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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by pmmegm

  1. pmmegm

    I could eat an elephant!

    Hey JP......I'm writing to share my first fill experience with you. It was last Friday. This is going to sound discouraging but I wanted to let you know that it is a possibility for you as well. Long story short.....after my fill I feel exactly the same. As if I have never had one. Boo! I actually was somewhat relieved because I had read all the PBing stories and didn't want to become one. I haven't. I am still running on will power alone. I do make sure I keep my Protein grams at 70 a day. I believe this helps with the hunger issuses. While I was in the office, my doctor said I could come back as early as 2-3 wks for a second fill. I have a 4cc band with 1cc in it. I don't know what my second fill will consist of, but I did make the appt for 2 wks out. I wish you the best of luck!
  2. WAKE UP! You need to make an appointment! :gluck:
  3. Yeaah! The meds the doc prescribed when I came home! The pain did subside during those 3 weeks though not something I felt everyday...hang in there!
  4. I'm so glad I could help! As I said, the study isn't fun, but it is so worth it. I couldn't believe how different even one nights sleep felt. It was amazing. I still struggle putting that mask on each night but in the morning I'm always glad I did. Feel free to PM me if you have ANY other questions!
  5. I think you should try a third opinion as well. If she "prefers" the bypass, then it's possible that she's just more familiar with it. Doesn't necessarily mean it's the right one for you. Talk to as many people as you can.....read read read this web site. I encouraged you to inform yourself about BOTH surgeries. Then YOU can make an educated decision! Good luck to you!
  6. pmmegm

    Week One Alone?

    What sweet friends you have! Take them up on their offers. It will make them happy to help you and it will be nice for you to have their help!
  7. pmmegm

    I Suck!!!

    Dee Dee.....It's ok to suck, just don't swallow. I'm kidding of course! There were just sooooooo many ways we could go with the " I suck " statement! Thought I'd add a little levity!
  8. Good to the food thread....they have a bizillion recipes for every stage!
  9. Is 6 or 8 weeks enough?....... For me it was 5 weeks before I re-joined my sand volleyball league and 3 weeks for bowling. Everyone heals differently but I would imagine that 6 to 8 weeks would be plenty!
  10. Is it your doctor's request that you are still on liquids....oh that's probably a stupid question. Sorry. Try speaking to your dietician about moving on to mushy foods. Twenty-five days seems like a very long time to be on liquids. I feel for ya! My post-op diet was VERY similar to Tanyahs.....minus the pizza. I was eating tuna at week three. I'm all about chicken and fish right now. I love Pasta, but nothing in them but carbs. Carbs and sugars are the reason I'm fat, so I'm kicking them out of the program! Again talk to you dietician to see if you can move on. The cravings may never subside, but I found that if I keep my Protein levels up where they should be (60-80 grams) I don't really have them! Good luck to you!
  11. Jennifer, I think it was three weeks before my shoulder pain finally went away. It wasn't always as intense, but it was there. At the end of the 3 weeks there were somedays I felt nothing then the next day it would hurt. Go figure! It does get better....hang in there!
  12. pmmegm

    First Fill

    Good luck to you Brandi....we'll be watching out for your results on Friday!
  13. pmmegm

    How can this be?

    Don't weight yourself daily! It will only cause heartache and despair! My scale didn't move for a week....it baffled my mind because I was doing everything I was supposed to. There is a week out of the month that I gain three pounds.....pay attention to your cycles. If you're hungry, increase your proteins! I love cottage cheese so I make sure I have at least one serving a day and it increases my Protein by 12 grams right off the bat! Another trick I use is to put unflavored Protein powder in sugar free pudding. It feels like I'm cheating! Make sure you are getting 60-80 grams a day (only 25-30 max at a time) Keeping your protein level up will prevent you from feeling hungry. Mushy foods were a god send to me, I was tired of liquids. I still drink at least one Protein Drink a day, usually for Breakfast. When you felt sick the other day, it sounds like you were PBing. Search the threads for that one, I've only done it once right after surgery. I was eating a sugar free popsicle and was not aware to stay away from an ingredient called sorbitol. I experienced tons of saliva and some dry heaves. It sucked! Good luck to you Lisa....don't worry about those numbers! This journey is a marathon, not a race! Just keep jogging along!
  14. Maria, For me personally using a cpap changed my everyday life dramatically. After a full nights sleep I awoke feeling tired. Just the opposite of what you are supposed to feel. It was as if I hadn't gone to bed at all. And the days I didn't feel THAT way, by 3:00 in the afternoon I felt liked I needed a nap. Being that I am a stay at home mom, there was a lull in the afternoon before the kids got home for school. I'd sit on the couch for a bit and watch a little TV and I'd be asleep in 10 mins. At night, I couldn't make it through a show that began at 10:00. I encourage you to do a sleep study. They aren't fun....but if there is suspiscion that you may indeed have sleep apnea, it will save your life. When I came to the realzation of all the complications of sleep apnea I made my appointment. I didn't realize that there was lack of oxygen to the brain which in turned KILLED brain cells! I need every single one of those cells! I suffered a mild case of depression, which I attributed to having had a baby. It wasn't. It was sleep deprivation. I feel sooooo much better! As far as the surgery is concerned, they use the cpap during to keep the oxygen flowing. I only remember it being mentioned to me while getting my cpap calibrated. I was told to have it with you for a surgery......so I do. I don't believe it was used during my surgery, but I was compliant. I am not a smoker nor ever have been and have had no respitory issues. I hope this answers some of you questions. Feel free to ask any others. Good luck to you........go get that study done!
  15. Only her doctor would know if she would need it after she began losing weight. Weight is not the only issue for sleep apnea. CPAP's are not easy to adjust to, but when you do they are life changing! A few years ago I just thought I was getting old and that's what being old felt like. It didn't help that I gave birth to my fourth child. So I equated it to being over weight, growing old and having a baby. I was wrong! I encourage the OP to listen to her doctor!!!!!
  16. pmmegm

    Optifast advice needed

    I can't answer you question exactly but I can tell you what I did. My pre-op diet was for 2 wks. I mostly used the store brand of slim-fast high Protein ready to drink supplements. My doctor and dietician suggested I use a product called unjury but I had to travel to get it and the store brand was priced the same and easy to use. The high Protein Drink was 5 grams of protein lower than the Unjury and higher in sugar so you have to watch that. For the most part I stayed on a high protein, no carb, low fat, no sugar diet. It wasn't bad at all and I lost 18 lbs pre surgery! Can't beat that!
  17. pmmegm

    The wages of sin...

  18. pmmegm

    The Sweet-eaters

    My 13 yr old daughter had a slumber party this weekend and I bought a dozen and a half of those pretty little things! They are evil! I think they were lying in their box taughting me! I ignored them though and my double chin thanks me!
  19. pmmegm

    Those of you that drink alcohol

    I'm so glad you posted your margarita story! My huband and I LOVE margaritas from El Coyote. I was afraid I might have to live without them! Now I'll just be a "cheap date!"
  20. pmmegm

    What About Bananas?

    Try bananas sliced up and added to sugar free instant vanilla pudding!..........I always feel liked I've cheated!
  21. pmmegm

    When's your birthday?

    :eek: November 12, 1962
  22. pmmegm

    First Fill

    First Fill.... I had my first fill yesterday....It was simple and painless. No fluro, no Barium swallow. I layed on the table, put my hands behind my head and did a stomach crunch. My doctor felt with his fingers and made an X with a pen. He then gave me a topical and followed with the fill. Easy as pie! (low fat sugar free pie of course!) I now have 1cc in a 4cc band. I did stay and drink 6oz of Water to verify that I did not have any problems swallowing, which I did not. I was told I could come back in 2 wks for another. I went ahead and made that appointment! As of yet, I can't tell a difference. I am sort of relieved. I didn't want to go back to total liquids or mushies. It's been nice to chew real food!
  23. Congrats HSH on your 20 lbs! I get my first fill tomorrow and am somewhat nervous about what I'll be able to tolerate afterwards. How are you dealing with the "stuck" food. Are you PB'ing at all? This is the part that makes me nervous. I have heard that the restriction can come as late as the third fill. Hopefully Wed. you'll be able to notice yours!
  24. Same here Candle........I aim for 70. I was told between 60 -80 is where we want to be.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
