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Everything posted by sammie4

  1. Hi everybody! After finally getting enough of my still increasing weight I found this site and decided to take the leap and join. Well, where to start?! Having been BIG all my life and having to endure everyone's pitiful looks and hurtful comments for too long, plus the immense difficulty of trying to find clothes in my size that look half way decent (like, not from the 40's or my grandma's closet) yet not having to save up money to just buy a simple shirt for almost $100 (yes, Europe is expensive and different that way!) I decided, not only for convenience and my own comfort and health reasons, to get RNY surgery. At that time my weight was 335 pounds and a clothes size of 28/30. I was on the waiting list for a bit over a year before the military hospital in NC asked for volunteers to have the surgery done laproscopically, so I did and my surgery was in the beginning of May 2005. At first everything was good, the weight dropped left and right and my excitement rose with each smaller clothing size. I did NOT turn out to become lactose intolerant (thank God! since milk is my coffee!) but red meats and rice still to this day give me trouble. I hit a small bump bout 6 months in, tossing my Cookies a lot, feeling dizzy and sick whenever I moved. That time wasn't fun, but a little later they removed my gallbladder and everything was fine and dandy again. The weight kept coming off, with me surfing a small plateau in 2007 just around 240/250 pounds, but I was still happy and not too concerned since everything was going fine otherwise. Then, about 6 months later, I started losing again, but at a much slower rate. I crept down to my lowest weight of 196 pounds in September 2008 at a great size 16!!! Gosh was I happy, feeling good, sexy as heck and couldn't wait to show off my wonderful new me in nicely fitting clothes that were purchased at a regular store in the "normal people" section. The first time I was able to do that, I had a high that lasted for a few weeks!!! Anyways, then all hell broke lose around me, my personal life fell apart, then merging to become an emotional rollercoaster with extreme highs and lows that plummeted into the loss of a child in my second trimester after being told all those years before that I wasn't able to have/carry a child of my own, yet a miracle had happened! Obviously I was devastated and am still dealing today with depression and the loss I suffered. With the pregnancy I only slightly gained a few pounds (about 10) before all hell broke lose. I lost my child and my uncle on the same day, my mother had nothing better to do than to blame me for all of it, telling me how ungrateful I am and that it is all my fault. Yes, that surely didn't help me then (or now even) so I did what I did best all those years ago: I started eating. Right around Christmas 2012 I got my act together, moved back stateside, got my meds in order but my weight kept increasing, although I went back to pretty much everything as I did before I became pregnant. Yet to this day, every month I gain about another 2-5 pounds, am back in clothes size 24 and am absolutely NOT happy, healthy or otherwise enthused about it! So, if you have bared with me this far (and I gotta apologize for my lengthy introduction), I am just putting out the question to all of you, who have had RNY successfully also, lost the weight, just to gain it back. My eating habits are the same as they were after the surgery, my thyroid levels checked out normal, yes I'm aenemic ever since the surgery but OTC meds are still the same too, and otherwise nothing else is wrong physically. So WHY am I still gaining weight back slowly but surely?!?!?!? I don't wanna go back to where I was/came from and I was perfectly fine and good in my new body sized 16/18. Does anyone have any ideas what could cause this? Any ideas on what I could do to reverse the direction again? Please let me know about your experiences, since I'm running out of ideas and clues on what's going on with me... any comments are greatly appreciated!

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