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Everything posted by saramichelle

  1. saramichelle


    While it maybe " normal". I know this can be devastating when it happens to you. I was sure I'd be one depressed with this but miraculously have not. I had post partum depression because of All of my crazy hormones after I gave birth. Sometimes you want to and are told you can will yourself out of it. Just do ....and it will all be better. Perhaps if you are slightly depressed this can work but if you are a little bit deeper in these things and words of advice may seem frustrating. Not that I'm saying not to walk and get out and enjoy yourself. These are all wonderful for depression:) but sometimes you may be at appoint where you need more help. Now I am unsure if this is you but if it is then counseling is a good place to start. I know some people feel they don't need this or would not benefit from this. But I say we all have underlying issues that got us to this place we've just covered it up with food. So addressing and learning ways to cope with these issues is very very beneficial It can be hard to talk about things you'd rather not talk about but can be so healing in the end. Also if it is severe always be willing to tAlk to a psychiatrist as well. This was especially hard for me when I became depressed As I was always an all natural do it by myself person before. But sometimes this can make all the difference as well. Make sure you focus on you without any guilt and do what is right for you. Above all I would say keep talking to people. Depression makes you want to push others away and avoid people social interactions etc. but to do so is the worst thing you could do. So keep talking to us:) or your friends and whoever you have around to support you. Right now the outlook may be bleak but I promise there is light outside of the tunnel and I know you will make it through. Okay sorry about the rant lol I've just been there before and feel very strongly about this. It was good to hear from you as I hadn't seen you posting lately and was about to send out a where's Pebulz thread:)
  2. saramichelle

    Friday Weigh-In!

    This must feel amazing! Can't wait till I'm there:)
  3. saramichelle


  4. saramichelle


    I had my surgery on the 15th of April. I have struggled since getting in all that I need due to nausea. I have so many bruises that I get so easy. I got one today on my lower thigh from my toddler pushing himself into my lap. It hurt when he did it. The cat tried to lay on my shin and it hurt too! I'm pretty sure ill have a bruise there to. I always have many on my knees from being on my knees helping my little boy. I have never had this pain before and definitely not bruised just like that. I go see my dr tomorrow but I am so paranoid tonight. I guess because the bruise is so big and happened so fast and so easy. Anyone else have this?? Anyone know why this may be ? Is it serious?? I'm pretty sure it must have something to do with my insufficient diet but I worry I've done something reAlly bad to myself. Any info or words of comfort would be great. Meanwhile I will work on breathing and calming down lol thanks to all who respond
  5. saramichelle

    What ya eating tonight?

    I second that! You totally got this Pebulz! If you can follow that diet like you do you can do anything
  6. saramichelle


    Oh okay so I'm not dying lol that's good to know. Thank you so much!
  7. saramichelle

    no weight loss

    I didn't gain at the hospital so I don't count anything like that but I do count the ten pounds I lost preop on the preop diet:)
  8. saramichelle

    Friday Weigh-In!

    Sw 233. Cw197.5:)
  9. saramichelle

    Why am i hungry

    I've also had this issue. I feel hungry at night but I also had the issue of eating at night before surgery. It was like my comfort at night when my ex had left me. I think for me it is a hard habit to break but I'm pretty sure mine is head hunger. I also think night is when I realize how thirsty I am because I have a moment to slow down and feel it. So instead of eating I drink and it makes all the difference for me. I also recently moved to a two story house and when I'm in my room I'm too lazy to go downstairs for food lol. Hope it gets better for you!
  10. saramichelle

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Ow! Sounds horrible!
  11. saramichelle

    What ya eating tonight?

    Omg I totally agree with you. I wouldn't have anything sugar free before because its so bad with all the chemicals. Now I'm completely dependent on sugar free so I am often eating Popsicles or jello or drinks with aspartame or sucralose. I am sure that cannot be good for my health. Of course neither is being obese. I feel so conflicted!
  12. saramichelle

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I totally know what you're feeling:(. I hope it gets better soon. It has improved for me the past couple of days and I hope it does the same for you:)
  13. saramichelle

    Confused over Sugar Free

    If you only have 80 lbs to lose then you are already very close to being half way at your goal and your only at 9 weeks. That is awesome!
  14. saramichelle

    Body image

    Totally me too! I just can't wrap my mind around being morbidly obese. I have been this way for only a few years maybe about three or four and I never picture myself as big. It is shocking when I realize it. It is like my body is an entrapment holding back the real me:)
  15. Lol that is funny. I'm totally going to have to agree with this one:)
  16. saramichelle

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    She says I'm losing my butt lol I say it just looks that way because my clothes are so big. I look much more pleasant in clothes that fit:). But either way it is for my health and if my butt goes then so be it!
  17. What an inspiration! Congratulations and welcome:)
  18. saramichelle

    So excited!

    Totally not tmi! I would much rather have on a pretty pair of panties and a bra with jeans and a sweatshirt than a fancy outfit with crappy panties underneath. I don't know there is just something about the way it feels:). Congratulations!
  19. saramichelle

    Happy Mothers Day !

    I totally agree with this. I have three boys and all they think about is food. No sooner have they finished a meal and their asking me for a snack. And they are only 8,6 and 3 and eAt so much!! and they are all skinny rails. My youngest just barely caught up to being a normal size this year. Before then he was underweight! Where does all the food go

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