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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by terry1118

  1. I told immediate family- husband and adult children. I also told my manager, my supervisor, and a coworker I am close to. I was told I should have at least two support people at work who know what I'm going through just in case I get sick (dumping, nausea, bathroom issues, etc. Or heaven forbid, a real emergency situation). Aside from that I told no one else. My daughter accidentally spilled the beans to my mother-in-law, who can be super critical and ignorant. I got the usual "You did so good all those times you lost weight before! You should've done that again instead!" If I did so good why did I gain it back? Duh! And word is getting around at work - I think there has been some eavesdropping on personal conversations. That's resulting in some stupid and personal questions I put a stop to by saying "That's personal and I don't want to talk about it". And one person is now saying she wants to have surgery to get rid of the 20lbs she can't seem to lose... ((((roll eyes)))).
  2. I picked up a cheap cotton sundress. I wore it home and practically lived in it for two weeks. :-)
  3. terry1118

    Driving or Exercising?

    I was cleared to drive one week post op (as long as I wasn't taking the pain meds anymore).
  4. terry1118

    Excited but heartbroken

    Ignorance. A lot of people voice opinions with absolutely no information to back it up. People with the strongest opinions are often people who have never had a problem. They don't understand all the factors involved, physiologically and mentally. If it's someone close to you and you want support, try to educate them about rny. If you no longer have much contact with this person just let it go. YOU know what's right for you. Ignore the comments.
  5. I went back after eighteen days, no restrictions. I work in a bank and believe it or not there is lifting involved. Coin orders can be pretty heavy and my cash drawer can be heavy with rolled coin too. I order supplies and also have to put them away (including boxes of paper stock). I ask for help with the occasional heavy stuff. My doctor said if I had a job with heavy lifting, he would advise being out longer or a return with restrictions.
  6. terry1118

    I miss food!

    At work they LOVE to order out. Friday it was Chili's. So I ordered a guacamole burger, no bun, no fries. I cut the burger in two and only ate one half. The guacamole helped the burger go down easy and I didn't feel left out. Funny though, how it was so good for lunch but when I tried to eat the other half for dinner I couldn't do it. My dogs ended up with it. :-)
  7. I did not have a catheter. My surgeon doesn't do it because the surgery takes so little time he feels it's not necessary. And it didn't seem to be. Ask yours. Maybe you are worrying for nothing.
  8. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I was worried. Maybe the gravy is what helps? I chopped it up small, poured 1/4 cup gravy on it ate it slowly and carefully. And no problems...
  9. terry1118

    different goals?

    My surgeon didn't set any goals for me. I just want to feel good and be healthy. My personal thoughts on it? I felt good at 145 but that's still overweight for me (I'm 4'11"- 5' - depends on who's measuring). I'd be happy there, though. Anything lower is just frosting on the cake.
  10. I was 221 just before surgery. I was 233 immediately following surgery (same day). One week out I was back down to 221. So the answer is... 0. :-) But at 2 weeks I was down 8lbs and at 3 weeks I was down 14lbs. I'm pretty pleased about it.
  11. terry1118

    Horror stories....

    "I heard from a friend of a friend who's cousin's wife had it..." All hearsay and gossip and probably only 5% true with a lot of fill-in-the-blanks for them to juice it up. Talk to your doctor about your concerns. Maybe they can put you in touch with people who have actually done it to get their experiences first hand. And you have us. So many personal first hand experiences. For REAL. :-) People love to dramatize. I remember when I was pregnant all the horror stories people told me about giving birth. For some reason people like to frighten you. In the end each experience is different and very personal. And in the case of weight loss surgery it is very dependent upon following instructions and making life style changes.
  12. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    2-3 oz of rotisserie chicken with a little chicken gravy to moisten it even more. It's my first chicken since rny, and so far it's sitting well. My dogs helped me finish the last little bit. :-)
  13. 1 week - lost 13 lbs Water weight and reached my pre-surgery weight. 2 weeks - 8 lbs down 3 weeks - 14lbs down That's where I'm at so far...
  14. terry1118

    Pints of skim milk

    My local supermarket sells them in the milk cooler.
  15. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I had 1/2 of a guacamole cheeseburger (no bun) for lunch, no trouble. It was delicious and moist. I just tried to eat the other half for dinner but I couldn't do it. I managed 1/4 of it, then fed the rest to my dogs. :-p Funny how something can taste so good and go down so easy, and then... not.
  16. I've found them at Walmart, Target, Stop&Shop, Shaws, and a couple local family-owned grocery stores.
  17. terry1118


    No. I can't have it for one year. My doctor says there is a significant risk of liver failure if we drink alcohol in the first year following rny.
  18. terry1118

    Finally home!

    After my surgery I weighed 13lbs more. After a week I was down to pre-surgery weight and the real losing started. Give it a week or so and you'll see a difference. :-)
  19. terry1118

    Graduation & gifts

    As a former teacher's assistant I can say the gifts that I loved the most were the things thoughtfully and painstakingly hand made by the children themselves. I have kept every card, poem, artwork, and crafted gift from the kids I worked with. Those little ones are in their twenties today and I still see a lot of them (most are my son's friends). They get a kick out of seeing their old handiwork and like knowing I cared enough about them to keep these special gifts. These keepsakes are as beloved as my own children's childhood mementos. Who does not love a gift made from the heart of a child?
  20. terry1118


    I've seen it in the health food stores and in stores that sell supplements. I'm sure I saw it somewhere else, I'm trying to remember where. My nut said you can sort of reconstitute it with water to make peanut butter but I haven't tried that yet. A tip for added protein: my hubby makes peanut butter sandwiches before his workout. To boost protein he sprinkles a half scoop of vanilla whey protein on the natural peanut butter, then tops with sugar free preserves and another slice of bread.. He wraps it up and takes it with him to the gym. By the time he arrives the protein has dissolved between the PB&J. I can't eat a sandwich yet (can't have bread) but I'm going to try mixing protein powder in 2TBS of peanut butter and have it on a couple crackers.
  21. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    Sweet and spicy tuna with a little mayo. Yum!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
