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Everything posted by Celsia

  1. Celsia

    Charlotte, Nc

    I had my surgery in Rock Hill, SC but participated in Walk from Obesity and Dr Voellinger's office sponsored the walk. His staff is great and some of his patients attended the walk as well and had nothing but positive things to say. Met him and his family as they all participated in the walk as well.
  2. Celsia

    Willing to mentor

    I am in SC too, Rock Hill. I had RNY Dec 19 2011. Down 100lbs and I could use some words of encouragement every once in awhile. My name is Trina.
  3. Celsia

    40's New Beginnings

    Hello everyone, my name is Trina. I'm 43 and had RNY Dec 19 2011..to date I've lost 100lbs. I lost my weight slower but I had alot of complications in the beginning. Check out my story in the story section. Its been tough but worth it. Just have to stick with it, work the tool and do the work so the tool works for you. I fall off sometimes but the next day, I get back on track and I stay accountable by attending support groups and speaking at seminars..I can't tell others about how to be successful if I'm not doing what I'm supposed to do..helps me stay motivated.
  4. Celsia

    Doing a 5K..whaaaat?

    Did my 1st 5K last year..Oct 2012 Walk from Obesity. It was a walk but it was fun. Signed up to do the Great Glow Run in Charlotte May 3rd and doing the March of Dimes walk on Saturday..I'm a walker but I'm trying to add running to my routine. Guess I'll see what happens..
  5. Celsia

    Walk from Obesity

    I partcipated in the Walk from Obesity in Charlotte, NC last year Oct 2012. It was the 1st time I had walked a 5K. Bariatric Surgeon's office sponsored the walk so there were lots of bariatric goodies and giveaways. There was also a healthy protein lunch served after the walk. Nice experience for my 1st time..not sure about other cities but I would definitely do that walk again. I plan to do a few charity walks this year starting with the March of Dimes walk in my city this weekend.
  6. Celsia

    100+ To Loose

    HW 282 and current weight 162..I have officially lost 100lbs and my weight before surgery was 263..RNY Dec 2011. I have a rough beginning but things worked out for the best..at this point I don't have a goal to lose more but I'm staying on track with portions and working out..trying to see if I can break out of the 160's..
  7. Celsia

    My Fitness Pal

    Add me if you like..screen name celsia..
  8. My name is Trina and this is my story. Surgery Date Dec 19 2011. RNY. Surgery was fine. Walked around a bit the first day with no problems. Didn't get much rest due to vistors. Second day Dec 20th was a different story and when all the complications started. Walked the halls but had some bleeding from one of the suture sites. It was packed but it kept bleeding which I was told could happen. Surgeon stitched up the suture and everythign seemsed ok. I later took some of my meds and about an hour later started to feel really bad; sweaty, cold and weak. I was to be discharged but instead laid back down. Called the nurse in and told her how I was feeling. She took my vital signs, left out of the room and came back. Told my mom and company not to panic but my blood pressure dropped really low and that they were going to call in a crash cart team. Code Blue was called and about 50 people can running in along with the surgeon. Dr. E asked me what happened and how I was feeling which I explained. They took some blood and ran some tests. In a 10 minute time frame, I was told that there is some internal bleeding and that I would be having emergency surgery in the next few minutes. I was taken back to surgery. Woke up in ICU and unaware that I had not only 1 surgery but 2 for a total of 3 surgeries within a 24 hour period. I developed pneumonia due to the breathing machine I was hooked to along with several other machines. The scariest part was waking up, not being able to talk and ask what happened. When the nurse introduced himself and said I was in ICU, I knew something did not go well. I later found out the 1st surgery could not pinpoint the cause of the bleeding so a 3rd surgery was done and part of my stomach was removed to stop the bleeding. My family camped out at the hospital the entire time I was in ICU. Everything happened so fast I was unable to contact friends or co-workers so people just started showing up at the hospital. I had told everyone that I was getting out Dec 20th. I spent 3 days in ICU and everyday I was there, someone passed away. My room was right outside the nurses station. I would hear Code Blue and people running, family members crying. It was overwhelming to say the least but I got better and stronger everyday and was able to leave ICU and return to a regular room. I was in the hospital for Christmas and spent a total of 7 days there. I am thankful that all of my problems were at the beginning and I have not had any since. I went without food for 7 days which was unthinkable before surgery. I wasn't even allowed to have anything to drink while in ICU because they wanted to make sure everything was alright so I had IV fluids until I returned to the regular room. I then had Clear liquids which I didn't want. If I have learned nothing else from this experience, its that family no matter if you get along or not, was there for me around the clock; prayer changes things and sometimes when things happen to you its not about you but how you handle it which lets others know that even in the worst of times, there can be blessings as well. With everything I have been through..I am still thankful and to date have lost 100lbs. This surgery has saved me from destroying myself with food.
  9. Celsia


    From the album: Celsia

  10. Celsia


  11. Celsia

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    From the album: Celsia

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
