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I am a 40 year old former college athlete. Prior to 2010, I was 6ft 3 1/2 inches weighing approximately 315...which was 85lbs heavier than my college playing weigh 20 years ago. Nonetheless I was pretty active and never really had any issues maintaining or losing weight whenever necessary. In 2009, I was starting to experience problems sleeping (night sweats, light sleeping), fatigue, and weight loss. After seeing my primary care doctor, I was diagnosed with Grave's Disease which is basically an overactive thyroid. I was taking medicine for this until July of 2010 when my life would change forever. In July 2010, I had an episode called a "thyroid storm" where my thyroid went all out wack causing me to be hospitalized in the ICU for 2 weeks. This was actually a life threating dilemma as my blood pressure and heart rate shot through the roof and I was dealing with severe dehydration, diarrhea, and a few other things. Needless to say, I made it out of the woods and recovered but in October of 2010, I had a total thyroidectomy (removed my thyroid). One of the main things that your thyroid controls is your metabolism and prior to having it removed the endocrinologist told me that some patients experience weight gain but as long they get the correct dosage of thyroid replacement meds and as long as I workout regularly, I should be fine. Being that I was a former college athlete and I was still semi active, working out was not an issue for me. Little did I know what was in store for me...
Shortly after recovering from my thyroidectomy, I was down to 302lbs and remembering what the doctors had told me, I began working out 4 times a week for a least an hour each time (cardio). I was also advised by my endocrinologist that I should maintain a 2500 calorie a day diet that I was pretty strict about rarely going over 2500 calories...maybe 3000 calories on a few ocassions. Despite my efforts I was noticing that I was beginning to gain weight...slowly. I would do quarterly visits with my endocrinologist and they would up my doses of levothyroxine (thyroid replacement) and she would tell me to "push away from the table more". I told her that I was following her advise to no avail. After a few more visits (6 month's time). I was still gaining weight at an alarming rate. I was starting to experience fatigue and several other issues associate with weight gain. Finally the endocrinologist upped my dosage to 200 mcg (from 100 mcg). At this point I was extremely frustrated with this endo and decided to get another doctor. The second doctor that I started seeing was no better than the first, she offered no solution to sudden weight gain despite working out and despite monitoring my diet. When I explained to her that I was considering weight loss surgery as a last resort she said well maybe you should...that was the last time that I saw her.
In January of 2012, I made the decision to have weight loss surgery. At this point, I've gained 100 + pounds and it wasn't until recently that the weight gain had really stopped. I am now 425lbs...the heaviest I've ever been. I now have issues getting around without being tired or my back hurting, my desire to workout is pretty non existant, sex life is bad, sleeping is an issue, and the list goes on. I went through Dr. Fullom's 6 month program and was approved for surgery. My first surgery was scheduled for October of 2012 but was cancelled due to some blood work that came back. Since then my surgery has been cancelled 3 times for the same reason...they thought that my blood was too thin. Since then I've seen the hemotologist and I now have my clearance letter from him and I'm scheduled to have my surgery on April 11, 2013.
I am extremely excited about this new chapter in my life and I'm ready to go "All In". I am somewhat nervous because of the whole thyroidectomy/slow metabolism issue.
Shortly after recovering from my thyroidectomy, I was down to 302lbs and remembering what the doctors had told me, I began working out 4 times a week for a least an hour each time (cardio). I was also advised by my endocrinologist that I should maintain a 2500 calorie a day diet that I was pretty strict about rarely going over 2500 calories...maybe 3000 calories on a few ocassions. Despite my efforts I was noticing that I was beginning to gain weight...slowly. I would do quarterly visits with my endocrinologist and they would up my doses of levothyroxine (thyroid replacement) and she would tell me to "push away from the table more". I told her that I was following her advise to no avail. After a few more visits (6 month's time). I was still gaining weight at an alarming rate. I was starting to experience fatigue and several other issues associate with weight gain. Finally the endocrinologist upped my dosage to 200 mcg (from 100 mcg). At this point I was extremely frustrated with this endo and decided to get another doctor. The second doctor that I started seeing was no better than the first, she offered no solution to sudden weight gain despite working out and despite monitoring my diet. When I explained to her that I was considering weight loss surgery as a last resort she said well maybe you should...that was the last time that I saw her.
In January of 2012, I made the decision to have weight loss surgery. At this point, I've gained 100 + pounds and it wasn't until recently that the weight gain had really stopped. I am now 425lbs...the heaviest I've ever been. I now have issues getting around without being tired or my back hurting, my desire to workout is pretty non existant, sex life is bad, sleeping is an issue, and the list goes on. I went through Dr. Fullom's 6 month program and was approved for surgery. My first surgery was scheduled for October of 2012 but was cancelled due to some blood work that came back. Since then my surgery has been cancelled 3 times for the same reason...they thought that my blood was too thin. Since then I've seen the hemotologist and I now have my clearance letter from him and I'm scheduled to have my surgery on April 11, 2013.
I am extremely excited about this new chapter in my life and I'm ready to go "All In". I am somewhat nervous because of the whole thyroidectomy/slow metabolism issue.
Height: 6 feet 3 inches
Starting Weight: 425 lbs
Weight on Day of Surgery:
Current Weight: 425 lbs
Goal Weight: 250 lbs
Weight Lost:
BMI: 53.1
Surgery: Gastric Bypass
Surgery Status: Pre Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 01/03/2012
Surgery Date: 04/11/2013
Hospital Stay: 1 Day
Surgery Funding: Insurance
Insurance Outcome: 1st Letter Approval
6GP2008's Bariatric Surgeon
Howard University Center For Wellness & Weight Loss Surgery
2041 Georgia Ave., N.W.
Tower Bldg Ste # 4100B
2041 Georgia Ave., N.W.
Tower Bldg Ste # 4100B