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Everything posted by LeanerLena5426

  1. LeanerLena5426


    I had staples too, and they were left open. My surgeon said keeping them dry was important, to avoid infection.
  2. I got my band deflated. I thought the same things you did--it will be less inflamed, so surgery will be more successful. The pre-op diet wasn't so bad even with an empty band (well, it was a nightmare to be honest, but not because of hunger just because of cravings).
  3. LeanerLena5426

    feeling like food is stuck in my throat

    I had my band removed at the same time as I was sleeved. I had wanted an RNY, but my surgeon said that he would only do that if it was safe to (depending on scar tissue after the band, etc.). When he removed the band, it was a total mess in there--no surprise, given the complications I've had over the past 2 years. But, although he wasn't able to do the RNY, he was able to do the VSG. I'm only 2 weeks out now, just starting on pureed foods, so I can't really tell you how it compares. But I hated that feeling with the band! So I really hope it's not like that with the sleeve.....
  4. LeanerLena5426

    Ugh! I cheated on pre op diet

    My doc put me on Optifast for 2 weeks pre-op, but I decided that wasn't enough so I tried to do 5 weeks! Well, I failed, miserably. I cheated and cheated, all the while beating myself up for it. So by the time I got down to two weeks pre-op--the two weeks required by my doc--I left town and stayed in a hotel for 2 weeks! I know this is extreme, but I didn't want to cheat, and I didn't trust myself around all that temptation. I felt I had to do whatever it took to keep myself on track. I'm not saying you need to hole yourself up in a hotel like I did! But don't hesitate to put yourself in situations that will lead to your success, and avoid situations that may lead to cheating. It's about putting yourself first, and making your health your #1 priority. Don't beat yourself up, just move on. Every day's a new day! You got this!!!
  5. LeanerLena5426

    I'm in love

    The first time I felt ready to "eat" after my surgery, I had chicken broth and it was just about the best tasting meal I'd ever had in my life!! Lol...
  6. LeanerLena5426

    Is this much pain normal?

    Thanks Everyone!!
  7. LeanerLena5426

    July 16, 2013

    Three more weeks till my surgery! Getting close, now!! Anyone else out there scheduled for July, 2013?
  8. LeanerLena5426

    July 16, 2013

    Glad to hear it! Sounds like you're doing well now, after the initial scare. Hopefully it'll keep going like this!
  9. LeanerLena5426

    Surgery in 10 days!

    Hey there, I think it's perfectly normal to envision your life after dramatic weight loss, and not really know how it's going to be. I sometimes think about things like friends who, the main thing we do together is eat. What's it going to be like post-op? Will we grow apart? Will I need to avoid them, since they'll always push me to eat (I don't have enough will power to stand up to temptation, my only option is trying to avoid it as much as possible)? Even my family, I wonder how I'm going to explain to them my portion sizes (I have only told my husband and my best friend I'm doing this surgery). What about work? What will they think, and what will I tell them? Will I have complications, and miss time (or worse) and then everyone will know? I've also gotten depressed before when I've lost weight (I've lost 100lbs twice before on my own). I think it may have happened because my carb intake was too low, and the body needs carbs to for the happy brain chemicals to be released. But I'm no doctor, that's just a theory. It just made no sense that, once I lost the weight I was so overwhelmingly sad. Shouldn't I have been happy? Depression after the surgery may happen, but it may not. I think it's great that you've done so much research, because now you'll be ready in case it does happen. So if it does, you'll handle it. You'll go see your doctor, get help, etc. And it will be ok. (IF it even happens!) Maybe there's a part of you, deep down inside, that kind of wants to take off and leave this life behind you. That's ok. I would guess that, if you feel like leaving your family behind after you've lost a lot of weight, it's because you weren't terribly happy in the marriage and it was time. Or, maybe you just have those thoughts because for a long time you've been putting other people first, and not spending too much time focused on YOU. Or maybe it's just a reaction to feeling unhappy about the weight, and it's more about that than the family life. So once the weight's gone, you won't feel any desire for change or to leave your family! I'm SURE you won't do anything that you don't want to do. It won't change who you are as a person, just how you look on the outside. Not saying that it isn't a difficult adjustment on the inside too, for a lot of people it is. But I don't think you'll leave your family or anything drastic; unless of course deep down (even now) you know that's the right thing for you to do at this point in your life. I hope I'm making sense! For me, my biggest fear is gaining it all back. I've lost 100lbs twice through diet and exercise, and I've already had lapband surgery and failed (noncompliance, and loads of complications). So I'm only worried about getting the weight off and having a healthier lifestyle. Gaining weight does make you lazy. It's hard to want to move your body and get up and do things when it hurts. My husband doesn't understand this, and he's always nagging me. I know he just wants me to be healthy, but, it's still criticism and it still bothers me. I'd like to see him jump up and run around if he was carrying 150 extra pounds... Hopefully, as we get the weight off, moving around and exercising won't hurt so much and feel so awful! Actually, I already know from experience that it will.
  10. LeanerLena5426

    July 16, 2013

    How are you doing Sonia65? Update us when you're feeling up to it!
  11. LeanerLena5426

    July 16, 2013

    I like Boost (you can get Boost Diabetic for lower carbs/sugar), and I like the atkins pre-made shakes. I also like Designer whey if you get a powder. I'd recommend getting a small amount at first, so you can see how you like it. Optifast tastes gross and costs a fortune, but that's what my doc prescribed so I have no choice.
  12. LeanerLena5426

    July 16, 2013

    I'm on my liquid diet right now--the 2-week pre-op. Ugh. But I'm totally focused on it, and on my health right now. Making it my #1 priority!
  13. LeanerLena5426

    July 16, 2013

    Thanks!! Good luck to you, too!
  14. LeanerLena5426

    July 16, 2013

    My surgeon put me on Optifast for the 2 weeks before surgery, but for some crazy reason I thought it would be a good idea to do an extra 4-weeks on top of that! It didn't last... But after a bit of on-again, off-again, now I'm back on for the 3-weeks pre-op. I would think not getting to say goodbye to any favourite foods may have been a good thing--especially since you got a cancellation and got to go in earlier!
  15. LeanerLena5426

    pre-operative liquid diet

    I hear ya. And then I went and tried the liquid diet, and failed! So, I'm having the same fears and doubts myself. But here's the thing: the liquid diet is BRUTAL. It's not fun at all, it's torture. It's not representative of what your life will be like post-op, once you're fully recovered. Trust me, I've had a lap-band, so I know. The pre-op liquid diet is actually much harder than it is post-op, for several reasons. First of all, you haven't had surgery yet, so you're still experiencing full hunger, full appetite, and are used to eating a large volume of real food. Second, the liquid diet tastes pretty bad (unlike the variety of foods you can eat for the rest of your life). Third, it's only liquid--that's not satisfying the way chewing real food is. So, there are many reasons why the pre-op liquid diet is very challenging, and struggling with it is NOT indicative of future failure. Promise.
  16. LeanerLena5426

    pre-operative liquid diet

    I tried to add a few extra weeks to my pre-op liquid diet, just "for fun"--ha! I have not been successful in sticking to it (mind you I will for the 2 weeks pre-op required by my surgeon!). My advice is to steer clear of temptation: family gatherings, parties, even tv shows about food. That's what did me in. I'd do well for 1-3 days, then in a social situation (when I didn't want work colleagues to know I'm on Optifast), I end up caving. But, it does get better! The first few days are the worst, and then you get used to it. The hunger--physical and emotional--gets much better once your body adjusts. I would also advise you to indulge yourself in other ways for the first couple of days while you're just getting used to it. Maybe that means lying in bed all day because you have a huge headache and are light-headed; if that's what you need to do, so be it, it's ok! Or maybe it means getting out of the house and keeping busy so you're distracted. Just give yourself permission to indulge in some other way, at least for those first few days. I'm back on my "just for fun" liquid diet again, too. My official pre-op start date is next Tuesday. We can do this!
  17. LeanerLena5426

    Does it feel the same?

    That's awesome! Thanks so much!!
  18. LeanerLena5426

    esophageal dysmotility

    The thing that's most comforting to me about RNY is that is has been done for so long. It is the tried and true method at this point. For 20 years (or so), for thousands and thousands of patients, its been successful. For weight loss, maintaining weight loss, and not having complications. Just remember that.
  19. LeanerLena5426

    Band removed and bypass sane day?

    So glad to hear that--I can't wait to get mine out!!!
  20. LeanerLena5426

    Band removed and bypass sane day?

    My doc said he'd open me up and try, but if there's too much scar tissue or inflammation he'll do a vertical sleeve instead. Or I could wait 6 mos, but it would cost me double because it's 2 surgeries then (I'm self pay...). I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much, but I REALLY want the RNY!
  21. LeanerLena5426

    Does it feel the same?

    God, that sounds horrible! All the best to you--I hope it gets better with your revision surgery. I have had some of the same complications, but no where near as bad as what you've been experiencing. Let me know how things go!
  22. LeanerLena5426

    Does it feel the same?

    Thank you so much. I know what you mean, I totally felt like a failure for years. But the more I read on here, the more confident I feel about being successful with a revision to RNY. I wish I'd done it in the first place....
  23. LeanerLena5426

    Does it feel the same?

    Oh, you're not the only one! I'm glad to hear you're doing so well so soon after surgery, that's great! I can't believe they left the band in, though! I totally assumed they would just take it out with a revision!!! I have my 1st consult on Monday, so I'll ask him about that. Good thing you mentioned it!
  24. LeanerLena5426

    Does it feel the same?

    Wow, that is awesome to hear! Thank you so much!!!

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