. I was banded on Thursday 8/23 and to my surprise I was an out patient. I found out just days before. I have had other abdominal surgeries (appendix and gall bladder) so I kind of had an idea of what I could expect. But even with those surgeries I spent at least one night in the hospital and was glad I did. Coming home Thursday wasn't the funnest thing I've ever done, but I survived thanks to my husband and daughters. Friday was a bit better but the bloating from the gas was no walk in the park! I was able to get some jello and boullion down and tried to keep up with my water intake. I still struggle with that. Sipping 4oz of water for 30 mins was harder than I thought. Surprisingly Saturday was my worst day. I expanded my intake with a few bites of a sugar free popsicle.....which I threw up. That scared me....it was a harmless popsicle! I continued with broth, jello and water and was feeling listless. I was hoping to feel a little better than that. Not that I thought I was going to be able to run any marathons, but listless? With some proding from my husband, I tried 4oz of sugar free Carnation Instant Breakfast and viola! Energy! What a concept! Add some protein...get some energy! Today is a whole new day. Thankfully, because it was the first day of school for 2 of my 4 children. I have to admit I am feeling hungry. I look forward to the mushie stages....sadly it's at least a week away. When my husband cooked dinner for everyone last night, the aroma permeated the walls. I was ready to start gnawing on the walls! Anyone else feeling hungry? :faint:
  23. pmmegm

    How long is recovery??

    I thought I would chime in.....because I also was trying to base my recovery on what I was reading. I was banded on Thurs 8/23 and went home as an out patient that same day. I wasn't exactly thrilled about that fact but with insurance companies being what they are, that was what they were willing to cover. I have had other abdominal surgeries (appendix and gall bladder) so I had an idea of what to expect. The day of surgery and the following I was kind of out of it. I was very bloated from the gas and had a hard time sitting up without help. It was Saturday though when I probably felt my worse. Getting the water down and trying to keep up with my eating requirements was difficult which in turn left me with no energy. By Sunday I was able to drink 4oz of sugar free Carnation Instant Breakfast and viola! I am feeling sooooo much better. So obviously getting that bit of protein in for me worked wonders!!

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