Hi all, I am 63 years old and had my surgery on April 2, 2013 at David Grant Medical Center at Travis AFB by Dr. Phayet Bui. Today is my 2 week check-up. I have had a different experience than most of you have posted. Three weeks before surgery, I had to go on a liquid protein diet. ( it was supposed to make my liver shrink and become pliable). When I started this I weighed 233 pounds. The day of my surgery, I weighed 220. Today, 2 weeks after surgery, I weigh 209, so it seems to be working. I am still on the liquid protein stage 2 diet, so I haven't had any solid food for 5 weeks now, with 2 more weeks to go, then I am supposed to start the stage 3 diet, pureed food. I noticed that no one else has had to endure this diet for so long.
I have 2 main questions for my Dr. today, I still have a painful spot that hurts front to back in the upper right of my abdomen. It hurts all the time and is more severe when moving around
and almost unbearable after walking for about 5 minutes....second, my bowels are not working right (either nothing or diarrhea) so a new normal is not presenting itself yet. This issue
keeps me home. Fortunately, I am retired so don't have to worry about going back to work.
Have any of you had any of these issues?