I have had low Vitamin D levels for as long as I can remember. The levels have ranged from 17-24. I have taken 2,000 - 4,000 iu supplements for years. I even tried 50,000 iu weekly prescription supplements for a couple of months last year and the level only went up to 26.
So I was nervous to see what my level would be 3 months post bypass, but to my surprise, the level was 42!
So my question is can anyone think of a logical explanation for this or is it most likely an error? My doctor was pleasantly surprised, but did not have any theory as to why it happened. I suppose my milk intake has increased greatly due to Protein shakes, etc (I never really drank much milk) but I don't know if that alone can explain it.
Has anyone had a similar experience? I am just curious but thrilled (if the results are accurate).