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Everything posted by saramichelle

  1. saramichelle

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Big difference! Looking great:)
  2. saramichelle

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Lol love this!!! So cute:)
  3. saramichelle

    5 weeks achievement!

    Congratulations !!!
  4. I have been considering getting a boob job every since I finished nursing my three boys. I don't want something crAzy and fake. I'd just like them to not look like deflated balloons when I don't wear a bra:). My question is do you have to lose all your weight before doing so or can I get it done now. Any feedback would be great and I'd you have had this done even better! I have lots of questions:)
  5. saramichelle

    8 month post op pics

    Looking great ! I love the outfit with the red skirt and black and white top:)
  6. saramichelle

    Victoria's Secret

    Yay! I love vs:)
  7. saramichelle

    Before and after

    Wow! Amazing:)
  8. saramichelle

    Before and after

    You look great!!
  9. saramichelle

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    Thanks everyone! You guys make me feel great:). I'm somewhere in between a 14 and 12 depending on the brand. Closer to a 14 though:)
  10. saramichelle

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    My knee high boots zip all the way to the top!!! Omg. They never did that! Someone suggested to post pics of myself a couple weeks ago so here they are. I had surgery on April 15 and am down to 188! Feel great!
  11. saramichelle

    I wanna scream!

    I totally agree with the comment that being an alcoholic is different from being a food addict because you can avoid alcohol and don't need it to live. Food is much harder. You have to be around it every day and make that choice:)
  12. saramichelle

    I wanna scream!

    I'm going to have to respectfully disagree:). If we had this willpower I doubt we would have needed wls in the first place. Plus if your having a hard time controlling a craving why would you want to put yourself in such a difficult situation to begin with. Better to set yourself up for success in my opinion. A struggling alcoholic would not be smart to go to a bar so why would we do something that seems very similar to me to ourselves??? This is a lifestyle change we have to make and in order to do so we must change our environment the way a drug addict would no longer hang out with user friends. Plus I totally agree that family can benefit from a healthier diet. It's not about the fact that my son is not fat. It's about the health benefits of a good diet not just being fat or skinny. Ok so now that being said I def agree that you can't change everybody in your life and to say that if so and so eats this then I can't succeed is definitely going to cause failure. You have to take responsibility for your own actions and choices for sure. I just think if you can change the lifestyles of others around you for the better then great:). If not then find a way to work around it. Mami I think you are wonderful and such an inspiration to me and to many others and I am in no way offended by what you said It's great and inspiring that your willpower is so strong. Just for some us that may not be the case:)
  13. saramichelle


    My weight was 232 before surgery. I lost about 15 lbs I believe in one week on the preop no carb diet( I loved carbs. My life was centered around them so giving them up made a huge difference for me). I was about 215 on the date of my surgery which was April 15 and now I am At 190.0 . I am very happy with my results and feel so much healthier than I have in a couple of years and I'm only about six weeks out. I get sick a lot and am low on energy but still feel this is the best decision I could have made. Just day to day living is so much easier for me now and even with my issues I'm feeling great:). I feel a future ahead of me a very positive one! I use to work out quite a bit before but like I said I ate a ton of carbs. I would lose weight but I would always gain even quicker. Now to see the scale going down consistently is amazing! I thought surely after I lost the initial 15 I would see at least part of it come back but nope it stayed off. Just amazing to me . So in about seven weeks I've lost 40 lbs . My goal is around 135-140 and for the first time in a long time that actually seems possible!
  14. saramichelle


    I have a friend who was pretty much my best friend who I above not talked to in over a month We use to be really close but she use to try to run my life too. Even though it has been less than two months since I had surgery I still felt confident enough to tell her what I am choosing for my life. I feel she just cannot handle that. Our friendship was based off the dynamic we had before. We had been friends for about twenty years now but she was more competitive w me and I don't feel this is a healthy friendship. She can't be happy for me and my successes. She started dieting and working out when I got surgery and lost a pound or two and would talk about it all the time. I told her I was very proud of her and thAt was awesome and I truly meant it but the weird part is she pretty much refused to acknowledge my weight loss success. She just wouldn't talk about it. ( she only had about maybe seven lbs to lose. So maybe I did play the role of the fat person in her life. I do not know. But that friendship is not worth my health and I am so glad I made this decision for me:). Wouldn't change a thing!
  15. Holy cow! Is that what you are suppose to do long term or just for a bit??? That's rough sounding
  16. saramichelle

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Quit often. I did before the surgery to but I seem to be worse with it after surgery. This would be the reason I'm writing at 330 in the morning:)
  17. saramichelle


    Had my surgery in April and have had this happen numerous times. I always carried a water Bottle with me before surgery and would chug water often. It has been a hard habit to break. It's what I do naturally but now when I do I get super sick and throw it all up so I'm constantly having to remind myself:)
  18. saramichelle

    weight loss question?

    This is very true for me:)
  19. saramichelle

    Are you happy? Happiness!

    Yay! Congratulations:)

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