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  1. mazzojr


    I try to mix it up so it doesn't get boring. Chocolate shake with some pb2 or some frozen berries or half a banana. I've tried a chocolate shake with some decaf coffee too.
  2. mazzojr

    Protein shots....

    Hi all, I've actually tried the protein shots before. I was having a very hard time with liquids and protein about 5-6 weeks after surgery so my dr and nutritionist recommended them to help. They are not the most pleasant tasting things! It's a little under 4 oz and I struggled with it. However it's a good option to have in a bind or a day where you aren't getting enough. I tried a couple different flavors and they were equally not pleasant lol. Everyone's taste buds are different so hopefully you all like them.
  3. Thank you! Yes it is the best group!
  4. Every day I'm so grateful that I chose this surgery to better my life. I'm down 57lbs as of this morning, wore a size 14 jeans last night (cant even tell you the last time i wore a 14!) and I'm feeling amazing. I'm not as self conscience about going out or taking pictures. I notice I can keep up with my nieces and nephews when only 5 months ago I couldn't. I'm physically, mentally and emotionally in such a better place and I'm enjoying life so much more than before. There have been some bumps along the way but I wouldn't change it. Thank you all for helping me get here. Even if I don't comment often, I do read this thread every couple of days and you're all inspiration for me so thank you.
  5. mazzojr

    Last supper effect

    Welcome! I totally experience the last supper syndrome. I gained 8lbs in a month and was mortified during my appt. I said the same thing. "I won't be able to eat like this again. This won't harm my progress." It actually does. It's very common to think like this. You will be able to eat things again in the future but smaller and not as often. After that appt for me it got real. I didn't want to cancel my surgery so I needed to make a change and stay focused. You can do this. I wrote a list of all the reasons I wanted this surgery and every time I had that urge to eat something I knew I shouldn't, I brought the list out and looked at it, had a glass of water and moved on. I'm almost 5 months post op and its been the best decision. Wishing you the best of luck.
  6. mazzojr

    Another sex issue. *sigh*

    Congrats! Very happy for you and he sounds like a keeper. Patient, kind and thoughtful. Him wanting to be there and go to a meeting with you is great.
  7. mazzojr

    Depression ?

    I had a problem the first couple of weeks out with the Protein shakes. They felt so heavy to me and were making me sick but it does pass. I get unflavored and some flavored protein powders from Nashua Nutrition which you can order online. When I had trouble with drinking I broke it down to 1oz at a time. The whole cup intimidated me. I got little medicine cups and used 1oz at a time. It helped a little until I could tolerate more. I too also experience "pockets" of depression. I was scared going into the surgery bc I suffered years Go from depression so I made sure I was prepared and ready should I experience it again. I felt it helped to talk to others who had the surgery. When I had a moment where I wanted to cry, I did but moved on. I didn't dwell on it. I allowed myself to feel those emotions but then I went back to my list of why I wanted this surgery. I know it can be hard but focus on why you did this. Talk to someone and get out for a walk. It really does help or at least it did for me. I also made a pact with myself that I would allow myself to weigh myself 2x a week. Every Sunday I record my weight to keep track and another day just to get an idea. I don't want to live by the scale and feel like I have to see that number daily. Good luck, stay strong, you're doing great.
  8. Thank you, same to you.
  9. mazzojr

    Lost for words...

    So sorry to hear about what sounds like a horrible day. Just know that things will get better. I can understand how you're feeling and contemplating cancel surgery however take a moment to think about why you've gone thru this process and why you want this surgery. Don't let this day take away what you've worked for and wanted. This is just one day out of many. Don't let the person or persons who took you're belongings take away why you've wanted this surgery too. I wish you the best of luck and prayer for you and your family's safety. I hope things get better.
  10. mazzojr


    Omg I thought it was just me! I haven't craved much since surgery but steak tips an pickles...not together tho!
  11. Good to know that I may not stay hungry all the time. I'm sure that I'll have days when I'm not hungry. I have to do a shake of some sort every day or I won't get in my fluid or protein. I'm not having full meals yet. Mostly protein. Yogurt is a go to for me or protein shake.
  12. Starting weight was 230 and I'm at 183.6...so I'd like to loose at least 40-50 more. I'm only 5'1" so I can afford to loose that. The dr said they'd like me down to about 120 tho.
  13. Lol, thanks. It's been a blessing and curse not having an appetite so to be getting it back is so scary. I just keep thinking of everything I've learn from the classes and meetings but so scared to go back to any old unhealthy habits.
  14. I haven't posted in a while but looking for advise/help. I had surgery April 1 and I've lost 45lbs so far. I'm feeling great. Since surgery I haven't felt any hunger or cravings for food which is normal but the last two days it kicked in. I notice I'm hungry again and wanting to eat everything. I track everything I eat and drink but notice I can eat a little more than I have been. For example I used to eat half a smart one meal but now I can eat most of it. Is this normal? I'm afraid I could be eating too much and stretching my stomach out.

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