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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by StrawberryGrl

  1. StrawberryGrl

    Newby :)

    My advice would to be gather as much information as possible! If you know anyone whose been thru the gastric or lap band, ask them questions. Start doing local searches online thru your local hospitals, especially if you have one that you go to reguarly. (that's what I did!) Plus asking your primary care physician is always a good place to start too, they can always recommend surgeons that they have worked with before. As for your insurance company, call them see what they cover, and go from there. Most insurance companys cover certain docters and hospitals, this way you will know in advance where you can and can't go. Just don't forget to write EVERYTHING down, and to document the time and person you spoke with. Good Luck with everything!
  2. StrawberryGrl

    To Tell or Not To Tell...

    As it is I'm a bit of a private person myself. Well privaite in the manner of I only told my close family and friends/co-workers, of course I had to let my upper managment of my job know. Besides that I haven't said much of anything to anyone. Personally it's not because of fear of failure but fear of being put down by those who don't approve. I didn't even tell my Mom until I had already went to the seminar and made a appointment with the surgeon! I think everyone has there own way of letting people know. I consider myself lucky, everyone I've chosen to tell has been very supportive and willing to learn.
  3. My advice is to call your insurance company directly and ask them how much they will cover and what Dr's, especially if you have a specific one in mind. Just make sure when you do call to note the time and name of the person for your records. It probably wouldn't hurt to call more then once either! Good Luck!
  4. StrawberryGrl

    Can someone please explain?!?

    Thanks so much for the help!!
  5. StrawberryGrl

    Can someone please explain?!?

    I have noticed a lot of people on here have those cute signatures from tickerfactory.com. I went to the website and tried to make one myself but it never gave me a ruler to choose from or a code to copy. Is there something I'm missing? LOL I'd love to add something cute to the bottom of my posts but have no idea how to do it. HELP!:help:
  6. StrawberryGrl

    3 Days Post Op

    I'm sorry I don't have any idea about Blue Cross. I'm covered by United Health Care and I'm not even sure about my own fills. There's normally a 1-800 on the back of your insurance card that you can call and find out. I know I will definitly be doing that in the morning. That's what I did before I even went and saw the surgeon just to make sure he, the hospital and the procedure itself would be covered!
  7. Wait! Did he tell you to take 4 days off to recover or to stay in bed and recover for 4 days? Because I would find it very hard to believe the latter. My docters and nurses were all very adament about getting out of bed ASAP and walking. My own nurse was impressed that I was able to get out of bed within an hour of being in my room, but then again I had to go to the bathroom an wasn't about to be cathed! LOL From my own experience the more you walk the better, it really helps in gettting the gas out. I can't imagine staying in bed for 4 days would ever be a good idea!
  8. StrawberryGrl

    Insurance Question

    My insruance company also covered 90% of my surgery. They required documentation from my surgeon, primary physician, nutritionist, and a phsycologist evaluation. Most of this was something that had to be submitted in letter for as to that yes I indeed needed the surgery. I also had an option of writing a letter myself telling the insurance company how haveing the surgery would benefit me. You muight want to ask your surgeons office about this. I chose not to write the letter and let the documentation speak for itself, but it may be something you want to do. Good luck!!!
  9. StrawberryGrl

    Anyone see "Big Medicine"?

    I too watch the show and I love it! I only wish my docter was as kind, compassionate and funny as the Dr Garths! They seem to both really care about their patients, which I think is awesome! I like that they do a mix of surgeries and platics within the show. Gives me some ideas on what I might have to look forward to LOL
  10. StrawberryGrl

    How much do you tip your nail tech?

    Normally my tip depends on if the same girl does both the mani and pedi. If it's the same girl then I just give her a flat $20 for tip. If it's two different women/men then I tip $10 for the mani and $15 for the pedi. In my opinion there's a lil more work involved with the pedi, especially since I always have designs added on! My mani's run about $40 and pedi's are usually anywhere betten $50-$60 depending on what designs I choose.
  11. StrawberryGrl

    3 Days Post Op

    Patty, Thanks for the great sleeping advice! I've been pretty luck and my nausea meds knock me out pretty well LOL Well at least for about 4 hours at a time. I've been able to prop myself up on pillows to sleep on my back and if I want to turn on my side I sleep with a pillow under my stomach. I bought a new bed the day before my surgery and I'm sooo glad I did now!! Egg drop soup...I can eat that?!! LOL I would be sooo happy to eat something besides broth! I've learned quickly that sugar free popsicles are my friend! Is there someplace I can get the soup recipie from, I would love to make it tonight! Thanks again! Dee
  12. While I was at the hospital I slept with ice packs on my stomach and even now at home I sit with an ice pack. I find it helps a lot with the tightness around my stomach.
  13. StrawberryGrl

    In pain

    My own surgery was Wednesday and I was told by everyone, docters and nurses alike that if I was in pain, that I needed to take my pain meds! Like they told me, there's no reason for you to be in pain at all! Depending on what they gave you it could make you drowsy but at least while you're sleeping you will healing. Putting a pillow to your chest when you cough definitly does help! Also make sure to do your breathing exercises, inbetween commercials, everytime you wake up in the middle of the night. The more you do them the better you will feel! I've also been told the coughing is actually good for you because it helps clear your lungs of the moisture. I hope this helps and you start feeling better. I'm not much farther along then you are and I am already starting to feel "normal" I'm sure you won't be far behinde! :clap2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
