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Dara Levy

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Dara Levy

  1. Jodie, I do hope the process goes well for you. Stick with it even if it takes a long time. It took me a full year to get surgery once I connected with the fabulous surgeon I have now. I have to say recovery this time is so different from my previous two lap band surgeries. The pain is the same but my digestive habits are not. Sorry if I share too much but my experience may help prepare someone else. I have diarhea all day, am never hungry (this was the same with the other surgeries only much more intense), and have an aversion to all things sweet. I mean I can't stand the thought of chocolate anything or fruit flavored either. I only want savory food. I'm even more liking milk which has been my favorite food my whole life. So between the food aversion and lack of hunger I'm struggling to get my daily requirements in. I read up on the aversion issue and it seems to be specific to bypass and sweet tastes. I have lost 8lbs since surgery on Friday and can't wait until I can sleep on my side again. Hurts too much to sleep anywhere but in the recliner right now. Also for those who are either thinking of getting lap band or are converting from the Lapband, my surgeon basically had to do bypass as my stomach had folded up and adhesed to my spleen. She had a very hard time getting enough good stomach to make the pouch. I so regret ever getting the band.

  2. It's out! No more band. I'm so happy. And surgeon was able to do the bypass even thOugh she said there was a lot of scar tissue and part of stomach is attached to my spleen. Going home from the hospital today. I highly recommend dr. Pratt at mass general in Boston. Surgery took 4 hours. I'm sipping liquids which seem to be going down without a problem. What's great is that I no longer fll like I have pressure in chest.

  3. It's out! No more band. I'm so happy. And surgeon was able to do the bypass even thOugh she said there was a lot of scar tissue and part of stomach is attached to my spleen. Going home from the hospital today. I highly recommend dr. Pratt at mass general in Boston. Surgery took 4 hours. I'm sipping liquids which seem to be going down without a problem. What's great is that I no longer feel like I have pressure in my chest. I'm so looking forward to losing weight and being healthy. The diabetes is gone too. Only have to take thyroid med from now on. It only Took five years to get the band out. I'm so happy. Feel free to ask me questions. I would love to know my experience could help someone else out.

  4. Hddn- to answer both your questions, first as for psychological trauma from the band I think my surgeon was speaking about how hard it can be to adjust the band and how frustrating or is trying to manage the band especially when it isn't going well. I definitely feel like I have suffered for the past five out of seven years. With the band. As for the feeling of tightness with the band after a fill, I always felt it was full enough of if could drink little sips without feeling like the Water was just sitting there. Best of luck to you in your journey.

    Tmf- actually my first surgeon that did the band and re band was a money Gruber as you put it. My current surgeon is the top in the state and I'm sure her stats reflect a higher percent of band failures because she sees many patients looking for second opinions after their original surgeons don't take them seriously. Current research shows a 25% re surgery rate with the band. that's fact. I have said my peace and won't be responding on this section again. Best wishes to you all.Thank you for wishing me well on my surgery. Three weeks. I can't wait to be band-free!

  5. Hddn- to answer both your questions, first as for psychological trauma from the band I think my surgeon was speaking about how hard it can be to adjust the band and how frustrating or is trying to manage the band especially when it isn't going well. I definitely feel like I have suffered for the past five out of seven years. With the band. As for the feeling of tightness with the band after a fill, I always felt it was full enough of if could drink little sips without feeling like the Water was just sitting there. Best of luck to you in your journey.

    Tmf- actually my first surgeon that did the band and re band was a money Gruber as you put it. My current surgeon is the top in the state and I'm sure her stats reflect a higher percent of band failures because she sees many patients looking for second opinions after their original surgeons don't take them seriously. Current research shows a 25% re surgery rate with the band. that's fact. I have said my peace and won't be responding on this section again. Best wishes to you all.Thank you for wishing me well on my surgery. Three weeks. I can't wait to be band-free!

  6. Jodie,

    I completely understand your frustration. One of the most wonderful occurrences for me after having the band placed was that all cravings were gone. No hunger ever. I ate purely because my body needed it. However not everyone experiences this fullness so it may be hard for them to relate. My story is to yours. Had my first band placed in 2006. Was great for the first year and a half. Lost sixty pounds. Then got stuck for the first time on asparagus. My band slipped only my surgeon insisted it was fine. I had a barium swallow study done and the surgeon said i was fine and it must be me. I must not be eating right. Nine months later I was gathering my medical records to find another surgeon because I could not even drink Water. The office manager asked why I was leaving my surgeon. I explained. She talked to the surgeon and they sent me for another swallow study. When I got there for the test the radiologist told me he had personally called my surgeon nine months prior and told him my band was slipped. I was so furious. I cried right there in the xray room. I had the band replaced but it never worked right. Switched surgeons. Gave out a test. Went back to the dietitian. Saw psyCh again. Did more support groups. Had more adjustments. Nothing worked. I finally left the second surgeon and signed on with the top bariatric surgery in the state. It means I travel 2.5 hours one way for all my appointments but she is great. She won't please lap band because she says there's a50 percent failure rate. Some resurgent and some bands intolerance (which is what I developed with Mr second band because my first band was slipped for so long). She also said most people with a band suffer psychological trauma as well as physical trauma. She was the first to acknowledge to me what I was suffering. I am now having the band out Dec 6th and if all looks good inside she will do the bypass at the same time. She offered too do the sleeve but with my band issues there's a chance I wouldn't tolerate the restrictive feeling of it plus many people have too be revised from sleeve to bypass so I opted to stick with bypass which is the gold standard procedure. If I was you I would stick to your guns. If something doesn't feel right it probably. Don't be afraid to find another surgeon either. Best of luck to you. Dara

  7. I know it's a tough decision. I had my first band placed in 2006. Did great with it then band slipped. Second band never worked. I developed band intolerance. I know have a fabulous dr at mass general in boston who says 50percent are unsucessful with the band through no fault of their own and suffer real psychological trauma from problems with the band. I am having it out December 6th. I can't wait. People hear that i'm having rny and ask if I'm afraid of having the same issues and failing. I say no because i did have success before theband slipped and I know ican be successful again. Only you canknow how successful you will be. Do what is in your heart. I know my husband and family are skeptical and worried forme but I know it will be great. Best wishes to you.

  8. I'm having one surgery. Sounds like you should talk to your doctor and have him straighten out your staff. If that doesn't wOrk, though may want to switch surgeons. My first surgeon was so incompetent he let me suffer with a slipped band for nine months. Then changed the band but it right. The second one made me wait forever and didn't fix anything. I am now at the best hospital with thee head of the department and am having surgery December 6th. So I believe just through the process I had to go through you shouldn't settle for bs. You need to be completely confident in your surgeon. Best of luck to you.

  9. With my first lapband, I was very open but after having it slip and be replaced and still gained the weight back, I noticed people looking, wondering, and some were even bold enough to ask me about it so now facing a revision in a month, I'm not telling many people. Just my husband, dad and 3 very close friends and I asked them all not to say anything. I don't want that kind of pressure this time. Just my 2 cents. Good luck with ur journey to a healthier u.

  10. I would definitely measure. Its good that u r recognizing head hunger. Also, I would recommend taking meat with broth and putting it into a food processor once ur able to eat soft foods. Stick with tenderloin cuts if u eat steak or pork but I would try soft chicken or hamburg first to see how u feel. Go slow even tho ur tired of liquids. It will be worth it in the end. When I was on the liquid diet and couldn't take it anymore I made Tomato Soup with milk and a little smart balance. It really helped. Best of luck to u.

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