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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by terry1118

  1. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    Make it seafood... Toss in some salad shrimp, too! :-)
  2. terry1118

    Laughing Cow - OMG!

    I eat them right off the wrapper. Yum! :-)
  3. terry1118

    omg my boobs :((((

    Yup! 38 Long pretty much describes them. Lol It's still better than being a 5' tall size 22. :-p
  4. terry1118

    Peanut butter

    It's as true now as when she first said it! :-)
  5. terry1118

    Prescribed Post Op Meals?

    If that's for Optifast it's crazy expensive! I did the Optifast diet through a Providence hospital for about 9 months. It only cost me between $65 and $90 per week, depending on how much mix and ready-to-use I bought. There was a one time fee of $900 for the program (weekly visits with a nutritionist, a councilor, and a physical therapist) that I was able to pay for with my FSA. BCBS paid for my biweekly doctor visits, weekly PA visits, and all my labs. I lost 80lbs but gained it back over three years (silver lining? BCBS paid for it so I had an undisputable documented failed weight loss - an insurance requirement for my weight loss surgery.) All I had to pay out of pocket for my RNY was $500 for three educational workshops pre-op and unlimited group meetings post-op.
  6. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I had 1/2 cup of fresh, creamy clam chowder. :-)
  7. terry1118

    Peanut butter

    I love those little packets. I keep one in my luchbox, along with other non-perishable healthy options. That lunch box goes everywhere with me.
  8. terry1118

    Peanut butter

    Lol :-)
  9. I threw up for the first time tonight. I had some fish around 7:30. Then I painted for two hours (customer needs it by tomorrow). I finished, came downstairs, and took my doxicycline. I immediately started gurgling and churning, and then the pain and nausea kicked in. This time I threw up dinner and my pill. It's an hour later, I just took a drink, and I'm gurgling again. Now I have to wait for it to ease up so I can go to bed. :-( I think tomorrow will be a Protein shake and Soup day...
  10. terry1118

    Super Nervous. (mini-rant)

    That will go away in time. You need to look at yourself in the mirror more to get used to seeing yourself as you are now. I do understand what you mean. We're changing so fast our minds can't keep up. Thursday I was going through my jeans looking for something to wear for dress down at work. I pulled out some things that were to small for me a while back and I looked at them and thought 'no way are these going to fit'. And they did! Not only that, but some were even too big! I can't judge my size anymore! It's a good thing... :-)
  11. terry1118

    Peanut butter

    I eat a little peanut butter w/lentil crackers.
  12. terry1118

    In Pain!

    Pain meds also have an effect on how you feel. They help you manage pain but they also make you sluggish, tired, and maybe a little unsteady - hence the driving restriction. Recovering from surgery you are weak and need time to heal. The first week I walked my driveway as much as I could manage (150ft long). My doctor encouraged climbing stairs, too. It's a safe activity with a railing to hold onto. Once you are done with the meds you will feel more lively. Later on, adding soft foods will help feel even better. By my fourth day I was feeling well enough to be taking my pain meds only at night. After a week I didn't need them anymore. But everyone is different - take yours as long as needed. Be easy on yourself this first couple weeks - you're healing. Do what you can and rest when you need to. :-)
  13. terry1118


    Beware of kernels. I never eat popcorn anymore. I cracked a molar on a kernel about ten years ago. A double root canal, a crown, and $2400. Too expensive for me...
  14. terry1118

    Pudding Pops

    I used to make homemade pudding pops and yogurt pops for my kids when they were little (tight budget). I used small Dixie cups for the mold. Kids loved them and budget loved them. :-)
  15. terry1118

    Upset stomach

    I'm not a puker either. I haven't dumped yet, but if I eat something too fast or too dry I get that horrible 'stuck, gurgly' feeling. When that happens activity helps it pass faster. At work I'll pace the hallway. At home I'll cut the grass. :-)
  16. terry1118


    Good point. Totally forgot that corn is a starchy, sugary grain. I'm not supposed to have it anyway. I'm a rule-follower so no corn for me. I'll still make my Thanksgiving recipe for everyone but I'll make a small amount w/o corn for myself.
  17. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    Does anyone have a good chili recipe? I'm liking chili a lot but I don't really like to eat canned food - too much crap added in! I'm more of a homemade person but I've never made chili before.
  18. terry1118

    Full feeling HELP!

    Eat very slowly and try eating less. 1/4 instead of 1/2 cup, and take a minute or two between spoonfuls. I was supposed to have three meals and one snack but I couldn't eat very much and was concerned. My nut told me it would be okay to eat six smaller meals instead so I did that for a while. It worked well for me at that time. Keep in mind that not only did you have major surgery to rearrange your insides, you are also healing. That small pouch is swollen so treat it gently. As you heal the swelling goes down and you can eat a little more and with less discomfort. Listen to you doc but also listen to your body. Small steps...
  19. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    Turkey chili. Safe food. :-)
  20. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    I've been bringing down smaller and smaller clothes from my attic. I've already gotten rid of bunches of jeans and slacks, some without even getting a chance to wear them. I have clothes down to sz14 - if I get lower than that I'm going to have to make my husband do a few side jobs so I can go shopping! :-) The future is looking bright for the first time in years...
  21. terry1118


    I wonder if it would be okay if you chop up the corn in a food processor to make the pieces smaller? It should be more digestible, or at least be able to pass easier. I, too, have a favorite recipe that includes corn - I'm required by family to make it EVERY Thanksgiving. :-)

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