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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by lessoflittlebit

  1. I'm four weeks out on Monday. This week, my lower belly has been acting up. Sometimes it just feels sore, and sometimes I have sharp pains. My bladder is hurting as well - I'm on antibiotics for a UTI but they haven't kicked it yet. I'm probably just being paranoid, but I only lost 0.8 this week. 30.4 total. Total loss is great I know, but why the stall? Anyone else have lower pains? It's NOT when I eat. food goes down fine and I go to the bathroom everyday. Sometimes Twice a day bit the amt is small sometimes (TMI). I'm hoping its just gas and surgery pains, but I'm a little worried because I'm almost a month out. Shouldn't all that be gone by now? I'm just anxious due to the stall on week 3, and I was in the hospital 6 days due to infected hematomas. I've had the worst luck and am just afraid I have a crazy blockage or something. Someone talk me off the ledge or send me to the ER.
  2. lessoflittlebit

    Lower Abdominal Pain

    I'm going to my surgeon tomorrow at 3:00. The pain is still there and radiating. If I didn't know better, I would think I had appendicitis... It's just not possible... Louisville, KY ~ RNY June 24, 2013 ~ Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  3. lessoflittlebit

    Lower Abdominal Pain

    Thanks for the feedback! You're gonna laugh, but I took some Mylanta Gas after supper and have felt TONS better!!! And I've read about the dreaded 3 week stall, so I feel much better about the situation. I'm still going to try to get into my doc this week rather than next. Also, the location of the pain wold be around my ovaries, but the pain is not cramp-like. Doesn't feel like a woman issue. And I'm on YAZ so I rarely have periods. I have three more pink pills before I start my white pills this month. So we will see if I'm better tomorrow! Louisville, KY ~ RNY June 24, 2013 ~ Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  4. lessoflittlebit

    Pill Swallowing

    I have trouble with pills, too. They go down but I get nauseous almost every time, and I can't crush mine.
  5. lessoflittlebit

    Ice Water Hurts

    I'm 4 weeks out on Monday, and ice Water makes me sooooooo nauseous. Louisville, KY ~ RNY June 24, 2013 ~ Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  6. lessoflittlebit

    June Post Ops!

    I'm sorry a bunch of us are struggling a bit but its good to know I'm not alone! I've been on heavy staph antibiotics since I left the hospital, and they have made it next to impossible to drink without getting nauseous. Food went down fine - water was killing me. To make a long story short, my endocrinologist couldn't even get blood because I was so dehydrated, so I went to my urgent care to get fluids and nausea medicine. I've been sooooo much better! So don't hesitate to ask for fluids if you are having trouble getting them in! Surgery Date - 6/24 Down about 30 lbs
  7. lessoflittlebit

    June Post Ops!

    I'm three weeks out tomorrow. food goes down great - no trouble at all except one time when I ate Pop chips like an idiot. Won't be doing that ever again. I'm on regular food. My issue is liquids. I drank tons of Water and Protein shakes and Crystal Light before surgery, and now the only liquid that goes down without nausea is tea. I'm really disappointed that the shakes are making me nauseous. I also struggle when I take my meds. Anyone else having issues with liquids and not food? Louisville, KY ~ RNY June 24, 2013 ~ Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  8. lessoflittlebit

    Friday Weigh-In!

    SW: 261.8 CW: 232.4 Lbs lost: 29.4 rny on 6/24/2013 Louisville, KY ~ RNY June 2013 ~ Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  9. lessoflittlebit

    weird question. .

    Mine was worse before surgery, but I still have the Big D. I'm three weeks post-op and on very strong antibiotics that are probably causing it. Louisville, KY ~ RNY June 2013 ~ Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  10. lessoflittlebit


    I think it's different for everyone. I'm fairly certain I had a case of it today - sweating, major pressure/fullness in the chest, heart racing, and nausea for me. If I hadn't known better, I would have thought I was having a heart attack. And my stomach is STILL growling - I can hear it and feel it. Louisville, KY ~ RNY June 2013 ~ Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  11. lessoflittlebit


    I had it for the first time today, and I'm guessing it was mild, but it was off Pop Chips!!! I mean seriously! They have NOTHING in them but my mother said I was eating them too quickly. And too many. I guess I just lost it! My chest felt like it would explode, very rapid heart rate, and nausea. I survived without puking, but even after a nap potato Soup made me nauseated and made my heart race! My stomach sounds and feels like a thunder storm right now. All for stupid Pop chips...never again. Boy, do we learn. Louisville, KY ~ RNY June 2013 ~ Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  12. Lisa - We sound a lot alike. I did fine week 2, but week three has been rough. I have infected hematomas that are still healing, so I'm on a ton of antibiotics that are not helping things. The only liquid that doesn't make me nauseous is tea. Forget the Protein shakes! I loved them pre-op and now I can barely drink half of one a day. I'm on the toilet at least twice a day. I'm on regular foods now, and solid food goes down better than anything, but I'm still not getting all my protein or liquids in. I made an appointment with my nutritionist, and she said not to worry that stuff like this happens often. Here's to a better Week 4! Louisville, KY ~ RNY June 2013 ~ Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  13. I will donate my boob fat to anyone who wants it! You probably don't because it is very, very dense. I'm a 42DDD. I'm definitely having a reduction if they don't shrink - I'm almost 3 weeks post-op so they haven't yet of course. They never have when I've lost weight in the past. Every time I go to any doc I'm like, "Oooooohhhh my poor back! It must be my dense breast tissue!" Louisville, KY ~ RNY June 2013 ~ Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  14. lessoflittlebit

    What ya eating tonight?

    I'm pouting. Made some bad choices today and had a mini-episode of dumping for the first time. So I had potato soup for dinner, and it also made me nauseous and made my heart race. I'm better now, but boy do you learn quickly. Back to Popsicles for me... Louisville, KY ~ RNY June 2013 ~ Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  15. lessoflittlebit

    What? Sugar Free Oreos?

    Ditto what Terry said. I'm just now on real food and thought I would try some Pop chips for s SNACK even though we're not supposed to snack, and I've been mildly dumping for a long time. And for the first time. NOT. WORTH. IT. Mainly nausea and rapid heart beat. And that was from Pop Chips probably because I ate too many too fast. I can't imagine what Cookies would do to me. Louisville, KY ~ RNY June 2013 ~ Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  16. lessoflittlebit


    You will probably change after surgery. Pre-op, I drank TONS of Crystal Light and Protein shakes. I drank all the time. I had surgery on 6/24, and now the only liquid that doesn't make me nauseous is tea. Seriously. I wouldn't worry about it until after surgery. Just practice sipping and you'll be fine! Louisville, KY ~ RNY June 2013 ~ Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  17. lessoflittlebit

    Getting off anti depressants...

    Girlfriend, you gotta be careful with this!!! I'm on Effexor and Paxil. I've tried to quit both within the past few months and popped back on them by Day 3. My soon-to-be-ex PCP took me off Paxil cold turkey. TERRIBLE withdrawals! I had to go to a psychiatric nurse practitioner for help, and she put me back on it. I'm much better now. I had my surgery on 6/24, and they wouldn't let me take either one in the hospital. I was in for six days and by Day 4 I was having full out panic attacks. Needless to day, my surgeon put me back on them the next day. I have accepted that I will be on them for life. Depression is a chemical imbalance. If you feel good, then the meds are doing what they are suppose to do. If you're having withdrawal (like brain zaps...had those when I tried to quit Effexor), it's just not worth it. Depression needs to be treated just like any other ailment. From experience, I would say stay on them. Personally, its not worth the withdrawal for me. Louisville, KY ~ RNY June 2013 ~ Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  18. lessoflittlebit

    June Post Ops!

    June 24 here! I was in the hospital for 6 days due to staph infected hematomas. I had three and my surgeon had never seen anyone with more than one! I'm still on strong antibiotics, but already on regular food. I had nothing in the hospital so I guess my pouch healed quicker. I was doing really well with food until today. I ate something stupid (Pop Chips) and am pretty sure I'm having my first case of dumping. It's mild - mainly just nausea and rapid heart rate. I have most of my problems with liquids. Before surgery, I loved water, Vitamin Water, Crystal Light...now I can't drink any of it. The only liquid I can drink that doesn't make me nauseous is tea! Weird! Anyway, though I had some complications and am sick as a dog right now , this is the best decision of my life. I've lost 27 lbs since I left the hospital and other than today, some off and on nausea, and pain from my incisions, I feel great. Well worth it. Louisville, KY ~ RNY June 2013 ~ Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  19. I have Humana. I went to the surgeon for the first time last month - he scheduled a Venus Doppler and EGD, etc. A few weeks later I get a bill for $289 for that appointment. Not the tests...just seeing the doctor! I called Humana and they said the surgery would be covered but not the visits to my surgeon. I think that is insane! They said they don't cover anything coded "morbid obesity" other than the surgery itself and lap band fills, which doesn't apply to me. I called the billing department back and they said they would try to rerun it with a different coding, but they couldn't promise anything. Has anyone else run into this? Louisville, KY ~ RNY June 2013 ~ Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  20. lessoflittlebit

    Surgery covered, but not the visits to my surgeon.

    I don't think so...Humana PPO for KY educators. Louisville, KY ~ RNY June 2013 ~ Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  21. lessoflittlebit

    June surgeries!

    I'm an assistant principal and am hoping to schedule it at the beginning of my four week vacation. I'm shooting for June 25th! I hope to set the date in stone next week! Louisville, KY ~ RNY June 2013 ~ Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  22. My knees went out last July. After months of suffering with it and not being able to go up stairs, I went to the doc and was diagnosed with Grade 4 Chondromalacia (Runner's Knee or patellofemoral syndrome). I don't run. I got it from being overweight, stairs at work, and lifting my father who I cared for at home. squatting and lifting were the main culprits according to my doc. Is anyone else battling this? I'm on Celebrex (which is useless), tried PT and a chiropractor. I'm really frustrated because it is keeping me from working out like I want. I'm hoping that after surgery when the weight drops it will get much better, but I'm scared because I know the damage is already done. You should have seen my MRI ???? Anyway, I'm hoping to hear that some of you had this prior to surgery and have been relieved of the pain (at least a little) after weight loss. I don't want to have knee surgery.... rny June 2013 ???? Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  23. lessoflittlebit

    Anyone dealing with Runner's Knee/Chondromalacia?

    That is what I figured. I'm an assistant principal, so I'm going to give myself a couple of months after surgery to see how much pain relief I get, and if its not enough I'll get it scoped over Christmas break. I really, really want to run. It was so bad last night that is hurt with every step and even when I was laying down. Not fun.
  24. lessoflittlebit

    My Fitness Pal

    Ah! Well, I just made it much harder than needed. :h Is there a way you can adjust your nutrition requirements??? I want to up my protein and sugar. I'm tired of seeing red for eating fruit and Greek yogurt!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
