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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About shyanne

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    Guru in Training

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  1. shyanne


    I think the shame of it all leads to emotional eatting... cus I'm there right now. I loose a lil and platue over a year out. I tried to go to psychologist who was suppose to specialize in weight loss sugery patients and... did absolutly nothing for me. He seemed absolutely baffled when I told him I don't recognize the person I now see in pictures. I know there is something wrong... but I just can't seem to get around to reaching out for help again. I hear successful people with this sugery say a big part is the "head work"... stay strong. Ive been trying REALY hard to see how damn far I've come. I also don't get sick from iced coffee and sweet things :-/
  2. These make me sooooo happy :-D I got season passes to fiesta texas and can ride allll the rides :-D I even went to the water park! And a water park here in sa texas and rode rides.... I kept saying "I'm going to get stuck". I didnt at all and even rode some with my 8 year old nice... she was so happy I rode them with her... whew... tears of joy :-)
  3. I am so sorry you are going thru this. We should be able to trust the team of doctors we put our lifes in there hands. And I always say listen to your body. Eff "bothering" someone. Right after sugery I was in pain but I was walking and able to stand. A week later I had a horrible pain in my largest incision and couldnt stand straight. Even my own family talked to me like I was being silly. Telling me I couldn't handel pain... and of course I will hurt I just had sugery. I went to my doctor and saw his pa. They gave me more pain meds. Next day woke up and my largest incision had bursted open and was infected. When I saw my actuall doctor he saw it and I could tell he was pissed... how was I just in his office and his pa not catch it. My complication was minor but still miserable... so I can't even imagine what you have to go thru. I hope you get on that road to recovery asap.
  4. shyanne

    new to this app

    I'm over a year out. Had ny surgery May 7, 2012.
  5. shyanne


    I'm over a year out and drink occasionally.
  6. shyanne

    Two Weeks & Regret!

    It does get better... I mainly focused in water so I wouldn't get dehydrated. I could only drink ice cold water. Then ice cold water with flavoring in it. I couldn't eat a lot of foods for about 2 or 3 months. Eggs still are iffy for me. I'm over a year out and I can pretty much eat every thing in moderation.
  7. Yes DON'T stock up!!!!!! Taste can change.
  8. After surgery we loose a lot of fat. Hormones are in fat... They go all crazy after surgery. If you already suffered from depression it will sure as hell will hit you harder after. Seek help ASAP!!! Don't just pray. Get help please.
  9. I KNEW I'd have hair loss. I couldn't and didn't want to eat anything and my main focus was water. I already had thin hair and I was lucky enough to get a thinned out spot right in the front of my hairline :-) I just parted my hair the other side and rode it out :-D I'm over a year out and it's all grown back.
  10. shyanne

    So emotional. Ugh!

    Don't fight it... Cry it out... And know you are not going crazy :-)
  11. shyanne


    It helps for me to shop with someone. I always want and tend to grab the larger sizes.... Can't figure out why the look funny lol then get told way to big. I'm a year and a month out and struggle with seeing the new me. I still see the woman squeezing in to size 28. Not the size 16.
  12. shyanne

    keep it real

    I have eaten everything I've wanted... Tried a lot of new healthy foods I never thought I would try. But time to time I've had me a "bad" food. I live in SA texas. We got some kick a$$ Mexican food :-) but with every thing it's in moderation. A few times I've gotten the chip bug in me. But in over a year I have lost 145 pounds. And just the last month I joined a gym. Before that the only working out I did was walking.
  13. shyanne

    Birthcontrol ?

    My doctor says whatever birth control I choose... Choose a second one too. Yep two forms o birth control.
  14. shyanne


    Smaller hands and feet :-)
  15. I had a ultrasound. I'm a year out from surgery.

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