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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by terry1118

  1. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I was curious about this too. You would think you could, but brown rice takes twice as long as white rice to cook. Has anyone tried it?
  2. terry1118

    MULTI vitamin STUCK

    My team recommends chewables for life so vitamins are never an issue. My daily capsule of doxycycline is a different story. I have to drink a lot and stay upright (standing) for at least a half hour or it becomes a painful problem.
  3. terry1118

    Food stuck!

    Drinking works for me too. I couldn't seem to bring the food up when it got 'stuck'. I've been suffering through it, sometimes for 3-5 hours. The last bad one I had (lasted over five hours) and I was so thirsty that I tried to drink and that made the food come up almost immediately. It was a revelation! Now if the feeling doesn't clear itself up within one hour I drink water and up it comes. :-)
  4. terry1118


    Holy guacamole! Pretty dress, great price! :-)
  5. It's funny... I was thinking about this just this morning. Before my surgery I was in the same boat (and mentioned it here), but it was because everything was too small. At that time I had only one pair of work slacks and one pair of jeans that fit. I was line drying my jeans so they wouldn't shrink - now I throw things in the dryer HOPING they'll shrink! Happy, happy, happy! :-)
  6. Thanks! I love it! :-)
  7. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I have not made porcupine meatballs in years! I had totally forgotten about them...
  8. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    Fish. It went down. Three hours later it came back up. :-(
  9. terry1118


    I would have to say that's great! As you can see it's not all about the number of pounds lost in such-and-such amount of time. It's about feeling better, being healthier, and all those rewarding personal milestones we reach along the way. Things like fitting into a size you haven't worn in years, being more comfortable on an airplane, enjoying a vacation, actually doing something with family or friends instead of just watching, painting your own toes, wearing a bathing suit, losing the back-boobs, saying goodbye to plus size departments and hello to attractive clothes, having more confidence, liking yourself again, looking forward to the future, feeling joy, having hope, and on and on... :-)
  10. terry1118


    I would have to say that's great! As you can see it's not all about the number of pounds lost in such-and-such amount of time. It's about feeling better, being healthier, and all those rewarding personal milestones we reach along the way. Things like fitting into a size you haven't worn in years, being more comfortable on an airplane, enjoying a vacation, actually doing something with family or friends instead of just watching, painting your own toes, wearing a bathing suit, losing the back-boobs, saying goodbye to plus size departments and hello to attractive clothes, having more confidence, liking yourself again, looking forward to the future, feeling joy, having hope, and on and on... :-)
  11. terry1118

    Home remedies...

    I don't know if it's the same, similar, or totally different but check out krill oil. The capsules are pretty small.
  12. terry1118


    Well said. You get used to it, like brushing your teeth or showering. It becomes part of your routine. It's for life. It's all in the attitude - think positive. I'm happy to take my vitamins, fluids and Protein because it keeps me healthy and feeling good as I lose weight. It will keep me healthy and active in the future. I didn't go through all this to be sickly and feeling bad. The only thing I don't care for is the Calcium. I buy several different flavors of the chewables and mix them all together. That way I don't get sick of one flavor.
  13. terry1118

    incision infected?

    I had one that did that too. It never acted like a real infection and went away before I saw my doctor so I never asked.
  14. My surgery was on a Thursday. I worked all day, then cooked a bunch of food for my husband. The weekend before I cleaned my house top to bottom, did all my laundry, and cut the grass.
  15. I'm over three months out now. I've been worried about hair loss because I have baby fine hair that looks thin (my hairdresser says I actually have a lot of hair but it's so fine it doesn't look like it). So now every morning when I shower I'm checking the drain and wondering "Is there more than yesterday?" I also check my hairbrush to see if there might be more hair than usual. I imagine I see a difference but it's subtle so I'm not sure. My hair is cut short (bob) and ruler-straight. I take Biotin, use gentle hair products, never blow dry or chemically treat my hair, and I work hard to get all my Protein. I'm losing steadily but not too fast and had an uneventful surgical experience so I'm hoping that it is less stressful for my body. My team says hair loss is not a common complaint among their patients. I'm really, really hoping to dodge this particular WLS effect.
  16. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    That looks amazing! Recipe? :-)
  17. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I'll look for them when I do my shopping this weekend. :-)
  18. terry1118


    Why are you eating bad? Is it because you don't know what will make you sick? Or do you want foods you shouldn't eat even though they make you sick?
  19. terry1118


    I bought Probiotics after someone mentioned that it helped w/constipation. I managed to get the pill down (it was fairly large) but it didn't feel too good. I figured I'd try them again in the future...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
