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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by terry1118

  1. terry1118

    June surgeries!

    I had straight rny. A revision is probably more involved.
  2. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I had taco meat with a little cheddar. For lunch I had a burger grilled with Cajun spices - but I chopped it in the food processor and added gravy to moisten it. Evidently I tolerate beef well. I haven't tried chicken yet.
  3. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    That's okay. People born here can't drive in ice or snow, you'd fit right in. Lol
  4. I had two shots. Not bad, tiny needles.
  5. I liked the leg compression things... felt like a massage! :-)
  6. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    :-) :-) :-) Just remember the opposite side of that coin is... Winter!!!
  7. terry1118

    I miss food!

    I started soft foods Thursday. I couldn't wait! But nothing tastes the way it's supposed to and foods are smelling bad to me. So in addition to not feeling hungry, when I do eat it tastes terrible. But maybe all that isn't such a bad thing... I certainly won't get into any trouble just feeding the 'machine'.
  8. terry1118

    Any Regrets?!

    Ditto what everyone is saying about should've done it sooner.
  9. terry1118

    how did u decide bypass ?

    My bank manager has the band, and I have to say he's done good with it, as far as weight loss goes. He's lost 140lbs. But I also see him getting sick all the time and it's affecting his work. He eats badly - when we get takeout he'll order two or three different meals and take a couple bites of each, then throw them away. It's not healthy or nutritious food. He's a good man and very sweet but he's not being smart about his health. (I think if he had RNY and experienced dumping it would make him want to eat better - but you don't dump with the band) Then, during my research, I read about people doing band to bypass conversions - there were a LOT of these. This made me think bypass might be the better option so my focus shifted solely to this. I continued to read all I could about it and seeking people out who had done it or were in the process of doing it. Then the seminar gave even more details on the options, the effects of each, and their success rates. I was able to ask the surgeon who did the seminar questions (he ended up being my surgeon). Bypass seemed by far the best option for me. It's a personal choice and it's good to be fully informed before making it.
  10. terry1118


    Thanks. I'll stay away from it for a couple weeks and try again. I found the same problem with crystal light lemonades, too. Too citrusy. :-p
  11. I'm just over two weeks out. I started soft foods two days ago. eggs are good, no trouble. Still eating my Soup with unflavored Protein because I like it, no problem. Tonight I tried seafood salad and I'm more than a little nauseous. So far I'm keeping it down but I'm not feeling good about it. Is this common when introducing foods? Should I avoid it for a while? Could it be the mayo? There are so many things I want to try, but now I'm a little leery. I really want to get my protein from actual food protein but I don't want to feel sick. (Seafood salad is not a high protein choice - I've just been craving it - I don't think I'll want it again) What kinds of foods make you nauseous and how do you handle it?
  12. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    Southeastern RI near the MA border. I'm getting a pedi in a half hour and my tootsies are freezing! :-)
  13. My visit was enjoyable. My boss at work failed his... twice! I know him so I believe it! He did get approved ultimately. He got the lapband 3-4 yrs ago and lost 140 lbs.
  14. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    Hot weather? Who has hot weather? I'm wrapped up on the couch in blankets. It's cold, wet, and raw here today and tomorrow is supposed to be a repeat of today (high 50's - really? For mid June?). It's nice to know someone, somewhere is warm. :-)
  15. terry1118

    counting down

    My stay was one night, but two full days. Surgery was around 8:30am, got to my room by 1pm, walked a bunch of times, no food or drink. Next morning from 6am - noon drank water, noon broth for lunch, 5pm dinner of cream soup and jello. Then released at 8:30pm after post-op instructions with nurse and visit from nutritionist, and last visit from surgeon.
  16. terry1118


    The weekend I came home from the Hosp I started to develops a rash on my lower belly. Tried hydrocortisone but it didn't help. Balmex eased the itching so I thought maybe it would just clear up. Over this past weekend it was spreading any getting worse. First thing Monday I called my NP who took me right away. She prescribed Fluocinonde cream, which I started using right away. Today the rash is twice as big and the itching is unbearable - I haven't slept in two nights. I've left three messages on the NP's voicemail and I've tried to call my dermatologist twice this morning. I don't much care who I see or how much I have to pay... I am miserable!!!!! I'm about ready to just head to the walk-in. :-(
  17. terry1118


    Cold and miserable, today and tomorrow. I thought I'd be spending my recovery relaxing on the deck, getting a little tanned, and walking my little dog. Nope! Shivering under blankets (with shivering little dog), watching movies and being bored. Blah!
  18. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I had 1/2 mashed meatball with extra sauce, Parmesan chz, on two saltines. Real food... Yum! :-)
  19. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    That clear broth tasted awesome for first few days. I still like it when it's cold... like today!
  20. terry1118

    Smoking Questions

    Cigarettes are powerfully addictive. I'm a non-smoker but my hubby was a smoker for six years in his late teens into early twenties. He quit cold turkey in 1981, but it was hard and he was not an easy person to be around for a while. That's 32 yrs ago - he says to this very day cigarette smoke smells so good to him! That is the power it has... Congrats to all who have stopped and wishing success to those who are still trying...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
