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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About mom2phoenix

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  • Birthday 06/08/1982

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  1. It’s a special day here at BariatricPal, according to your profile..it’s your birthday. Happy Birthday, mom2phoenix!

  2. mom2phoenix

    Finally Got A Date

    YAY, its so exciting! I was so happy when I got my date! Good luck on your journey!
  3. mom2phoenix

    A Little Over 7 Months Post Op

    So its been a little over 7 months since I had gastric bypass surgery and I have lost 136lbs. I am almost half the person I was when I started this journey. I am very excited to actually have side by side pictures of myself from before surgery and today. I didn't realize how much of a difference there was until I actually put the 2 together. Although this hasn't been the easiest thing to go through and do. I have no regrets. Maybe not doing it sooner for myself and my children. I am very happy at the results and outcome. Not only do I feel better about me as a person, but I feel better in the health aspect of it. I have more energy and am able to do things more easily. However!!! Now when I run into stuff I can actually feel my bones and it hurts! HAHA. I don't have a ton of issues with eating stuff, I've only gotten things stuck maybe 3-4 times since surgery, I have found I can't eat certain foods anymore which is fine, just shows me that it wasn't meant to be. -Raw Broccoli- NOT MY FRIEND, -RIBS- Also not my friend I find that bread and pasta make me feel icky so I stay away from those. All in all I am happy at where I am and how far I have come!
  4. mom2phoenix

    Untitled Album

  5. mom2phoenix


    Almost 3 months ago I had gastric bypass surgery, I have since lost 71 lbs. WHICH FEELS AMAZING! I am absolutely not where I want to be yet, but am well on my way. Its been an adjustment for me, not so much they way you have to change eating, but i'm not realizing when my clothes aren't fitting properly anymore. I understand I'm losing weight but I'm not seeing myself as a thinner person. Not just yet at least. I'm hoping that'll come in time!! I was lucky, I have had no issues with any food. I did have a piece of under cooked broccoli get stuck but was able to move it out with no problems. I am having some issues with acid reflux, I'm sure that's something that can be fixed no problem (probably upping my prilosec) I actually was able to walk around my neighborhood (about a half mile first half down hill second on a STEEP incline) without feeling like I was going to die! What a nice change that was!! I am not in love with my saggy skin (mostly my arms) BUT I am going to try to figure out ways to tone them (I HOPE) I guess if that's the worst thing then I'd live with it haha. All in all I am happy with my results thus far and excited to see what is ahead of me!
  6. mom2phoenix

    3 weeks post op

    Deaddemmama- I actually started buying clothes prior to having surgery. I have 2 suitcases FULL of different sizes. I am part of an facebook garage sale page for my area and picked stuff up REALLY cheap! If you have a facebook look for one in your area. Saves a TON of money the only things I have had to buy is bras and underwear
  7. mom2phoenix

    post op

    Are you still having an issue with thirst? I had surgery May 1st and still feel thirsty most of the time!! I hope its not just me LOL
  8. mom2phoenix

    Everything Talk

    They require the weight loss to show that you are dedicated to changing your life. I did ZERO exercising during my 6 months and lost 13lbs. I just changed the things that they told me to. My Drs office requires you to drop a certain percentage prior to surgery with NO significant weight gain during the process. If the insurance company accepts it once they'll accept it again. It will cost the insurance company for your friend to continue to be over weight then to have the surgery (in the long run at least). It might also be because of the type of surgery she is having done, since the gastric sleeve is still considered experimental surgery to a lot of doctors it may be something that is 100% needed for her to lose the weight before hand. Maybe she could ask if it's different if she has the gastric bypass??
  9. mom2phoenix

    3 weeks post op

    Today is my 3 weeks out of surgery! Loving it! I am now on pureed foods (which isn't so bad)...sometimes things upset my stomach even though they didn't at first. Its going to have to be process of elimination on what I can and cannot eat. The only other issue I am having is I am soooo thirsty I feel like I can never drink enough WHICH to me is worse than feeling hungry LOL. Other than those two things I am extremely motivated and energetic. I'm down 20+ lbs. I personally DO NOT see a change BUT everyone tells me how good I look and my clothes do fit loose compared to what they were before surgery. I'm actually down 1 shirt size and 1 pant size (however I'm still wearing clothes from before my surgery).
  10. mom2phoenix

    Back to my normal happy self!

    Tomorrow is my 3 weeks post op, I also feel amazing!! Glad you are feeling as good as I am. I've actually been up and moving with no pain meds since I left the hospital! Good luck with your journey!!!
  11. mom2phoenix

    T-minus 7 hours and counting

    yochanorfleet- Glad I can ease your mind. I didn't receive much support from anyone which was fine, I had one person on my side (she lives in Alabama). The health issues was my WHOLE reasoning for going through with it. Up until they wheeled me back for surgery I was rethinking myself. But then it got to the point where I had no choice LOL. I had my gallbladder removed a year ago (its no worse than that to be honest, the pain level after is about the same) A little discomfort but nothing that'll keep someone down for a long time! I'm now 10 days out and feel fantastic, sometimes I over do it and regret it but I'm full of energy! Keep me updated on how your surgery goes, even your appointments. If you need any extra support I'm here!!!
  12. mom2phoenix

    6 days out of surgery!

    I am currently 6 days out of surgery-weight loss is over 10lbs. I feel absolutely wonderful! No real pain from surgery. Finally got a good nights sleep last night as I could finally get totally comfortable. I am super happy I decided to do this. Not only for heath reasons but for myself in general!
  13. mom2phoenix

    iam 20 days out of surgery

    Congrats! I am 6 days out! Hoping for the best for you!!
  14. mom2phoenix

    T-minus 7 hours and counting

    Update! 5 days since surgery!!! I am doing fine, actually I'm doing great!!! Minus not being able to get comfortable enough to sleep a full night (i'm sure it'll take a little bit for me to get back to being completely comfortable in any position) It's almost like I haven't missed a beat. Besides the 3 days in the hospital I've been up doing things walking around being outside with my kids so on and so forth. I just take a break when I need to. But literally I feel amazing...more energy than ever!!

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