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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by terry1118

  1. terry1118

    Getting pissed

    Sashalk, my company ordered pizza for us on Friday in honor of the World Series. I ate the cheese and toppings off one slice - craving satisfied. :-)
  2. terry1118

    Everything tastes metallic?

    In my personal experience, ketosis doesn't cause food to taste funny. I did Atkins for a year and used test strips daily to check for ketosis, so I know my body was in it. I had no changes in taste whatsoever. Everything tasted fine. The smallest bit of carb rich food bumps you out of ketosis so most of us aren't experiencing it - if we are it's for very short periods of time. Bad food tastes are a side-effect of the surgery but ketosis doesn't explain it. :-)
  3. I'm five months out. I only have a short list of foods that I can tolerate. I'm okay with it. Everything is going good - I'm losing steadily and I feel good. I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing.
  4. terry1118

    Everything tastes metallic?

    I had those issues w/food for about a month post-op. Nothing smelled or tasted 'right'. Eventually it went away. But even now, five months later, I'm picky about food. My likes and dislikes have changed. I'll think I want something but when I have it it's just 'eh'. I see it as a good thing - food no longer controls me. :-)
  5. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    The walk was great! It was cold in the wind - Colt State Park in Bristol RI is on the Water - but the day was so beautiful, as were the views. And occasionally the walkway dipped below the been and then it was warm. Then I went shopping. I have a new problem but it's one I don't mind. All the clothes I tried on were too big. Even some of the next size down were too big. I'm getting into mediums! Then I came home and cut the grass, which I enjoy. All in all, it was a good day. :-)
  6. terry1118

    Favorite meals

    My safe foods (that I also enjoy) Homemade turkey meatballs Homemade chili w/beans Spicy re-fried Beans Spicy Hummus Baked beans Pea soup Tilapia Salmon Greek yogurt Cottage cheese w/low sugar fruit Natural Peanut Butter w/lentil crackers Broccoli w/cheddar Ham and swiss lunchables (I only eat half the crackers) Chowder - seafood, fish, or clam I found a recipe for 'Buffalo Balls' - turkey meatballs w/blue cheese crumbles cooked in buffalo sauce. They sound awesome (I love spicy food). I'll be trying them tonite for the game. If they sit well it'll be my substitute for hot wings. :-)
  7. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    I have a charity walk today. I'm sure it'll be no problem. If anything prevents me from finishing it won't be my stamina - it'll be my back. I've been stacking firewood for winter and my back is punishing me for the abuse. I'm looking forward to the walk, though. I'm going with four coworkers whose company I enjoy. It should be fun! :-)
  8. terry1118


    There are bad stories about everything from root canals to childbirth. It's good to understand what can possibly go wrong so you can be prepared for the possibility. It seems to me that most experiences are overwhelmingly positive, as mine was. After researching rny, I went to my insurance's website to see if it was covered (it was) and if so what the requirements were. At the bottom of the page it was recommended that the insured find an EXPERIENCED surgeon because there is a 'learning curve' - their exact words. You have so much to live for and so much to look forward to. It's good that you are choosing to be healthier and more active now, while your child is young, so you can make happy memories for you both. Good luck to you! :-)
  9. terry1118


    My doctor doesn't do a catheter for a surgery of such a short duration. They told me it only takes 1 - 1 1/2 hrs. Some doctors do drains but mine didn't. I don't know what determines if you get one. Maybe you should ask your doctor or his PA? They would be your best reliable source of info for what YOU can expect. Best of luck to you!
  10. terry1118


    Three is fairly independent. Make her your nurse. She'll love taking care of you. :-)
  11. terry1118


    I had no issues either. 2 days, 1 night in the hospital. Little pain, quick recovery, stopped pain meds 4 days out. I didn't even have fatigue - I cut the grass in my 1 1/2 acre yard after nine days, same as I always did. Went back to work at two weeks but could've in one. I have six very small incisions (soon to be more when my gallbladder comes out in Dec). I didn't have a drain or a catheter. The most uncomfortable thing I experienced in the whole process was the gas pains a couple days out and a strange itchy rash on my belly that they decided was some sort of allergic reaction to something surgery-related (they could never figure out what). All in all, it was no big deal. :-)
  12. terry1118

    4 days out and scared!

    It's my understanding that the camelback valve system prevents you from getting air, so no need to change anything. I bought one pre-op because of that (but didn't use it so I returned it).
  13. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    A little buffalo chicken salad. I feel 'gurgly' - not a good sign! I keep trying chicken, I don't know why. I should know better...
  14. terry1118

    4 days out and scared!

    I gained 12lbs, it was gone in a week. It was hard learning to juggle liquid, protein, and vitamins. In the beginning the only thing I had success with was vitamins - everything else fell way short. Liquid is the most important to avoid dehydration but it's hard to get what you need at first. The protein happens gradually over time. Take it slow. Drink, make everything you eat count, get vitamins on a schedule that works for you. Walk as often as you can. Give yourself time - the liquid and protein will gradually increase as you heal. :-)
  15. terry1118

    out of pocket with insurance

    $500 workshops not covered by insurance. $250 deductible $40 co-pay, only one so far That's about it. :-)
  16. terry1118


    The printed word can sometimes be misunderstood because, unlike when we talk in person, you can't hear the 'tone' of the words. You can't tell if someone is being funny, sarcastic, angry, or happy. Some people don't have the vocabulary to say what they really mean and use words or phrases that mean something else entirely, completely unintentionally. We have to be understanding and overlook these types of things that may be purely innocent. Some people 'tell it like it is', or think they do. What it really is, is an opinion. Opinions are just that - opinions. It's what a person thinks and it isn't always (maybe even RARELY) based on fact. Opinions are just one person's perception of a thing. Sometimes the person who 'tells it like it is' can make you see something in a way you didn't consider before. It can be a good thing. And then there are 'trolls'. These are people who like to stir up trouble by deliberately making comments that offend or anger others. Then they sit back and watch the sparks fly. One board that I belonged to was almost destroyed by 'trolls' making offensive comments in a 'hit and run' fashion. The best defense against 'trolls' is to ignore them. They want a reaction - don't give them one. A lot of people here genuinely want to help by sharing their experiences, offering encouragement, and celebrating successes (their own and yours). At times we seek advice and sometimes sympathy from others who have already gone through things that we find bewildering. It's comforting to know things will improve and get tips to cope with our problems. What all of the above have in common is that they are all comments made by people we have never met and likely never will. Whether positive or negative, you are the one who chooses what to read and when/if to respond. Just ignore what you don't like and enjoy the rest. You don't need to abandon the whole board. There is WAY more positive here than negative! :-)
  17. terry1118

    Okay how bad am I?

    I was always the office supplier of food, especially on Friday which is an 11 hour workday. Candy, homemade quick breads, cakes, and cookies - there was always a supply on the counter. I still do it on occasion because I like to bake but there's no one at home anymore to eat it. When I do my coworkers claim I am making them bigger so I will look smaller (but they enjoy it). Lol. I try not to do it as often as I used to and on occasion I make or buy healthier options. I don't want to tempt anyone else to over-indulge and I don't want to tempt myself. NO ONE needs a lot of junk food. :-)
  18. terry1118


    It sounds like he was proud and very happy for you! A lot of men don't understand how women feel about weight. I would say that if you didn't clearly tell him what not to share you should just let it go. To avoid it in the future explain to him what is acceptable to make public and what you'd like to remain private. Then celebrate! :-)
  19. I surpassed my Protein goal for today by 20gr... first time EVER. :-) Now to tackle my fluids...
  20. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    Does anyone else find themselves gravitating to the plus sizes by force of habit? I do it a lot. Then I catch myself and head to petites! Still can't get over me in petites! :-)

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