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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by shyanne

  1. One year down :-D lol have no idea how much I weight my scale broke but last time I checked I was 140 pounds down.
  2. Mine still hit but don't rub like try use to. I was able to wear a dress a while back with no spanks or shorts. I guess cus of all the weight loss lol I don't sweat as much and I don't have that big of a tummy to contend with. Just a lot less going on :-D
  3. shyanne

    Wow what a year

    Congratulations on the 10 years and weight loss :-D I've been doing the same with a picture from last Easter my mom took and this Easter. I show people and the thing I can't BELIEVE is the people who have know me for years says they don't remember me that way! O_o
  4. shyanne


    My plain said I could drink 6 months out. I've heard some say 3 months or a year. Even not till they make goal weight. I say as with every thing after RNY... Proceeded with caution listen to your doc :-) educate yourself and be aware :-) I'm a year out and drink time to time and had my first drink about 7 months out. Try your first drink or a new drink in a safe place. Some people get absolutely sick from certain drinks cus of the sugars in them. I had one do it... Woke up from my sleep with upset tummy. It's a given we all have to be aware of cross addiction. It doesn't just happen alcohol... It could be drugs, sex, shopping... I've seen someone obsess and completely freak out over gaining .07 pounds o_O Good luck :-)
  5. shyanne

    progress pic :) <3

    Looking great :-D
  6. shyanne

    Was it worth it?

    LoL never thought about it but I do get asked a lot and with out hesitation I always say yes. It has been no where near easy but I'd do it again in a heartbeat :-D I think the question that still sticks out to me is the... What about loose skin? Um would rather have loose skin then carry around the extra 140 pounds I was carrying around :-)
  7. shyanne

    Hello everyone

    Let there negative comments motivate you :-) I am blessed enough to have the 99% of people around me being supportive... The one was one co worker. Even recently I wore a not so flattering top and knowing the head issues I have... Told me I looked like I gained weight. It bothered me at first then I said eff it. And dropped 7 pounds in a week after joining a gym :-D HA!
  8. Awesome :-) I was a year out may 7th myself :-D AND 140 pounds down :-)
  9. Yeah... A lot of doctors don't have good bed side manner any more :-/ my doctors office gave a whole little book on how much to eat and drink and how many vitamins to take during each phase... And several options and where to buy them. 4weeks out I could barely eat a ounce of pureed chili. I thought it was a irrational fear of mine at the beginning to split open my pouch o_O Good luck from here on :-)
  10. I decided to change my life and had RNY :-D I had no fears just excitement. I knew it would not be easy but it was a lot rougher then I thought it would be the first month o_O but completely worth it :-) My life has jump started again. I got the
  11. shyanne

    Whew! That was intense!

    Sounds like your right on track :-D this helped and helps me a lot to read. It's from another support group I've been a part of since before RNY :-)http://www.dailystrength.org/c/Gastric_Bypass_Surgery/forum/13157871-newbies-need-know/page-12
  12. shyanne

    Opinion on gyms

    I just joined a planet fitness here in texas and LOVE it :-D I didn't go with curves cus I think it's too low impact. I'd make sure the facility is nice. And good for me I've had a friend to go with me and show me a few things. I usually to the elliptical... Both kinds... The stationary bicycle. And recently have been doing these weight lifting machines working on my arms and abs. The hardest part is walking through the door the first time :-D I feel HOOKED now. If you don't have a friend defiantly see about seeing a personal trainer for a free first time to get a feel of the machines and a good work out :-)
  13. shyanne

    A new way to reward without food!

    Michael Kors bags :-D lol every one says they are so expensive but heck I was eating out pretty much every day for YEARS so I have money to spare now :-) Plus with surgery I was able to get a full time job making quite a bit more.
  14. Sorry to lol :-D but I was the same way :-) My nutritionist even got after me and told me I needed to start eating more lol I did get over it :-)
  15. shyanne

    One year today

    Ahhh didn't get to finish :-) got the job I wanted :-D I have a neck now :-)~ I've lost a little over 140 pounds... Lost a person :-D got to ride amusement park rides again :-) woooo!!! So much :-) I was going through my moms phone and saw old pictures of me... Can't BELIVE it's me... Lol the new and old me o_O
  16. shyanne


    I was about 3 or 4 months out before I actually could eat a variety of things and get my protein in and was a little interested in food. So you are TOTALY normal :-D Even a year out I don't get actual hungry often and it's odd and almost unrecognizable when I do feel hungry lol It takes me a minute to realize what's going on :-)
  17. shyanne

    Post Op Weight loss?

    I really don't remember.... I didn't have a smooth recovery so I was more focused on feeling better :-D A year out now I feel great :-)
  18. shyanne


    I have heard of it becoming a eating disorder after bypass so please be careful :-) your reaching out and see the issue and that's good :-) I know it's such a broken record but get back to basics: protein and water first. I had a whole other set of issues post op... I was scared of eating and my new tummy splitting open or dumping. That and I had zero desire to eat. I was actually disgusted at people eating and the amounts for a long time... I didn't go through food mourning cus I was so sickened by people eating. I saw a psychologist to talk about my issues. Maybe reach out to your bariatric doctor and they can suggest a good therapist who has delt with bariatric patients.
  19. shyanne

    I am starting my journey

    Congratulations :-D and hold on for the ride of your life :-D
  20. For me personally the risk were worth it because at 360 pounds I was NOT living. I got a wonderful bald spot in the front of my hair line 3 months out but with a full time job doing what I wanted it didn't matter. I jogged the other day! JOGGED! Me 0_o when my niece and nephew hug me there arms wrap completely around me... I rode a roller coaster for the first time in 10 years.... Last time I rode a amusement park ride was an attempt... I didn't fit and had to walk off the ride by myself. I'd lie and tell people I didn't like amusement park rides. I would have panic attacks at the thought of being in large crowds. I'd go to eat with family or friends and the restaurant was packed I'd start panicking and ask to go some where else. I suddenly didn't like it there. Just getting out of bed an in the car was a struggle. Now I can work 10 hours on my feet all day then throw on a pair of cute pumps and go out on the town :-D I had some complications right after surgery but they were quickly taken care of. The first few months can be rough and I still have head things to work with but over all this journey has been pretty damn good and I'd do it again in a heartbeat :-) good luck in whatever you decide :-D
  21. shyanne

    Maybe TMI, BUT....

    Hmmm.... Strange... I've been having the same issue :-/
  22. I'm venting here :-D this is what a co worker told me the other day... Now my scale has been broken but I was just at my moms and after a long stall I had dropped 5lbs in a week. And I know it's correct cus I would weight myself home and her house and the doc and its always been the same. Now this is the only person that ever said a negative thing about me having RNY and since I have her weight has ballooned big time.... But this statement has just stuck with me :-/ I finally ended up asking a friend yesterday... Who I trust would tell me the truth... If I looked like I've gotten bigger. She looked at me like I was crazy :-) I just don't understand people. I've been open and honest about my journey and my struggles with food... Emotional eating and changing years of bad habits. And I've been open about how my second biggest struggle is seeing who I am now. Some times I look in the mirror and see zero weight loss. I've talked about this with her and fears I'd gain it all back.... Ugh! Well thanks for listening :-) reading:-) hope everyone has a great Monday :-D By the way... Down 140lbs :-D
  23. Luckily my plain was 2 shakes one for breakfast and lunch and a high protein LOW carb dinner. But it was still hard. I stayed home a lot. Had to constantly change the channel cus of damn food commercials. I took a lot of walks with my iPod. I did have a few days I fell off the wagon... But I got back on ASAP and remembered why I was doing this. I also was a lil scared I my doctor lol he had told me he could tell who followed the plan and who didn't and if he didn't think I was ready even on the day of surgery he wouldn't go through with it o_O good luck and STAY STRONG :-D
  24. The beginning was pretty rough for me... But every day does get better :-D I had zero interest in broths or shakes or even water. But no matter what I made sure I was drinking water. It had to be ice cold bottle water. I had a picky pouch :-) your taste might change after surgery. A shake you like now might not be able to stand after surgery. Take small sips.

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