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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Nel

  1. So, I vomited for the first time. Kind of just a few mouthfulls of slime....and a bit of food. I swear it tasted like stomach bile...didn't look like it...but tasted like the acid. I haven't had issues with vomiting or nausea or anything like that. I didn't feel ill today. No problems with food...just tonight it didn't agree with me. Should I be super worried that it tasted like acid?
  2. I don't have issues with sugar and juice...but right after surgery my nut made me mix it half and half with water. If you put 1/2 water and apple juice and a bit of grape flavor enhancer....it tastes like grape juice. I know...I got way carried away with juice at first.
  3. How quickly are you up and about after surgery? You should walk that night. You should be walking the halls by the next day. You'll have to get rid of all that air. Does wearing a binder or something spanx like help after surgery like it does after giving birth? Waste of money for me. I bought binders and ended up not using them. You might get some control top panties. On average how much weight do you lose the 1st month? By 3 months? This isn't answerable. You will lose as your body loses and I lose as my body loses. Period. I thought I was going to fail again. I was sure I was. BUT this surgery will work and you can just relax and let it...but you won't because we have to worry. I've lost 114 pounds in 6 1 /2 months. It seems pretty average of the Gastric Bypass. How quickly can you exercise after surgery? Again, you'll be walking that day. Just add more as you are comfortable. What are your best tips to prevent saggy skin? Do you like the skin better full of fat? Saggy skin happens because it's been stretched past max capacity for so long. It's not that bad. If I ever have enough money, I'll get a thigh lift, tummy tuck, boob lift and arm job. If not? No big deal. I look okay with my clothes on. Most will end up lumpy and bump and wiggly and jiggly. But you'll be able to move more and enjoy life. Hydrate with Water, use lotion and tone. That's all you can do. A 20 year old will bounce back better than someone in their late 30s like me and I probably came back more than someone in their late 40s. It is what it is and it's not a miracle surgery. It's a tool. I'd much rather have my jiggly bits than fat bits. My husband griped cuz my hip bone was poking him on the couch. I'm no longer "comfortable" to lounge upon. Awesome. Do cravings go away after surgery? Hunger went away for me. Not cravings. Most cravings start in your head. You have to know yourself and your triggers. I'm not a dumper. I've lost 114 pounds. If I want a mini kit kat? I eat it. If I want a cookie, I have it. I can't eat enough of it to hurt me...and you'll find some will villainize you for not being a dumper on this board. "you're sabatoging yourself!" Not really. Everything in moderation. I can have 5 M&Ms and be fine. Cuts my craving and is tiny. I eat a lot of dry Cereal as Snacks and Cheez it Zings. My absolutely favorite. I live off greek yogurt and turkey sticks, mainly. How do family & friends react as you lose weight? I haven't even begun and have gotten some odd reactions: It's odd. My mister is way more attentive and obviously attracted to me. My friends are happy for me. I have one person that I work with that is....I don't know,. Perhaps jealous. I don't allow others to determine my emotions though. And I'm HAPPY
  4. Nel


    I still haven't. I can also sleep through the night and have no issues falling asleep now. I had terrible insomnia my whole life. Darn caffeine.
  5. Nel


    I still haven't. I can also sleep through the night and have no issues falling asleep now. I had terrible insomnia my whole life. Darn caffeine.
  6. Nel

    So confused on diet :(

    Oh, and I drank A LOT of Protein shakes for the month after surgery. So gross.
  7. Nel

    So confused on diet :(

    my docs idea of full liquid was: Soup with no lumps or bumps, no exceptions yogurt remember you can have stuff if you put it through a blender. I liked refried Beans blended with salsa, cheese, sour cream and chicken broth. I ate a lot of split pea and ham soup that was blended. liquid diet means it's drinkable...not that it's clear. So mashed potatoes. Yes. I would thin them down. a lot. But yes, if they don't make you dump.
  8. Nel

    Beef patties

    I lived off meatloaf and chili in the beginning. I now eat beef patties regularly. I buy good lean hamburger. I sometimes mix turkey and hamburger half and half. I don't dump....so I usually caramelize some onions on top of a hamburger patty and dip it in ketchup. I'll dip it in beef gravy if I have it. I buy the heinz beef gravy in the jars.
  9. Nel

    Fresh fruit

    I added them and PB2. I don't dump though.
  10. I also log...but only my protein. I'm the same...I get my water and protein and everything else just really doesn't matter. When I log I end up around 800 calories pretty much every time.
  11. Nel

    ratio for MFP

    I had no idea you could change ANY of that. THANK YOU.
  12. Nel


    I personally would not have been able to do it. I had to ride back from the hospital and it took 1 1/2 hours. I was miserable. Plus, although I realize your parents divorce lasted 2 years and both had serious relationships during that time...it WAS just finalized and your surgery was scheduled first. I'm sorry to say this....but to me, to me only and I hope I don't offend, it sounds like your dad is being selfish. If it was so important that you be there, he should have checked your schedule. It's not like you have a hair appointment to dye your roots...you're having a full on gastric bypass. It's kind of a big deal.
  13. I've been in 18s for a few weeks now and I started at a tight 28. I haven't been in an 18 in 15 years at least. Some of the 18s are too big. I'm almost in a 16. It's crazy. I can feel all my bones in my shoulders and collar area. Oh, and I haven't worried about a seat belt fitting in months! And I'm not scared to talk about vacation cuz I KNOW I won't have to buy an extra seat. Psh.
  14. Nel

    Hospital now

    I hated that catheter. Please ask for something for the nausea. They have several meds. Some intravenous and some transdermal. I've had several surgeries and realize anesthesia makes me sick as a dog after. I had it set up before surgery that I be double dosed for nausea before I woke and that was a huge concern. We knew I would have vomiting from going under. Period. I couldn't walk that first night due to nausea and almost threw up but didn't, thank goodness. As for the water...I feel full all the time and it was impossible for me to get as much as they wanted me to. That said. You sit there and hold that cup and sip every minute. I watched the clock. Then once recovered, I would sit with my Tervis cup full of flavored ice water and sip. And sip. Then pretty soon I could take a drink...a NORMAL drink. I now get over 100 ounces of water a day. It will become habit for you to get your water. It just takes time. Now I feel gross if I don't drink enough fluids. The problem is that if you don't drink enough you'll get so dehydrated that you'll end up in the hospital on bagged fluids. I went hiking after 4 months. I didn't take enough water and it was a 5 hour hike. It didn't sound like 5 hours when someone said "5 mile". Ugh. I really almost died. I'm shocked that I didn't have to go to the hospital. I totally quit sweating at mile 3. I will NEVER make that mistake again.
  15. I work a desk job and went back after 3 weeks. I was tired the first week back but fine. Sitting was a little uncomfortable but okay. I think this depends a lot on your surgery, body, pain tolerance and what job you have. So it will be different with everyone. I would have preferred 5 or six weeks, I had three. I could have probably managed with two.
  16. Start sipping hot tea. As hot as you can stand it. It should soften it and force it through.
  17. Nel


    that's what I have! I also add mint when it's in season
  18. Nel


    I drink flavored water, decaf coffee, decaf spiced chai, decaf iced tea with splenda and lemon, lemon water, and cucumber water.
  19. I've also been hitting the higher end thrift stores. I'm a 16-18 right now. I had from 20-28. So now I'm out of clothes. I just dropped off 9 plastic bags of clothes to the local consignment store. Ugh. I DID buy several sweaters at that same store and one was a large. I haven't bought "large" on anything in a decade.
  20. Nel


    I take two stool softeners with a hot cup of coffee every night...edited to say that it's decaf btw
  21. Nel


    I wasn't even told to take them anytime apart. I was given percocet pill form in the hospital. I went home taking them and was never given any precautions on it. I DO drink decaf coffee whenever I take gel pills to make sure the gel gets dissolved in time. I've found my stool softener is a miracle drug if I do. Before it was hit and miss, so for me, I'll only take gel coated pills with warm liquid.
  22. I still have over half of what they prescribed me. I don't like pain pills though and sleeping all the time was worse for me than the discomfort. I took them until about day 3 out of the hospital. Then occasionally for the next week.
  23. lol, anything you can manage is part of that 64. It was impossible for me to get that much. I freaked out constantly about it.
  24. Nel

    Protein Shakes

    at unjury.com and it is low in sugar. It's the best one I've found.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
