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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by terry1118

  1. terry1118

    Sugar free ice cream?

    Does it have any Protein?
  2. terry1118

    Sugar free ice cream?

    A better choice would be Healthy Choice frozen Greek yogurt. Low sugar, low fat, and 4gr protein. After surgery it's even more important to avoid empty calories - we can eat so little we really need to make every bite count. I go for anything w/protein - the more the better. And I like that it comes in little hoodsie-cup sized cups. I eat one and done. No chance of eating more than the single serving.
  3. I took two weeks but could've gone back after one. I had minimal pain, no complications, and a quick recovery. I'm a bank teller. I'm on my feet all day but it didn't bother me. I wasn't overly tired or anything. Everyone is different. Some people seem to have more pain than others, or are tired all the time, or are dealing w/nausea. Plan on taking whatever amount of time your doctor recommends. You can always go back sooner if you feel up to it and he clears you. I would just suggest one thing when do return to work. Don't introduce new foods while you're there. I made that mistake twice and spent several hours sick with the 'foamies'. The first time I missed two hours of training on our new computer system because of tuna. Embarrassing! The second time my coworkers were ordering Chinese and I didn't want to be left out. I thought egg-drop Soup would be a safe bet. I was wrong. :-p Plan your meals, drink your fluids, obey your doctors instructions, listen to your body, and you'll be fine. :-)
  4. terry1118

    Yoplait greek VS Chobani Greek Yorgurt

    The Chobani Little Champions are the perfect size for post-op. They're smaller and easier to finish a whole one. But, on the down side, there are very few flavors available.
  5. terry1118

    Yoplait greek VS Chobani Greek Yorgurt

    Found the Dannon today at Stop&Shop in peach and cherry. It seems like a better choice - higher protein; lower sugar. My new yogurt! :-) Yoplait Greek - 10gr protein; 9gr sugar Dannon Greek - 12gr protein; 7gr sugar (Light&Fit)
  6. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    This sounds good, I'll have to try it. I'm getting tired of cottage cheese w/fruit.
  7. It sounds like you have a good, supportive husband behind you. I'm sure he'll be a great help to you when you need it. Think of this as a Christmas gift you are giving to yourself, your husband, and your daughter. For yourself it's the gift of good health, stamina, long life, and self-confidence. For your husband it's the gift of a more active, happier wife (looking better and feeling sexier is a bonus!). For your daughter it's the gift of a healthier mom who can play with her and be an active part of her life for many, many years to come! And I also had an easy time of it after surgery. Little pain, no complications, quick recovery! Good luck to you! :-)
  8. terry1118

    Not feeling full

    Four months out and I still don't feel full in the normal pre-op sense. I don't know if I ever will. I eat a measured amount of food each meal. Sometimes I can eat it all and sometimes I can't. For me it depends on the consistency of the food - soupy or soft I can eat more, thick or chunkier I can eat less. When I can't eat it all, I feel satisfied and disinterested. Sometimes I feel a slight pain or pressure below but between my breasts - I've learned the hard way, at that point even one more bite will make me sick. Not dumping-sick, but food backing up into your esophagus-sick - otherwise known as the dreaded 'foamies'.
  9. terry1118

    Yoplait greek VS Chobani Greek Yorgurt

    This brand is my favorite too! It's the only one that I've seen in peach - my current favorite. The Yoplait has less sugar than the Chobani which is the main reason for my choosing Yoplait. I'm not sure about the Dannon. I'll have to check it out when I buy more yogurt today. In a pinch I've eaten Chobani - even w/a little more sugar (still in the 'safe' range) it's not an issue and Chobani has some interesting flavors the others don't. :-)
  10. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    You'll do fine! Public speaking is nerve-wracking but people never realize how nervous you really are. :-) I'm starting to fit into some 14's too. I'm only 5' tall so that's not tiny but I feel great. I've been eying the 12's when I shop now. I even bought a sz12 pair of jeans yesterday. Maybe by the end of the month they'll fit (definitely by Thanksgiving!) And could it really be possible to be a sz10 by New Years? I've never been in single digits but... maybe next year? :-)
  11. terry1118

    Loving this feeling :)

    I felt the same way. Glad you're feeling great! :-)
  12. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years Eve! I'm looking forward to the holidays this year - dressing up for Halloween at work and not looking like the great pumpkin, cooking Thanksgiving dinner for our whole family, Christmas parties and hosting Christmas dinner (and my son being home for Christmas for the first time in two years!), and maybe going out for New Years Eve instead of eating buffalo wings and mozzarella sticks while watching a rented movie! And I plan to have a 'little black dress' for the first time ever! Right now I'm four months out and still have no appetite. Candy, cakes, pastry (formerly my kryptonite) doesn't tempt me at all. I can bake my famous Cookies and quick breads and I don't want to devour it. food of any kind? I could take it or leave it. I feed the machine, and have to try not to forget to do even that. I'm hoping that feeling lasts a long, long time! My surgeon said it might be permanent which would be okay by me. So my question is - How long DOES it last? Has anyone had problems w/the holidays? If so, how did you deal w/it?
  13. terry1118

    Pre pre-op

    Good for you! I think It's a good idea. It shows determination to make it work and a willingness to make a change in your life. And it could jump start your weight loss. My program didn't require a pre-op liquid diet. I started one anyway 2 weeks before my surgery. I figured anything I could lose before would be that much less I'd need to lose after. I lost 8 pounds.
  14. terry1118

    Blueberry Muffin - Minimal Dumping

    Sugar free cookies are as bad for you as cookies w/sugar in them. Whenever they remove an ingredient they replace it w/something just as bad. If you really need to snack try something w/protein in it so you're getting SOMETHING out of it. Beanitos (like Tostitos) are tasty and I buy a snack from Faunce Corner Nutrtion that looks like Cheerios but comes in sour cream and onion flavor and has 12gr of Protein. Yummy! I keep then in my car for when I'm out and feeling the pull of my old bad habit of eating crap. Have you considered getting healthier Snacks for your daughter? It would be better for her and you won't be tempted. There are a lot of tasty healthy options out there - healthy doesn't have to taste blah. One of my biggest regrets is exposing my daughters to my poor eating habits and bad food choices. I set a terrible example that they both followed. They struggle w/weight issues as adults now. You'd be doing your daughter and yourself a favor. :-)
  15. terry1118

    If I was a millionair....

    Me four! I like where I live but I'd like to be able to afford the taxes...
  16. terry1118

    Spinach on soft foods

    Same here. Always follow YOUR team's rules.
  17. terry1118

    Sad day

    I'm sitting here waiting for the vet to come and put my dog to sleep. Her kidneys are failing and she has a host of other health issues, too. It's time to do the right thing (but so hard!). We adopted Tally, our Dachshund, 14 years ago at the age of one. She's a beautiful, funny girl and we had all those good years with her. She's terrified of her vet's office so I have a mobile vet coming to the house in a half hour. She can die as peacefully as possible while I am holding her. Poor sweet little Tallybelle. :-(
  18. terry1118

    Returning to work

    Same here. One would have been good.
  19. 2/13/13 Starting weight - 233 5/30/13 Surgery weight - 221 9/30/13 Current weight - 162
  20. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    Yogurt. Not too hungry tonite.

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