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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by terry1118

  1. I have question and it is purely for curiosity's sake. First let me say that I know everyone is different. The rate we lose can be dependent on so very many factors like age, starting weight, health conditions, activity levels, nutrition, how well we follow instructions, and even how much we drink. Also, let me say I am not complaining about my weight loss. I am happy with my results so far and I am confident that I will continue my downward trend for quite some time. Now for my question: Is there any connection between slower weight loss and older post-menopausal women? I see so many that lose a LOT of weight in a relatively short period of time and others who are slow and steady by comparison (I am of the slow and steady type but 'slow and steady' was something I couldn't do before my surgery - like I said, I am NOT complaining). Or is age a factor - menopausal or not? Just curious...
  2. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I used to love leftovers but they turn me off now.
  3. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I am seriously craving veggies but never have room for them after my protein. I've made up my mind to indulge in an all veggie meal now and again. Your zucchini w/mozz and spices sounds really delicious!
  4. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    Same here. Sometimes that makes it hard to drink. It takes planning to get it all. But I was always a planner. I could go out of my way to buy junk, plan to eat it unseen, then dispose of the evidence before I got home so my husband didn't know - that takes serious planning. And I did it every day. If I could do that, I can juggle drinking, eating, and vitamins! :-)
  5. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I know that feeling. I'm terrified of dry food. Hope it passed quickly. :-(
  6. terry1118

    BBQ Smoked meats

    Can you make a sauce with spend a?
  7. terry1118

    BBQ Smoked meats

    You have a smoker? What time is dinner? :-)
  8. Funny one! My license still reads 110lbs. That was my weight in 1980! I went to 115 lbs when I married in 1982. Then I blew up like a balloon when I got pregnant with my twins in 1986. I was never small again. My original license weight never got changed - evidently no one looks at the weight on them. Lol
  9. terry1118


    I'm not a smoker but in my nurse education class they warned smokers that they test the morning of surgery. If you test positive it can push your surgery out three months. They are very serious about not smoking before surgery. The risks are real and serious. Blood clots can kill you.
  10. terry1118

    post op medication

    Popcorn "kernel" not "mental". Damn auto correct!! Lol
  11. terry1118

    post op medication

    That sucks! I broke a molar on a popcorn mental once and needed a crown - crowns are expensive! I found a way to get my calcium. I hated the chalky chewable tablets so I tried the chews and loved them! They taste like Starburst fruit chews and it feels more like having a sweet treat than a Vitamin. I bought several flavors and take two of them three times daily. :-)
  12. I'm confident it will come off and I'm very happy with how I feel and my progress. I am a post-menopausal woman with hypo-thyroidism who is almost 54yrs old. I've lost 29lbs in eight weeks and I can see a huge difference. I've gone from a tightly fitting size 22 to a comfortable fitting sz18 and hope to fit in sz16 by summer's end. I am not discouraged or impatient at all, merely curious. :-) I am curious if, among the other factors I mentioned, age or menopause has anything to do with the rate of weight loss. I see some people who lose 75-80lbs in the first few months and others who average 30-40 in the same time frame. I was wondering if there is a reason, or maybe several reasons, for the vastly different rates of weight loss. So curiosity and boredom (it's been raining) have been the reasons behind my question. :-)
  13. The restroom definitely. Some of them are so small! I'll be able to button my winter coat! And be able to bend over far enough to get my boots on. Every season will be more comfortable! I'm already noticing that I can dress more comfortable for this heat wave we're having... Surgery May 30, pre-surgery weight 233, day of surgery 221, current weight 192! Happy, happy! :-)
  14. terry1118


    I was told no alcohol for a year. Our livers are working overtime to clear toxins that are released with quick weight loss. Alcohol on top of that can cause liver failure. So I was told by my team... I would caution you to talk to your doctor first. If your doctor has no problem with it, then by all means, celebrate. If they say no, listen. They have reasons for the restrictions they give. Personally, I think it's not worth the risk...
  15. terry1118

    Ice Water Hurts

    I prefer warm. You know when you leave your water bottle in the car on a hot summer day for a few hours and it gets really warm? Yup! That's how I like it...
  16. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    The important thing is you're okay now...
  17. terry1118

    Clean closet

    It's very helpful to have a wardrobe to go through on your way down. I have what you have. If/when I get smaller than a fourteen I plan to have a LOT of fun shopping! I may even need to take out a loan... Lol
  18. terry1118

    Did you tell anyone?

    I was told I needed a support system both at home and at work. So I told my husband and daughters at home. I told my manager and supervisor and one coworker at work. I told no one else. My daughter accidentally spilled the Beans to my mother in law, who has a gift for appearing to be supportive while slapping you down at the same time. If you call her on it she somehow comes off looking innocent and you look mean and vindictive. A busybody at work somehow found out what type of surgery I had while I was out and proceeded to blab to anyone with ears. I caught her telling people, gave her a piece of my mind, reported her to my manager, and filed a complaint with HR for invasion of privacy. But now everyone knows. Most people at work are discreet and respectful. I mainly didn't want the bigmouth to know because she is a terrible gossip - what she doesn't know, she makes up. She is the only downside to my job. So now it's no secret but it is what it is. I just wanted to avoid negative comments about something that is very personal and nobody's business but my own.
  19. I was told my insurance will pay if it is an issue.
  20. I'm hoping to have skin removal in a couple years. I need to lose all my weight and keep it of for a while first. I get rashes all the time. I'm going to document each and every one and, though I usually self treat them, I plan to see my doctor occasionally for it so I'll have proof it is an issue.
  21. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    What don't you like about Greek yogurt? When was your surgery? If you're far enough out you can doctor up the yogurt to make it more tasty. I used to buy blueberry chobani and add a quarter cup of frozen blueberries (let it sit for 10-15 mins to thaw the berries and the cold thickens the yogurt a little). Then I added a quarter cup of Bear Naked granola. It was delicious!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
