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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by terry1118

  1. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    What about spaghetti squash? Would that be a good alternative? I bet it would be good with pesto. I make it with a meat sauce (I use ground turkey) and some Parmesan cheese. I haven't had it since my surgery.
  2. terry1118


    I don't have a name for my pouch, either. But if I did it would be "honeybunch" or "psycho bitch" depending on what's going on. Lol
  3. terry1118

    That moment when...

    I still order out on Fridays at work (In my bank Fridays are ten hour days with one break for lunch). And I do throw out most of it. But all those quick stops throughout the day to buy junk? Like doughnuts, pastry, chocolate, kfc, Coolattas, and chips? No more. Now when I go out I take my little lunch box with small-portioned healthy snacks and/or meals. I'm probably saving $10-15 a day. Now I can put all that money to good use. I bought a Makowsky purse Sunday. It was on clearance for a fraction of it's original price (but still higher than I've ever paid for a purse!) and I figured I saved enough money just in the last two weeks to justify the splurge! :-)
  4. terry1118

    Frustrated w/ Slow Loss

    I'm a "slow" loser, too. But I AM losing! I've lost 32lbs in 9 weeks. I feel good, my back pain is almost gone, my knees and feet don't ache, I have more energy, I've gone from a sz22 to an sz18 and tossed out four bags of big clothes (and hope to never see them again), and I'm happy! Everyone is different! Don't judge your progress by what another person has done. You'll always be disappointed. Stop focusing on what you SEE on the scale and focus on how you FEEL. How do your clothes fit? Can you walk more? Do you feel better about yourself? Celebrate your own progress and successes! Set your own goals and enjoy the victories. Would you be losing if you hadn't had surgery? I'm sure the answer is 'no' or you wouldn't have done it. Look forward to the future... imagine how it'll be 3, 6, or 12 months from now! You are only in the beginning of your transformation!
  5. terry1118


    And stopping caffeine gives you a headache for about a week. Best to get that over with before surgery. You don't want to have a constant dull headache on top of the normal first week discomfort.
  6. terry1118

    protein shakes

  7. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    Ditto! I wish I could vomit. If I could it probably wouldn't take 2-3 miserable hours to feel better!
  8. terry1118

    If Not Food Then What?

    "Co morbid irises". I've got lots of irises - where can I get that one for my garden? Lol
  9. terry1118


    And does it have caffeine? I found that when I gave up coffee in April, I started sleeping through the night. I hadn't slept through the night without help in YEARS. I may never do caffeine again! :-)
  10. terry1118


    Where do you buy the "chike" Protein?
  11. terry1118


    I've lost 32 lbs since surgery on May 30, for a total of 44 lbs (I lost 12 lbs before surgery ). I have trouble eating what I should. I've had a few episodes of food getting stuck (VERY unpleasant!), so I'm super cautious of quantity, texture, and timing. Sometimes I have to make a choice between drinking or eating, since I can't do both during my lunch time at work. And I'm never hungry so if I get busy I just forget to eat. I'm still trying to get all my fluid AND my protein in each day. I don't get both every day but I'm working on it. Overall I'm happy with my results so far. I've gone from a tight-fitting 22 to a comfy fitting 18. My back pain is almost gone and my knees and feet don't hurt anymore. I feel like I look better so my self confidence is improved. I feel good! I hate summer - too hot - and am looking forward to enjoying the Fall this year. It's my favorite season. :-)
  12. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    Smoked salmon with Cajun spices, and 1/4c three bean salad. Salmon made me nervous - it's similar in texture to tuna - but I took little bites and chewed very carefully. Delicious! :-)
  13. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    Smoked salmon with Cajun spices, and 1/4c three bean salad. Salmon made me nervous - it's similar in texture to tuna - but I took little bites and chewed very carefully. Delicious! :-)
  14. terry1118

    rash? help!

    I had a rash right after my surgery, too. I was so itchy that I couldn't sleep or wear anything except a loose dress. It started on my lower belly and eventually covered the whole area. I saw the PA twice and the surgeon once. At first they thought I was allergic to the internal sutures. Then they thought it might be bacterial. Then they had no clue. They gave me several different prescription creams that made it worse. Then I developed more rash on my thighs, my arms, and the small of my back. They sent me to a dermatologist who guessed that I was having an allergic reaction to something related to the surgery so he prescribed yet another cream to try and THAT didn't work either. I stopped using all the crap they gave me and ended up taking children's Benedryl liquid and using Benedryl cream. I got the most releif from those. After two weeks the itching eased up and after about three weeks it was gone. Good luck!
  15. terry1118

    Hanging stomach/depressed!

    And a funny side note: My girls keep telling me I don't have to look good - I'm married! Lol
  16. terry1118

    Hanging stomach/depressed!

    You are doing awesome! Could you have lost 60lbs in five months BEFORE surgery? I think not or you would not have chosen surgery! Be happy and be patient, you'll lose more. I'm 53 and I'm also losing slower compared to others, but I'm very happy with my progress. I've lost 32lbs in two months but though I tried and tried I couldn't do that before my surgery either! And by normal standards 32lbs is VERY good! More importantly, I am feeling great! Back pain is easing up, knees and feet don't hurt anymore, I'm becoming more active, and I like getting dressed now - I have so many more options that fit and I feel pretty! Like you, I have loose, hanging skin. It became a problem when I got pregnant with twins 28 years ago - I carried two full size babies full term, and then I had a 10 1/2 pound boy a couple years later! Being overweight after the kids were born only made things worse. But clothes hide it well and maybe someday I can fix it, who knows? In the meantime I'm enjoying the ever-changing new me! :-)
  17. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    It's constant battle for me to manage all my liquids and my food and my vitamins and my thyroid meds. It's usually more of an issue at work when I get busy because I don't drink enough and then at lunch I can't drink with my food. I try to compensate by drinking more when I'm driving to and from work. If I don't get enough to drink before bed I get up a half hour earlier the next morning to drink and watch the news - it's working well and it's very relaxing before the start of my hectic day. As far as food goes, I'm getting my protein but not much else. I'm trying to add soft veggies to my meal but can't eat very much after my protein. I'll have one steamed cauliflower or broccolli floret or 6-8 pieces of cut string beans. I'm only two months out and can't have stringy or fibrous veggies yet.
  18. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    Give it a while and try again. I have no issues with fish - it's actually the only thing I'm not afraid to eat and I do well with it. Tuna on the other hand? THAT is my kryptonite! Tuna terrifies me! I bought some smoked salmon w/Cajun spices. Sounds yummy but I'm afraid to try it. Maybe tomorrow...
  19. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    Make it happen! Go to a party, out to dinner or to a show (and I don't mean movie), go to a wine tasting, or see a local band perform anywhere fun! In our town locals are always performing in coffee shops and community centers. There's even a berry farm that sponsors free concerts each week on their property. :-) Buy that dress!
  20. terry1118

    Progress so far-picture

    You look awesome! And happier!
  21. Love, love, love the Wasabi! It's got a delicious "Zing".
  22. terry1118

    Vitamin Help

    I take my thyroid pill before bed. It's the only time that the other things don't interfere with. :-)
  23. terry1118


    I can't throw up either. I suffer 2-3 hours of pain, nausea, gagging, and occasionally bringing up gobs of foamy spit. This has happened four times so far, twice with tuna (tuna terrifies me now), once with overcooked fish, and yesterday with takeout egg drop Soup (weird). think if I could only throw up I'd feel better.
  24. terry1118

    Soda stream

    Carbonation is also painful.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
