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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by mzshay35

  1. I know im waiting on my phone to ring drivn myself.crazy lol Mzshay35 RNYTalk
  2. Thanks Mzshay35 RNYTalk
  3. mzshay35

    Just got the call!

    Congrad i got aporoved today im waiting on a date Mzshay35 RNYTalk
  4. Ok i will:-) Mzshay35 RNYTalk
  5. I.have been on pills bf to regulate me didnt work lost some weight period know regular no kids yet about to have.surgery soon need to get on something quick dnt want anything implaned or weight gain.any suggestions
  6. mzshay35

    Birthcontrol ?

    Maybe thats a sign for baby #5 lol j/k thanksa Mzshay35 RNYTalk
  7. mzshay35

    June surgeries!

    Good luck !!!!!!!!!! Everybody Mzshay35 RNYTalk
  8. mzshay35

    Insurance submitted!

    Im depressed im not calln no more im in a mood Mzshay35 RNYTalk
  9. mzshay35

    Insurance submitted!

    Yea well im on a trip know the surgery has took over my mind lol Mzshay35 RNYTalk
  10. mzshay35

    Insurance submitted!

    Im a little disappointed my surgeon booked up til Aug but in the beginning the told me june or july they lied to me !!!!! Thats the only surgeon in my network wish I could change.surgeons I dnt like to be lied sad.com Mzshay35 RNYTalk
  11. mzshay35

    Surgery Dates for July

  12. Tomorrow I will hv.something I know that lol Mzshay35 RNYTalk
  13. U know wat u mean I hv been done 2wks they were suppose to send mine last week but she went on vac so she will be back tom hope I get a date Mzshay35 RNYTalk
  14. mzshay35

    3 months & 65lbs :)

    Great job I hope im that lucky Mzshay35 RNYTalk
  15. mzshay35

    Birthcontrol ?

    I want to hit my goal weight first I dnt hv any kids im all over the place my pcp dnt want me to get on any because, of blood clot shr want me to wait a few weeks after ao ima wait 4to 6 weeks u can,wait that long lol Mzshay35 RNYTalk
  16. mzshay35

    Birthcontrol ?

    Thats me not in a serious relationship so i can really wait on b/c for, know Mzshay35 RNYTalk
  17. mzshay35

    Birthcontrol ?

    Im just gonna wait because it took a year to get my period back on track I can hold out a few months after surgery to decide what to take im already nervous geesh I reallydnt need the mood swing lol Mzshay35 RNYTalk
  18. mzshay35

    come on already!

    Medcare management/hfn of illinois through my job
  19. mzshay35

    come on already!

    Awww im happy for u But next week I will have some answers
  20. mzshay35

    Pen Pals

  21. mzshay35

    Treating yourself

    When I hit my goal im gettn on a airplane taking a trip & a tattoo on my back
  22. mzshay35

    come on already!

    Im obsessed too lol
  23. My insurance approval only take a day or 2 the lady @ my surgeon office went of vac friday after she lied to me she has all my info and didnt send it over she will be bk tues still hoping for a june date if I dnt go off lol
  24. mzshay35


    Congrads im so happy for u

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